My Simple Morning Routine As A Stay At Home Mom
Having a morning routine as a stay-at-home mom is so crucial.
This is especially true for stay-at-home moms with toddlers because we all know how toddlers are.
In my experience, your morning can make or break your day and the last thing we want to experience is a bad “mom” day because our morning started off rough.
- Read More: Shaking Off A Bad “Mom” Day
Whether your mornings start off with a crying baby or a hungry toddler, getting off to a good start is so critical and imperative when you have a little person to look after.
I know I always find it interesting to see what other people are doing during what some consider to be the most productive part of the day.
But, I have also noticed that some of these routines are long and involve a lot of steps that wouldn’t work for me as a stay-at-home
As a stay-at-home mom, I would like to utilize the time before my daughter wakes up to get in a little time for myself.
So having a long extensive morning routine won’t work for me because my time may be limited and varies depending on when my daughter wakes up.
When you are just starting out trying to figure out what works for you in the morning, then keeping it simple might be best.
If you are looking for a simple morning routine as a stay-at-home mom that you can do before your kids wake up, then just keep reading.
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Do You Have To Wake Up Before Your Kids?
Before I get into my morning routine as a stay-at-home mom, let me talk about what to do when my toddler wakes up before me.
Because let’s face it, it happens.
Do you have to wake up before your toddler?
You don’t have, but it does make things easier in the morning.
The morning routine that I will get into below discusses what my mornings look like before my daughter wakes up.
But obviously, there are mornings that she wakes up as early or earlier than I normally do so my morning will start off with attending to her needs first and then following up with my simple morning routine.
The earliest my daughter will wake up if she does wake up early will be around 6:30 in the morning which is still doable in my opinion.
However, I know of other parents who have said that their toddler is waking up at 5 AM and I know for a fact that I am nowhere near ready to get up at that time.
I know that 5 AM morning routines are trending right now, but I know myself and I am not getting up at 5 AM.
- Give your toddler an appropriate bedtime
- Have active days & peaceful evenings
- Offer a bedtime snack
- Create a sleep-friendly environment
- Get your toddler sleeping through the night
- No fun before 6 am
- Limit nap time
- Rule out a sleep regression
Your toddler waking up before you is completely normal and is going to happen from time to time.
Now let’s get into my simple morning routine as a stay-at-home mom.
My Simple Morning Routine As A Stay At Home Mom
7:15 AM: Get Out of Bed
I bet you thought I was going to say something like waking up earlier or not hitting the snooze button
While these are great tips that anyone should follow, I know we are all human, and taking care of little humans can have the time that we all get up vary.
Your number one goal every morning should be to just get out of bed no matter the time.
Personally, my goal is to wake up at 7:15 every morning before my daughter wakes up around 8 and I have an alarm set to get up at that time.
Some days I am up and ready to go at 7:15, and other days I am not.
When I was breastfeeding my daughter when she was a newborn at night, she was my alarm clock on most days.
And that is ok.
Some people just aren’t early birds. And that is also ok.
That is why I am not emphasizing it here because everyone is in a different phase of mom life with different ages of children that will have different needs.
Whatever time you decided to get up is when your morning routine will start for you and you know for sure one thing going to happen when it comes time.
You going to get out of that bed.
7:20 AM: Open the Blinds
The second thing I like to do as a part of my stay-at-home mom morning routine is open up the blinds.
Once you have mustered up the strength to get out of that warm, cozy bed, it’s time to let your body know that it’s morning.
I love to utilize natural light within my home. Especially on sunny days.
I even have my daughter waking up and wanting to open the blinds when she wakes up first thing.
So much life is happening outside,
For me, it fills me with so much gratitude and makes me want to get started with my day.
If you are able to, open the windows. Breathe in that fresh air.
We might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed and might just be in an overall bad mood, but a little vitamin C and fresh air will always do you good.
