Self-Care Ideas For Stay At Home Moms
Managing motherhood at home can get overwhelming really fast which is why self-care is so important for stay-at-home moms.
If you have more than one child, then double that overwhelm.
I only have one and she can make me feel overwhelmed at just 18 months old.
She is at that stage where she is curious about everything and everything has to be touched.
Between keeping her occupied while she is not napping, keeping our home from being overrun by toys, and working on this blog, there is barely any time left over for me.
In a previous post, I stated that as a stay-at-home mom, I don’t get to clock out.
Our breaks are when the kids are asleep at either naptime or at night.
We have to be intentional and carve out time for us to be able to just unwind and relax.
So I have compiled a list of some self-care ideas that are great for overwhelmed stay-at-home moms with some of the things that I like to do as a stay-at-home mom of a toddler.
If you are interested in some self-care ideas that you can do as a stay-at-home mom, then just keep reading.
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Why Aren’t Stay At Home Moms Practicing Self Care?
Before I dive into some self-care ideas that are great for stay-at-home moms, let’s talk about this.
Why aren’t stay-at-home moms practicing self-care?
Self-care is important for everyone to practice in general but what I have learned is that it is really important that stay-at-home moms practice self-care.
Why do you say?
Because it is so easy to get caught up in taking care of everyone else but yourself when you are a stay-at-home mom.
There is a lot of pressure that many stay-at-home moms feel to make sure everything in the home is covered.
This ranges from making sure everyone’s bellies are full, keeping a clean house, and making sure our spouses and partners are good.
With this type of pressure, if we don’t feel like we are achieving these things, it will leave many of us feeling less than fulfilled as a stay at home moms.
Which can cause many of us to fall into that stay-at-home mom depression that has become much more common.
Finding time for ourselves is really important whether it is 15 minutes in the morning or getting out of the house for 2 hours to do whatever.
Self-care should be something that we all prioritize and it is not selfish at all to get in some me-time.
You deserve to be a happy stay-at-home mom.
With that being said, let’s get into some self-care activities that you can practice as a stay-at-home mom.
Self-Care Ideas For Stay At Home Moms
Drink Your Favorite Morning Drink In Silence
One of the first self-care ideas that I love to do as a stay-at-home mom is drinking my favorite drink in the mornings in complete silence.
I say silence because silence is a rarity when you have kids.
If you have been keeping up with me on the blog, then you know that I try to wake up before my daughter and start my morning routine.
I like to make my bed, get dressed, and then treat myself to a cup of tea.
It is just something about drinking my tea in silence in the mornings that is so calming and puts me in the right mode to start the day.
I know that when my daughter gets up, it will no longer be quiet so I try to squeeze in that time for myself in the mornings.
Take Time To Get Dressed Everyday
I mentioned above that part of my daily morning routine is getting dressed.
I know some may be wondering how is putting on clothes self-care.
Well for the average working mom, it might not be but for a stay-at-home mom, it is.
When you are home most of the day, it is tempting to stay in your pajamas all day, but I would strongly advise against that.
I know that if I’m in pajamas all day, then all I want to do is lounge around and sleep.
When I make the effort to change out of my pajamas and put on clothes, I feel so much better.
I feel good and ready to be a productive stay-at-home mom while taking care of my toddler all day.
Making the effort to look more put together as a stay-at-home mom does wonders for your mental and overall well-being.
Get Out Of The House Daily
The next thing that you can do that is considered self-care for stay-at-home moms is to get out of the house at some point every day
I can tell you that as a stay-at-home mom of a toddler, not only will you enjoy this but so will your child.
I have talked about my experience with postpartum depression on here before and part of the depressive feelings that I was having was feeling like I was stuck in the house.
Whether it is running general errands, pushing your child around in a stroller while you are walking around your neighborhood, or taking your kiddo somewhere to burn off some energy.
All of these things will relieve the stuffy feeling you get when you are home too long.
It can be tempting to just stay in the house with smaller children, but like us, they get bored and feel stuffy after being inside for long periods too.
So do yourself a favor and find a way to get out of the house every day.
You can never go wrong with getting some fresh air.
Make Plans With “Mommy” Friends
While you are out of the house, something that you do is make plans with friends.
In particular “mommy” friends.
I don’t know about you all but when I became a new stay-at-home mom, my social life plummeted.
