Productive and busy while pregnant
Pregnancy,  Productivity

Staying Productive And Busy While You Are Pregnant

“Jas, how were you staying so productive and busy while you were pregnant, because girl I was tired!”

Someone recently asked me this question over on social media and I thought that this was a great topic to cover in a blog post so here we are!

Social media has a way of distorting reality based on images you see because the majority of the time, the pictures and videos I put out there are happy, uplifting, and show me doing things.

When in reality, this momma is tired too.

After all, pregnancy fatigue is very much a thing and it hits all of us pregnant ladies at some point throughout pregnancy.

And I fall victim to it as well.

I just don’t pull out my phone every time I lay down when I’m tired or when I’m being unproductive.

This post isn’t meant to shame women into being productive during pregnancy or make them feel guilty if they wind up not getting a lot done while they are pregnant.

Your health and your baby’s health comes first so if being unproductive and resting is what is best, then please do so and don’t feel bad about it.

But there are some women who would prefer to not feel unproductive during pregnancy and just need to know how to stay motivated in their pregnancies to do so.

And this is where I would like to come in with some tips that I did to do just that.

Here, I will be sharing what I did to stay productive and busy while I was pregnant.

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Productive and busy while pregnant

Signs of Overworking While You Are Pregnant

Even though this post is about staying productive and busy while you are pregnant, there is such a thing as overdoing it while you are pregnant.

Whether we realize it or not, our bodies are at work creating life.

In fact, our bodies are already working in overdrive to do just that which is often why we often feel fatigued, to begin with.

In a previous post in which I discussed all the healthy habits I was maintaining during my pregnancy, I spoke of the importance of being active.

This is definitely something that you should be doing, but once again, there is such a thing as being “too” active during pregnancy.

Because the last thing you want is to cause your body to go into distress which will make your baby go into distress.

We all want to have a positive pregnancy experience and us stressing our bodies out is not going to do that.

You need to pay attention and listen to your body because everyone’s body is different and you know what your body can handle.

Always consult with your provider before engaging in an activity that you do not normally do.

Maria Muennich from Made For Moms states that these are the signs that you should look for when it comes to overdoing it while you pregnant:

Some of these are normal pregnancy symptoms, but they are also signs that it is time to take it easy and slow down during your pregnancy.

Now that we have covered the signs of overdoing it, let’s get to how can we utilize the times that we aren’t tired to be productive.


Staying Productive And Busy While You Are Pregnant

Accept That Your Body Is Being Productive All The Time

My first tip is one from Karina from The Happily Productive that I love where she says to accept that your body is being productive all the time.

Because it is true.

I had already stated this earlier in this post that our bodies are continuously at work creating the life that we are carrying.

So do you have to be productive at all times in your pregnancy?

Absolutely not.

Give yourself some grace and allow your body to do the work that needs to be done.

Create A Schedule

In order to fuel productivity, you need to have a schedule or a routine that you can follow throughout the day.

Being a pregnant stay at home mom with a toddler, I had to create some sort of routine to get us through the days since my toddler still needs some level of structure.

My morning routine is often where my routine would start before she wakes up and then when she woke up, I would flow right into our routine.

If you are interested in my pregnant stay at home mom routine, you can find it here.

Have A Daily To-Do List

Some of the reasons why some women get bored of being pregnant are because they feel like they don’t have anything to do.

This is especially true for women who are at home all day and don’t have any kids yet because I can guarantee you that my daughter keeps me on my toes during the day.

Whether you have kids or not yet, there is always something that needs to be done.

Part of my morning routine as a stay-at-home mom includes making a to-do list every day of 3-4 important tasks that I want to get done that day.

This helps keep my priorities in check and if I don’t finish a task that same day, then I will carry that same task over to the next day and go from there.

Take Advantage Of Energy Spurts

So maybe making a schedule just isn’t your thing or maybe you are in the first trimester just trying to get through a day where you don’t feel as nauseous.

I completely understand because I was just barely making it through the first trimester with a toddler.

So what I did was take advantage of those energy spurts that I would randomly have and use that time to get things done.

Whether it was clean up a little bit around the house, work on my blog, or run an errand, I would try to use that time to get something done.

The later I got into my pregnancy and when my nesting mode kicked in, I would use that time to prepare for the baby by getting baby supplies and setting up a nursery nook in our bedroom.

Drink Water And Eat Healthy

This should be a given.

I know we live in a society that relies on caffeinated drinks and energy drinks for energy, but a lot of that comes to a halt when you are pregnant.

This means we have to rely on the good old natural way to get energy which is through drinking water and eating healthy energy-rich foods.

There is nothing wrong with giving into your craving for some chocolate or other junk food, but make sure you are balancing that out with healthy proteins and vegetables.

If you are experiencing morning sickness and feel nauseous, this may be hard to do at first, but as your nausea subsides, try to start incorporating healthier foods.

And watch how your productivity level increases and you feel better in the process.

Communicate When You Are Needing Help

And my last tip for staying productive and busy while you are pregnant is to communicate when you are needing help.

As a blogger, I either have to utilize the time when my girls are sleep to get things done or when my husband is home.

If there is something that I need to get done that will be a little more time-consuming, then I will lean into my husband for help with the girls so I can get it done.

You and your partner are a team, so get your husband involved.

If not your husband, have a sibling or friend watch your kids for a set amount of time so you can accomplish what you need to get done.

I know many moms who use a day care part time so that they can work from home in peace, so that might be an option.

Whatever method you use, make that the time that you will be productive and get things done.


Your Turn

Now that I have dove into how I was staying productive and busy while I was pregnant, I want to hear from you all now. What all did you all do to pass time while you are pregnant? I know it can get boring being pregnant, but if we actively try to keep ourselves busy, then it won’t feel so long before we get to hold our babies in our arms. Let me know in the comments below and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!


Just Jass

Productive and busy while pregnant

Hi! I'm Jasmyn or "Jas" as everyone likes to call me! I'm a stay-at-home girl momma to 2 beautiful little girls and married to my wonderful husband whom I have been with for 10 years! I'm a book and tea lover and when I'm not working on my blog, you can find me sharing bits and pieces of our lives on Instagram or me strolling down the aisles of Target and DSW! I'm the mama blogger behind the blog, Just Jass, where I offer parenting advice, productivity tips, and positive mental health habits from my perspective as mama of 2. Why don't you join me and my Jassy Fam as we navigate this thing called "mom-life" together!


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