Toddler Daily Schedule
Parenting,  Toddler

My 21-Month-Old Toddler Daily Schedule

We all know that children thrive off of having some sort of daily schedule or routine which is why I knew I needed a daily schedule for my 21-month-old toddler.

Not only does it create structure and provide guidance, but it also just makes your day go by a lot smoother.

As a stay-at-home mom, having a toddler daily schedule for my daughter is so crucial in order for both of us to thrive during the day.

I won’t be the first to say it, but toddlers are crazy and unpredictable.

They are full of so much energy and think they can do everything by themselves until they realize that they can’t reach something that they want.

This is exactly why your toddler needs a daily schedule.

There is a good chance that your toddler probably has somewhat of a routine that they do every day.

For instance, they probably get hungry and sleepy around the same time every day.

This is great information to have because then you can plan around it and possibly avoid a meltdown even though there is no exact strategy to completely avoid a meltdown.

Oh, how I wish there was.

But having a daily routine can at least help minimize some of those times by giving them something to look forward to.

My daughter recently just turned 21 months and this toddler daily schedule is what we currently have her on and it has been working since she was about 18 months old.

If you have an 18-month-old, this schedule might work for yours as well.

With all that being said, let’s get into my 21-month-old toddler’s daily schedule.

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Toddler daily schedule

My 21-Month-Old Toddler Daily Schedule

8:30-9:00 AM: Wake Up

So my daughter loves to sleep.

She is not that kid to wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning.

Now when she was a baby, she was up that early and our days would usually start that early.

But as a toddler, she likes to sleep in and I am not complaining about it one bit.

If she does wake up earlier, there is a good chance that she will go back to sleep on her own and of course, other times she is just up early and ready to rock and roll.

But the majority of the time, she is likely to get up around this time and we roll right into her daily routine.

9:00-10:00 AM: Breakfast/Morning Chores

As soon as my daughter wakes up, she is ready for her cup and some breakfast.

My daughter was breastfed as a baby up until she was 18 months old so she is used to eating first thing in the morning.

Her current obsessions are those big and fluffy Eggo Waffles and bacon and she can pretty much eat that every morning if we let her.

After breakfast, we do our daily morning cleaning chores which consist of washing the dishes that we used from that morning or load them up in the dishwasher and wiping down the counters.

While I am cleaning up, my daughter likes to help, so I normally give her a towel and let her help me.

10:00-10:30 AM: Get Dressed

Once we are done with breakfast and cleaning up the kitchen, we both head upstairs to get dressed for the day.

And yes, we get dressed even if we don’t leave the house.

Getting dressed does not mean that we get all dressed up like we are somewhere really fancy.

It just means that we change out of our pajamas and into clothes to look more put together and are presentable to leave the house if we needed to.

It is part of some good daily habits that we are currently teaching my daughter.

10:30 AM-12:30 PM: Run Errands/Indoor Play

When I do have to run an errand such as grocery shopping, I always try to do this earlier in the day before she goes down for a nap.

It is a chance to get her out of the house and for me to handle anything that I am needing to get done.

Most toddler moms already know this, but when leaving the house, make sure you are prepared.

Necessities for us include her snack catcher with snacks, her cup, her pacifier, and one toy.

She is currently in the phase where she can’t leave the house without at least taking one toy with her.

If we don’t leave the house, we do some sort of play learning activity which can be reading books, playing with puzzles, or whatever she wants to do.

We have moved a lot of her toys to her room so we often spend time in her room until it is time for lunch.

12:30-1:30 PM: Lunch/Clean Up

Lunchtime varies in our household and it is normally based on how long an errand might have gone over.

Some days I’m out and about and we don’t make it home until 1:30-2 which means that will be when lunch is.

Because my daughter snacks so much, when it comes time for lunch, she has a tendency to eat a lighter lunch.

She loves cheese, fruit, pretzels, and crackers, so this is what lunch looks like most days.

If your toddler is a snacker like mine, I do my best to provide healthier snacks, but sometimes she gets that bag of Cheetos that she is already reaching for.