I felt extremely lonely and stuck within being a mom.
Everyone says that becoming a mom is life-changing, but you don’t realize how life-changing it is until your friends who don’t have kids try to act as if nothing has changed.
This is the worst because you are may experience conflicting perspectives and have trouble doing things that you may have done before becoming a mom.
What I have learned since becoming a first-time mom is the importance of having mommy friends that you can chat and hang out with.
Whether it is an old friend that you have that is also a mom, a new mom friend that you have made, or a family member who has kids.
Find someone that you can be comfortable with and who gets what it means to be a mom.
And then make plans to meet up for a playdate, lunch, or even go workout with like I mentioned above.
Even though we are stay-at-home moms, we still crave adult interaction.
And what I have learned is that adult interaction has turned into a form of self-care for me.
I know this may be harder for my more introverted moms, but if you are invited out somewhere, try to say yes sometimes.
There is a reason that you were invited, so take it as someone who genuinely enjoys hanging out with you.
Cath Up On A Good Book
Another activity that I love to do is reading.
But like many things that I liked to do before having kids, reading became much harder after having my daughter.
I consider reading to be self-care because I genuinely find it relaxing and enjoyable.
It gives me that much-needed escape from the day-to-day so I do my best to incorporate it more into my day.
I try to read at night once I have put daughter down for the night.
Some nights, I will even make some tea and drink it while I’m reading.
When I visualize myself relaxing, it usually involves me drinking tea and catching up on a good book.
I’m a sucker for a good romance and can get caught up reading for a couple of hours at a time if a book is really good.
Occasionally I will switch it up and read a non-fiction or a self-help book here and there.
But if it was up to me, I love to get lost in a good fiction book.
Take Up A Hobby
Catching up with a good book actually leads me to this suggestion.
Which is to take up a hobby.
You really do need to have a hobby as a stay-at-home mom or you will completely lose yourself in motherhood.
Find something to do outside of being a mom.
As many of you have probably figured out, this blog is my hobby.
Something that I enjoy doing without someone making me do it.
Or need me to do it.
I blog and write here because I genuinely enjoy doing it.
That is what a hobby should feel like.
Whether it is blogging, reading, knitting or even baking, find something that you enjoy doing that brings you joy outside of being a mother.
I get a lot of joy out of being my daughter’s mother, but I can also get joy out of other things too.
Clean/Declutter A Space In Your Home
For some, this may not feel like self-care but for others like myself, cleaning can be really relaxing.
Plus I find it so satisfying once I have done it.
I like to play music or listen to cleaning YouTube videos while I’m cleaning so I can really get in the zone.
And then I get to work
Sometimes when I start cleaning one area, it actually motivates me to continue cleaning so I wind up getting another area in our home that probably needed to be cleaned as well.
So not only do I wind up with a cleaner home, I also feel better because of it.
If you find that you feel better after cleaning or decluttering a space, then I highly recommend doing this.
I guarantee that you will be glad you did it.
I wrote an entire post on the areas of my home that I like to declutter regularly.
If you are interested in that post, you can check that out below.
Have An At-Home Spa Night
I don’t think you will ever come across a post on self-care ideas for stay-at-home moms without it mentioning some sort of spa-like pampering.
After a long day of chasing the kiddos around, take the time to pamper yourself with an at-home spa night.
Tell your hubby to watch the kids for a little while you transform your bathroom into a spa-like atmosphere.
Start off by engaging in some skin care with a face mask.
Then run some bath water and add a bath bomb.
Grab yourself some wine and hope in.
If you really want to amp up the vibe, play some relaxing music in the background.
There is something so relaxing about soaking in a bathtub with soft music and I am telling you that you will feel so much better afterward.
As I said before, I know it’s not the spa, but we can try to get as close as possible.
Make A Hair/Nail Appointment
And my last self-care suggestion for stay-at-home moms that also goes hand and hand with pampering yourself is to make a hair or nail appointment from time to time.
As a stay-at-home mom, I feel like I got complacent with doing things for myself.
I stopped going to the nail salon and the hair salon because my attention shifted to my child.
Not to mention going to these places regularly cost money.
But something that I have realized about myself even more so as a mom is that I like going to these places.
I usually walk away with a huge confidence boost and refreshed after either going to get my hair or nails done.
Because I did something solely for myself.