7:25 AM: Make the Bed
I know some people don’t believe that it is that big of a deal to make your bed, but you would be surprised.
After I have opened the blinds to let in some light, I head over to the bed that I just crawled out and make it.
This has everything to do with having a productive start in your daily routine and creating healthy habits that you need to be organized mom.
- Read More: How To Be An Organized Stay-At-Home Mom
I know as a first-time mom experiencing postpartum depression, making my bed would be one of the only things I would do that day outside of keeping my daughter alive.
If you don’t do anything else today, you can say you made your bed.
Not to mention it is something that makes your room look that much cleaner.
Have you ever tried to get some work done in a cluttered and unorganized space?
Since I am home and now working on my blog, having a clean space is essential in order for me to remain focused and get any tasks I need to get done.
A clean space allows room for productivity to occur and will likely keep the momentum going throughout the morning into the early afternoon.
7:30 AM: Get Dressed
This is much easier to do when you have a job to go to, but this can be much more difficult if you’re a stay-at-home mom.
This has everything to do with productivity once again.
Think about how you would get ready to go to work and if you really think about it, you are getting ready to go to work.
Tiny humans can’t take care of themselves and if you are a stay-at-home mom with a toddler, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Trust me when I say there is a way to be home all day with a toddler and not get anything down.
Getting ready is part of preparing yourself to get work and when you are home with the kids the majority of the day you don’t have to get really dressed up.
Just merely changing out of your pajamas and sweat pants into a nice, fitted shirt and leggings will do and have you looking way more put together.
It is something about getting dressed that will get you going and if you are really feeling it, put some makeup on.
7:50 AM: Check Emails & Make A To-Do List For The Day
Once I have got dressed, I like to quickly check my emails and make my to-do list for the day.
Since I blog and post on social media consistently as well as send out a weekly newsletter to all of my subscribers, I have to check my emails for any emails from my subscribers and potential collaboration opportunities.
The reason that some moms feel unfilled as a stay at home moms is that they lack direction on what to do from day to day.
In order to reclaim control of your days, make a to-do list to help prioritize and boost productivity.
I like to write down 3 tasks that I want to get done that day and focus on getting those tasks done and if I complete those tasks and have time to do others, then I will do so if I feel like it.
8:00 AM: Have Breakfast
After I have done all of the things I mentioned above in my morning routine as a stay-at-home mom, it’s officially time to treat myself to some breakfast.
This is usually the time that my daughter will wake up, so I wind up transitioning from my morning routine into her toddler’s daily routine.
- Read More: My 21-Month-Old Toddler’s Daily Schedule
If she just happens to still be asleep, then I will take a little more alone time making myself some breakfast and a cup of tea.
Treating myself to my favorite cup of tea and having breakfast daily gets me in the right mindset to get started with my day.
Your Turn
Like I said earlier, the way you start off your morning can make or break your day. And this is what my simple morning routine as a stay-at-home mom looks like. But I want to hear from you all now. What are some simple things that you all like to do every morning before the kiddos wake up? Let me know in the comments below and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

I feel so productive because I do these every morning! My special treat in the morning is my whipped coffee, it’s so good!
Erika Marie | https://imerikamarie.com
Jasmyn Wilkins
Mmmmm whipped coffee sounds so good! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
I feel like when I make my bed and have my cup of coffee and I am happier that day because they are accomplishments.
Jasmyn Wilkins
A made bed and a cup of tea always put me in the right mood! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
It always comes down to basics such as simply making your bed. Thank you..great read
Jasmyn Wilkins
Getting back to the basics is sometimes all we need to do! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Loved how practical your suggestions were!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I’m glad that you enjoyed these suggestions!
This was perfect for me to read because after being furloughed, my morning routine has really gotten jumbled. I love the idea of making the bed every day, it’s a simple step that really does make the room look cleaner! Great post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post and making the bed always gives my room a clean feel to it!
such practical tips.
love these words of wisdom.
as society becomes more and more fascinated with morning routines, the more complicated they become.
completely agree.
making your bed sets you in the right foot for the day.
thanks for writing such a brilliant post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I truly appreciate your kind words and making the bed always set the tone for me! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love how realistic and doable this list is!