Once we are both done eating, we will clean up from lunch and then we either prepare for a nap or she will have playtime with her dad before he goes to work.

1:30-4:00 PM: Playtime w/ Dad Or Naptime

These next two time periods in our days alternate because my fiancΓ© works overnights throughout the week.

This is what makes our toddler daily schedule a little unique because we have to be flexible around my fiance’s work schedule.

In order to spend time with our daughter, he has to get in his time before he goes in for work that night.

Therefore, on the days that he goes to work, this time period is dedicated to daddy-daughter playtime.

I might join in on the playtime, but this is also the time that I get to squeeze in a little time to work on my blog.

If my fiancΓ© does not have to work, then she will go down for a nap during this time.

4:00-6:30 PM: Naptime Or Outdoor Playtime

If my fiancΓ© does have to work, she will go down for her nap during this time frame instead of the one above.

She alternates pretty well and does not seem too bothered when we have to switch up the times.

I think she has caught onto the days that he has to work so she knows that she will take a nap once he leaves.

If she does take a nap earlier in the day, then this time is dedicated to outdoor play.

Now, I’m not even going to lie. The way this heat is set up in Texas in the summertime makes it difficult to get outside every day.

We recently got her Water Play Table from Step2 that has been a hit and it is definitely refreshing to play with water on those hotter days.

6:30-7:30 PM: Dinner

After she has either woken up or played outside, it is time for dinner and she will without a doubt be hungry.

Like so many moms with toddlers, I do struggle to get my toddler to eat what we eat.

If it was up to her, she would have chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, and green beans every night because that is literally her favorite meal.

It is not a bad meal, but it is difficult to get her to eat other foods outside of this one in the evening.

And we don’t want to eat chicken nuggets every night.

We definitely give her a chance to try our food, but if we can’t get her to eat any of it, chicken nuggets it is.

7:30-8:00 PM: Evening Walk

After we eat, we like to walk around our neighborhood.

This is the perfect time of day for us because it is the coolest part of the day.

Especially with the way this pandemic has panned out, these walks have been so great for our family and given us a time period to look forward to and bond with each other every day.

Not to mention, a great way to wear out our daughter before she goes to bed.

8:00-8:30 PM: Bath & Bedtime

Once we come back to the house from our walk, it is time to start her bedtime routine and that starts with a bath.

I give her a bath on the days that my fiance works and he gives her a bath on the days that he is off of work.

After her bath, she gets lotioned down, puts on her pajamas, and brushes her teeth.

We will read a couple of books if she is up for it, but lately, she has been ready to go straight to bed after bath time.

This entire routine takes anywhere between 20-30 minutes and she will be in the bed by 8:30 pm every night.

On the nights we wash her hair, her hair routine takes a little longer so she will not be in the bed until closer to 9.

And then this child of ours will sleep all night long and will not wake up until 8:30 the following morning.

All to start her daily routine all over again.


Your Turn

Now I have discussed my 21-month-old toddler daily schedule, I want to hear from you all. Does this schedule resemble what your toddler’s daily schedule looks like? I know we can’t always go by this schedule because toddlers are so unpredictable, but it serves as a great guide for us. I would love to hear your toddler’s daily routine down below and while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!


Just Jass

Toddler daily schedule

Hi! I'm Jasmyn or "Jas" as everyone likes to call me! I'm a stay-at-home girl momma to 2 beautiful little girls and married to my wonderful husband whom I have been with for 10 years! I'm a book and tea lover and when I'm not working on my blog, you can find me sharing bits and pieces of our lives on Instagram or me strolling down the aisles of Target and DSW! I'm the mama blogger behind the blog, Just Jass, where I offer parenting advice, productivity tips, and positive mental health habits from my perspective as mama of 2. Why don't you join me and my Jassy Fam as we navigate this thing called "mom-life" together!


