• What stay at home moms need from husband
    Family,  Stay At Home Mom

    What Stay At Home Moms Need From Their Husbands

    There are many things that we stay-at-home moms need from our husbands. Most of you all know that I have two smaller children 3 and under and have been a stay at home going on 4 years on now. And I don’t think I would have made it this far in my stay-at-home mom journey had it not been for the support of my husband. My husband has been involved and supportive through my pregnancies and childbirth. Even after both of the girls were born, my husband was helpful through the newborn phase and continues to be very involved in…

  • Laundry routine for family of 4
    Family,  Organization

    Laundry Routine For Our Family Of 4

    Having a laundry routine as a family of 4 has been so helpful for our family. Before I became a mom for the first time, I never thought that badly of laundry. But after having my first daughter, I had different thoughts. I never knew that babies and kids could have so much laundry, but my daughter definitely proved me wrong. Between my husband and I’s laundry and then adding my older daughter’s laundry, the laundry started piling up. And then after I gave birth to my second baby, the laundry now just feels like it is never-ending. You all…

  • Clean home with a baby and toddler
    Family,  Organization

    Keeping My Home Clean With A Baby And Toddler

    It is not impossible to have a clean home with a baby and toddler. No matter how impossible it feels. Between all the baby stuff, my oldest daughter’s toys, dishes, and endless laundry, it feels like my home is constantly needing to be tidied and cleaned. I felt this same way when it was just my oldest daughter, but after my second daughter got here, it felt like the messes doubled. And as my baby girl gets older and more mobile, she is starting to create messes of her own. When there is too much “mess” around our home, I’m…

  • Daily Routine with a baby and toddler
    Family,  Parenting

    My Daily Routine With A Baby And Toddler

    I think I finally have my daily routine with my baby and toddler done. After giving birth to my baby girl, I knew that going from one child to 2 was going to be an adjustment. If you have been following along with me on my blog, then you probably read about my oldest daughter’s toddler routine when she was 21 months old. It is still one of my most popular posts here on the blog. Even though that routine worked when it was just my daughter and me, things have obviously changed since our baby girl has made her…

  • Family new year's resolutions
    Family,  Positive Habits

    New Year’s Resolutions To Make As A Family

    With the new year right around the corner, I like to make some New Year’s Resolutions as a family. We will be heading into the new year as a family of 4 this year which is really exciting since last year, I was pregnant with our baby girl. There are so many things to look forward to next year such as our baby girl turning the big one. And my older daughter possibly starting Preschool. She has been asking me a lot recently about going to school so I have been considering getting her enrolled early so she can get…

  • Road trip with a baby and toddler
    Family,  Parenting

    Travel Tips For A Road Trip With A Baby And Toddler

    Now that we are a family of 4, if we take a road trip, it will likely include our baby and toddler. And I thought traveling with just one kid was something. But taking a road trip with a 6-month-old baby and a 3-year-old toddler is something completely different from traveling with just one child. Our baby girl is the latest addition to our family so she is another person that we have to account for when packing. If there was anything that we learned from our first daughter when she was a baby, it was that babies require quite…

  • Christmas gifts for second time moms
    Family,  Parenting

    Great Christmas Gifts For Second-Time Moms

    For all the second-time moms out there, I like to think I have an idea or two on some good Christmas gifts that we would appreciate. After giving birth to our second baby, things got a little chaotic going from one kid to 2. I became a mom to 2 under 3 overnight. Since I am a busy mom to a toddler and a baby, I like things that make life easier with small children as well as things that can help me unwind. There is obviously nothing wrong with getting things that don’t do these things, but that is…

  • Going From One to Two Children
    Family,  Parenting

    How It Has Been Going From One To Two Children

    I’m going to be honest with you all and say that going from one to two children has been a little chaotic. I’m sure that part of the reason it is a little chaotic is that we now have two children under the age of 3. My oldest daughter will be 3 years old next month and my second baby girl just recently turned 3 months old, so yeah, we have really young children. And both of our daughters are in different stages in life. With my oldest being a toddler, she acts very independent and wants to do everything…

  • How Your Husband Can Help With A Newborn
    Baby,  Family

    How Your Husband Can Help With A Newborn

    You might be surprised to hear this but your husband may be unsure how he can help with a newborn. Especially if he is a first-time dad with a newborn. When it comes to small newborn babies, you may see some men actually freeze up and may not even hold the baby. For some men, becoming a father brings up a lot of feelings of anxiety and can cause them to doubt their abilities to be able to take care of a baby. When my husband become a father for the first time, he too, struggled with our newborn baby…

  • Husband involved in your pregnancy
    Family,  Pregnancy

    How To Get Your Husband Involved In Your Pregnancy

    How can I get my husband involved in my pregnancy when they are not the ones carrying the baby? Oh, and while we are asking, how can I get him involved in my pregnancy during a pandemic that seems determined to have women go through pregnancy alone? I’m not going to lie. This has been a tough year and an even tougher year for pregnant women because we are pretty having to do it alone. We have to go to doctor appointments alone. And some women even had to give birth alone. I got pregnant in September of last year…