We spend so much time using our resources on our kids that we often forget to utilize some of those resources for ourselves.
So if you are like me and like going to the hair or nail salon from time to time, then make that appointment.
If you were needing that reminder, you just got one.
Your Turn
We can’t neglect ourselves in motherhood. Find some way to squeeze in some me-time whether it’s in the morning before your kids wake up or in the evenings after they go to bed. If you are able to squeeze it in during the day while they are napping, that’s even better.
Just find something that works for you and makes you feel good. I hope you enjoyed these self-care ideas for stay-at-home moms. I would love to hear what you do in the comments below so we can provide more self-care ideas for stay-at-home moms. And while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!
- Read More: You Are More Than Just “Mom”
Just Jass

Mom here! Taking this advice!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Love it! Take care of yourself momma!
Decluttering can help relax the mind. Consider decluttering your wardrobe first.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Decluttering has always been a way to ease stress for me! I normally start with my closet first too! Then, head to the bathroom! The struggles of being a woman lol
Hi there! I wanted to pop by and tell you that I really love this post! I am a bit new to the parenting world—my boyfriend and I recently moved in together and he has two boys (4 and 6) whom I love so very much! This post gave me some great ideas on how to better handle the stress I’ve encountered with learning how to parent little boys since I don’t have kids of my own. 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
You got this girl! I can only imagine how overwhelming it can be with two boys! You can’t pour from an empty cup so make sure you are filling yours up! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Great post! Sometimes we’re so overwhelmed we forget us moms need to take a few minutes to our self. Lately I’m guilty of to much social media time on my phone and will unplug more thank you!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I couldn’t agree more! I’m working on unplugging more myself! Glad you enjoyed this post!
My daughter is an adult, but this advice still works for me. I shared with her too. Wonderful post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
So glad that you enjoyed this post! Take care of yourself momma!
Thanks for this reminder! It’s so important for us mums to take care of ourselves. Motherhood and running a home can be very overwhelming at times.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Absolutely! I couldn’t agree more! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Gina Haraguchi
Self care is so important. Great tips.
Jasmyn Wilkins
It absolutely is! Glad you enjoyed this post!
“Get some rest” as I type up this comment at 1AM in the morning …. ? I need to take your sips seriously! The main one I have probably been doing is drinking some wine hahaha
Jasmyn Wilkins
Hahaha! I don’t mind that glass of wine every once in a while! It feels great to be able to treat yourself to one!
Fadima Mooneira
This are good tips for those who have become mothers. Me…… not yet. Hehehe.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You don’t have to be a mom to enjoy these tips! Everyone should engage in some much-needed self-care from time to time! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Yes! Moms do not take enough time for themselves even when they need it most. Great sugesstions.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Agreed! We have got to do better! Glad you enjoyed this post!
I love these tips! I’ll definitely be using a few of them tonight. I need some self care! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes go right ahead! Glad you enjoyed this post!
This is excellent advice! Your ideas are completely doable. I love the idea of diffusing oils. I just added a diffuser to my office and I really like it. My kids are older but now that we are all under one roof and sheltering in place due to COVID, I really need some ME Time each day! Thank you for the tips.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Aw, thank you so much! I’m so glad that you loved these suggestions and I hope you get some much needed me time!
I don’t have kids, but love these tips for stress release in general! 🙂 Great ideas
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Some great ideas here Jasmyn. Like you I love being able to sit down and read, it’s like the ultimate relaxation for me. Housework with music on is something I enjoy too!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much and I’m so glad that you enjoyed these ideas!
Britt K
This is great! I think we often fall into the habit of seeing self-care as this big, fancy thing rather than seeing the small, simple things that we can do each and every day to make a positive impact on our overall health and well-being. Sometimes, self-care is nothing more than curling up with a good book or your favourite show on Netflix.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I completely agree! Self-care doesn’t have to be fancy. It is whatever makes you feel good! So glad that you enjoyed this post!
Great post. These tips are helpful not only for mothers by any person who wants little self care.
Jasmyn Wilkins
They absolutely are! You don’t need to be a mom to enjoy a little self-care! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Like!! Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Keep writing.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed this blog post!
Love these ideas. I especially love that they are not all just about skin care and hair care, and bubble baths. Those are nice too, but self care is about doing what we love and finding rest and joy in it. Thanks for sharing these.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Your very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed these ideas!