  • Crystal @ Simply Full of Delight

    Wow! You are so lucky to have a sleeper! My kids were always up at the crack of dawn! LOL That always pushed our naptimes forward! I’ve always had the opinion that the best schedule for any family is the one that they can stick to and make work! Kids need that structure, no matter what it happens to look like! Too bad our structure always starts so early! LOL

      • Pip

        Your routine is so good for your little one. My boys were so different, and it was tough to stick to a routine with them. I really enjoyed reading this. My boys are grown up now and it brought back lovely memories

        • Jasmyn Wilkins

          Aw thank you so much! It can be tough to stick to a routine, but I can definitely tell having one helps! My daughter just seems to have a better day when we follow this schedule! Glad that you enjoyed reading this and that it brought back those lovely memories!

    • Amerique Powell

      Thanks for sharing! My 22 month old wakes up at 6 am, naps from 11am – 1 or 2 ish (my favorite time of day, haha) and bedtime at 7:30. I will be going back to work (I’m a teacher) in a few weeks, and I am hoping the adjustment isn’t to terrible πŸ™‚

  • Sierra

    Such great tips here! I’m always curious as to how other mommas do schedules with their kids. We def. need to tighten our schedule in my house! Things have been a little all over the place since I am home on summer break (I work in a school!). I agree with you about getting dressed – even if we do nothing! We have started doing this. I also was pleasantly surprised to see that your bedtime is a a bit later just like ours! I usually see so many others doing bedtimes at 7:30..this could never work for us! My 2 year old also sleeps in, actually both of my kids do! I’ve got an4 5 year old girl. Sometimes until 8:30, this is when I blog! When my son goes down for a nap, I usually alternate and spend time with my 4 year old. Thanks for sharing!

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      Right! I see many Youtubers and Instagram moms saying that they are able to put the children to bed before 7:30 and I could never with my daughter. Even when my daughter was a lot smaller, she could never fall asleep before 7:30. It honestly just comes down to whatever works for your kid! Glad that you enjoyed this post!

  • Grislean

    Wow! I don’t have any kids myself, but I have grown up taking care of my 3 younger sisters since I was really small. It’s really tough, so I give all the moms out there so many props for doing everything! I will never understand mommy guilt when you all do so much. Thank you for sharing.

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      Mom guilt has a sneaky way of showing up when you least expect it! And it is tough, but having a routine definitely helps and eases some of that anxiety. Glad that you enjoyed this post!

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      It ain’t easy, I will tell you that! But a good place to start is with a set bedtime! I created a bedtime routine with my daughter when she was really small and created a routine from there!

  • Cassie

    I need to get my kids back on a better schedule. We’ve gotten a bit lax around here. I just wish they’d sleep till 8:30 every morning! I could get so much done!

  • Katie

    Wow! Sounds like a great routine. My daughter is 17 months old and she usually starts her day between 7:30-8:30. Lately she has been sleeping closer to 8:30. Throughout the week my mother watches her from noon until I pick her up at in the evening. My husband and I work separate shifts so for the most part she is with either myself or him which is great. We do bedtime at 7.

  • Cristina

    My son likes to sleep too (takes after me). He wakes up anytime after 8:30 am. Now he doesn’t have his afternoon nap anymore, he goes to sleep for the night at around 9:30pm.

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      We are really lucky to have toddlers that like to sleep because I have definitely heard otherwise. And it is also nice to know that I am not the only one who puts their kid down a little later than what everyone does! Glad that you enjoyed our routine!

  • Molly

    I am impressed with the organization of your day! We did fine with waking up and going to bed but everything in between was much less consistent for us! Thanks for the helpful tips!

  • Amy

    A schedule is so important for our little ones! I’ve found this to be even more true during quarantine. Not only for them but for me. Gives us each something to look forward to. Outdoor time has been much longer too just to try and tire them out. Our schedules are very similar except you forgot the time slot for your glass of wine! ?

  • Misty Eilar

    Mine is almost 3 now and I swear she always followed her 5 yr old sisters schedule.

    They wake between 7-8am, breakfast 8-9am, change clothes, playtime, Snack at 10:30, Lunch at 12-1pm. Music/playtime, snack at 3pm then homeschool for 30mins-1hr. Dinner 5:30-7 ready for bed 7:30 and sleep 8pm.