Jasmyn Wilkins
That was the entire point of this blog post because I didn’t want to make it complicated! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Needed this reminder!! And yes, I would love a more in-depth morning routine — still working on my own work-from-home morning motivation, lol.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post and I can definitely do a more in-depth routine that involves my toddler as well! I kind of have a routine for her as well!
Kristaleagh Walthall
I love this! I always see posts where it tells you to do so many things in the morning, but as someone who is not a morning person and struggles with depression, some days the basics is what I need to focus on. This was a wonderful post. Thank you!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I really try to keep it simple in the mornings because I can get overwhelmed easily with too many things to do! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love getting dressed in the morning and treating myself to some avocado toast and chocolate milk. Sometimes I’ll throw in a bit of whipped cream in my milk.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Mmmmm! That sounds good!
Love these! Getting out of bed is truly the hardest part. Treating yourself helps make it a little bit easier haha
Jasmyn Wilkins
Knowing that a warm cup of tea awaits me when I get out of my bed is what will motivate me to get out of bed some days!
Robyn Jones
I have found having a morning routine is crucial not that I am at home working on my blog all day. I start my day with prayer, and reading and sharing the scripture of the day before I get out of bed. And once I do, I make my bed and open my blinds. Then I get dressed for my workout. After my workout, I take a shower and get dressed, usually in leggings and a top or a sundress on warm days. I usually fast in the mornings, so after my shower, I get to work.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I love your morning routine! I used to work out in the mornings, but had stopped when I had my daughter. I would love to fit that back into my routine!
Josie | The Cheetah Buzz
I’m one of those people that are not much of a morning person but I am actually growing to love waking up every morning and start my day off right with the things you mentioned. In addition to those, I also meditate and pray so that my body is in line with the energy/vibe I want to give out and receive from the world. Thanks for sharing xxx
Jasmyn Wilkins
Prayer and meditation are such powerful ways to get your day off to a good start. Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love starting my day off with prayer! It’s the best way to get my heart in the right direction.
Jasmyn Heard
That is an awesome way to start the day!
Agreed! My morning routine has been a life saver and actually I am grateful for being a morning person in the first place! Waking up before my son is the best thing I could do. I get so much done and without interruptions. The best part, I get to spend the day with him without feeling behind.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Jasmyn Heard
Exactly! I’m also a morning person as well so that definitely helps! I’m glad that you enjoyed my routine!
Carly | My Green Toddler
Your toddler doesn’t get up until 8am?! That sounds amazing! My two always wake up before me at maybe 6:30am at the latest.
But this has reminded me that I should have a better routine in the morning even if the kids are awake. The two weekdays I don’t work I usually try not to rush things like getting everyone dressed but then it all ends up being rushed later to get out the door on time anyway. Thanks for the tips.
Jasmyn Heard
Yes, my toddler really doesn’t get up until 8! She has her days where she may wake up earlier, but her usual is around 8 every morning! And I’m so glad that you found these tips to be helpful!
Very practical suggestions. thanks
Jasmyn Heard
Your welcome! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love to take a shower! It really is a treat when I can shower with kids barging in or flushing potties making scalding water. But sometimes I choose to just read a little rok to wake up my mind on a happy note.
Jasmyn Heard
There is nothing like a warm shower alone! That is a great start to get the morning going!
I love how your list is easy and practical. Making the bed first thing makes you feel good and productive already. ❤
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much and making the bed always jumpstarts my productivity!
Crystal Mendez
That sounds like a great morning routine Jasmyn. I have a morning routine for my work days, on my off days I tend to go with the flow.
Jasmyn Heard
That’s a great way to be! I like going with the flow on days where I don’t have a lot to do as well!