  • Serena

    Sounds like a really organised day! I don’t have children of my own but I work with under 5s so I know how important it is for toddlers to have a routine.

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      Having a schedule definitely helps! We may not follow it toe for toe every day but it definitely gives us some guidance on how days usually go. Glad that you enjoyed this post!

  • Emily

    As a toddler teacher, I have noticed that using a daily routine with toddlers also is very beneficial to their development. Your routine for your baby is definitely very organized. From all of your blog posts I read and your pictures, you seem like a great mom.

    • Jasmyn Wilkins

      A great place to start with is bedtime! Try to have them go to bed around the same time every night and they will likely wake around the same time every morning. Then you can start to create a schedule from there. Hope this helps!

  • Emily

    My first slept in too, and I could never find any example schedules to use with him! And I wasn’t about to wake him up any earlier! This is a great example of a schedule for toddlers who sleep in.

  • Crystal

    Wow! I am seriously impressed! And jealous. Ehhhh my son is 21 months old today and our schedule is not even a schedule. Long story short, our routine is non-existent. I’m so lost at this point and could use any suggestions or help. I used to have the perfect schedule and routine and then my husband, who generally is overseas for work, has had to be home. So I have tried to allow him to have more control over what goes on day-to-day. Which is different everyday and has ended up with our son watching TV for way too long in the evenings. I’ve explained so many times how bad it is and now our son is waking up in the middle of the night to watch TV. I’m ready to take a bat to the thing and I know that isn’t going to help. Our son tends to wake up a bit earlier, around 6:30 and naps near noon for 2 to 3 hours. The evening is where I have the most challenge because I’m making dinner, something I used to do when he would take 2 naps, but now when I’m doing that and after we eat, my husband just sits on the couch and puts on the TV. I’m out of patience and grace with trying to explain nicely that it is making our son not be able to sleep at night. Can you suggest anything please. I’m so sleep deprived and frustrated that I can’t even think of a positive way to change our routine. Thank you. And also, I love your blog!!!

    • Jasmyn Heard

      Hey Crystal! First off, the toddler stage is tough and you are doing a great job so give yourself some grace! I completely get what you mean when you are used to having a schedule and your husband throws it off when he is home because that has happened to me! What I had to do was stick with the routine that I originally created and my hubby had to get on board so that our days still had structure. My next suggestion would be to start with creating a solid bedtime routine in the evenings without TV to combat any evening fussiness. My daughter used to get really fussy and irritable in the evenings, but when I started her bedtime routine right after dinner, I noticed some of the behaviors issues we were having decreased. I hope this helps and you can reach out to me through email if you want to chat more!

  • Amanda Nelson

    How do you handle naptime and bedtime it’s a fight everynight. I just recently moved my son to his room and a big boy bed he hated his crib. Now I struggle with getting him to sleep and did before. Sometimes he wakes up 2 to 3 times at night. But it takes me over an hour to get him just to go to sleep. He thinks it’s a game and find ways to keep himself awake like kicking the bed and playing with the blanket, throwing his binkie, and such. I get no time with my husband when he gets home from work by the time I get him to sleep it’s around 12.

    • Jasmyn Heard

      When it comes to bedtime and naptime, my daughter only took 1 nap at this age so I usually try to make sure to keep my daughter up for about 4 or 5 hours so she was good and tired by the time it was time for nap or bed! I also tried to remain consistent with putting her down for her nap around the same time every day and did her bedtime routine every evening to signal bedtime around the same time as well. When she would wake up, I would walk her back to her bed and would stay for a little while to get her back to sleep. I remember many nights it taking that long to put my daughter down, but I stayed consistent and now at 4 years old, she is great with taking one nap a day and going down at night! I’m currently in the thick of it with my second born and I’m doing the same thing (staying consistent with naptime and doing her bedtime routine) and she does great with naps and we are seeing progress at night! I will link a couple of my previous posts that may also be helpful for you!

      My 2 Year Old’s Bedtime Routine:
      Transitioning My Toddler From A Crib To A Toddler Bed:

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