Where To Get Cheap Toddler Clothes
Kids grow out of clothes so quickly, that it is better to get cheap toddler clothes while they are young and growing than to spend a lot of money on clothes that they may only wear a couple of times.
I can admit that when I found out that I was pregnant, I might have gone a little overboard buying baby clothes.
And I was having a baby girl too.
I just knew I wanted to dress her up really cute.
I am talking big bows, even bigger tutus, and long frilly dresses.
I realized very quickly that she was only able to wear that outfit only once or twice before it would wind up in a storage bin or be donated.
That was when I knew that it was not worth buying expensive clothes for my daughter.
Spending a ton of money on clothes for younger children just isn’t smart when you think about it.
Toddlers are rough and are likely to get dirty from playing or eating throughout the day, so their clothes should be able to maneuver as they do.
With this in mind, I started making smarter decisions in regards to buying my daughter’s clothes.
I started spending less on my daughter’s clothes and found that I was able to save a lot more money in the process.
If you are looking for some ways to get toddler clothes for the cheap, check out these places I like to shop at.
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Should I Buy My Toddler Expensive Clothes?
Before I get into where I like to get cheap clothes for my toddler, let’s discuss this question.
Should you buy your toddler expensive clothes?
My initial answer is no, but what I’m going to ultimately say is that it depends.
If you are living paycheck to paycheck, the last thing you need to be worrying about is whether your toddler is wearing a designer brand or not.
Stay in your lane and get what you can afford.
However, that is not to say that you cannot ever get your toddler expensive clothing or shoes.
If you have the means and want to spend a little more on some nicer pieces, then have at it.
I wouldn’t make this a thing that happens all the time, but every once in a while couldn’t hurt.
For me personally, an expensive piece of clothing for a toddler is anything over $50.
I’m not buying designer items for my daughter, but I might spend a little more once a year.
The thing about kids is that not only will they outgrow their clothes and shoes after a short period, but they won’t even remember the clothing they were wearing when they get older.
As they get older, they will be able to have more say in their clothes and what they actually want.
But for the time being, getting cheaper pieces will do the job.
Now let’s get into the place where I like to get cheaper children’s clothing.
Where To Get Cheap Toddler Clothes
The first place that I want to mention is a new one that I have come across and that is Toycycle.
So Toycycle is an online option to get secondhand clothes, toys, and gear for half, if not more, off the original price of the item.
They focus on high-quality clothing, top-notch toys, and even carry a selection of extraordinary new products from eco-minded companies that focus on sustainability.
When I first stumbled across Toycycle, the first thing that I noticed was that they carried brands like Nike, Adidas, and Baby Gap.
If you are also into these brands, then you can get them for a bargain.
With the current pandemic, I know some parents are a little hesitant about going into the stores, so Toycycle is a great online option for those who prefer to shop online and get secondhand prices.
They were also kind enough to give my readers a coupon code to save even more when they shop through my link.
If you use my code JASS20 through my link here, you can save an additional 20% off.
So head over to Toycycle to grab yourself a few things and save even more while you are at it.
Once Upon A Child
So if you have heard of Plato’s Closet, Once Upon A Child is the baby and children’s version of that store.
I had never heard of this store until I had a baby and I’m so glad that I found it.
This is another consignment store that allows you to buy gently used clothes, toys, and baby gear as well as sell back your gently used items.
The main reason that I love this store so much is that the clothes are really cheap.
I’m talking like $3 for a bodysuit and maybe $7 for a pair of overalls.
I know I didn’t know that overalls for kids were so expensive, so getting them for a much cheaper price is definitely a win.
And you may even stumble across some items that still have the tags on them.
As I had mentioned above, you can also sell back your gently used items.
They take back clothes, toys, stroller, and other baby gear.
Now, you will not get the full price back for what you originally paid for it.
This is understandable since you have used it, but it is nice to get some cash back.
Then if you want, you can turn around and use it to get more items.
Clearance Racks
The next place to get toddler clothes for cheap is the clearance racks in the stores.
If any of you are like me, when you see a clothes rack in the store that says clearance or sales, that will be the first place that you will go to.
The majority of the time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the items on the clearance rack.
This is actually my favorite way to get new and cheap toddler clothes.
These clothes are usually the ones that are out of season or maybe just didn’t sell well during the current season.
Sometimes, you don’t even need to look at the regular-priced stuff because the clearance clothes work just fine.
A lot of popular retail stores have what they call end-of-season sales.
For example, I love Target and Walmart Carter’s clothing line.
Usually 2 to 3 times a year, the clothes that were regularly priced for the past few months will go on clearance.
The only catch is that you have to keep checking because I am not sure when they will go on clearance.
There is a good chance you will be grocery shopping anyway so whenever you are there, head over to the children’s clothes section and see if they have updated their clearance racks.
Garage Sales
Garage sales are another option that many forget about when looking for cheap toddler clothes.
There is a good chance you will stumble across children’s clothing at garage sales when you see that the family hosting the garage sale has younger children present.
A lot of families, even our little family of 3, just seem to accumulate a lot of baby and children stuff and are always looking for a way to get rid of some of it.
Most people aren’t charging an arm or a leg for baby clothes and used baby gear.
Some people will only charge 50 cents for a bodysuit.
These are great opportunities to scoop up some cheap toddler clothes.
Of course, you want to wash and properly sanitize anything you buy from garage sales.
You can never be too sure and plus you want to make you get rid of any germs before your little one gets a hold of it.
Facebook Marketplace
Another way people are trying to get rid of old baby and kids clothes is through Facebook Marketplace.
This is a lot like a garage sale to me.
People will post the clothes as well as a price for what they offering.
Most sellers are negotiable and will accept a lower offer if you make one.
Facebook Marketplace also has the ability to mail items as well if you are not comfortable picking up or meeting the person to get the clothes.
Once you have gotten the clothes, you want to treat them like you would any hand-me-downs that you get by washing and sanitizing them.
Hand Me Downs
And lastly, the option that will likely be free is good ole hand-me-downs.
Do you have any older children that can no longer fit their clothes?
Or maybe a relative that has children that are willing to give you what they are no longer using?
I was lucky enough to have a friend of my friend give me her daughter’s hand-me-downs.
She is only a few months older than my daughter, so when she outgrew her clothes, she would literally give them to me.
And some of the stuff hadn’t even been worn because her daughter outgrew that size so quickly.
There should be no shame when getting hand-me-downs because ultimately the items are getting the chance to really be used and loved on again.
My sister recently had a baby boy last year and whatever I have that a little boy can use or wear, I pass onto her.
Your Turn
Alright, now that I have discussed where I get cheap toddler clothes for my daughter. I want to hear from you. Where do you get cheap toddler clothes? Do you utilize the places I mentioned above? I definitely recommend Toycycle if you are looking for an online option during these times. Don’t forget to use my code JASS20 through my link here to get 20% off your Toycycle purchase. And while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Love this! Sometimes it’s fun to splurge on a few things but most of the time you can get basic things for cheap!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Exactly! I completely agree! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Rebekah Charles
Your baby is just the cutest ?
Thanks for sharing these tips, will definitely be sharing with my friends who have kids.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Aw thank you! And yes! Share with your friends who are looking for some cheaper options! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
I love Once Upon A Child! They always have good quality and even sometimes name brand clothes. I usually just trade my sons old clothes for credit and then get him new ones!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I love Once Upon a Child too! I get a lot of my daughter’s stuff from there too! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Talissa Wolfe
I’ve never heard of toycycle. I will definitely look into that!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Definitely give it a try! And use my code JASS20 to save even more when you shop through my link! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I will be checking out Once Upon a Child! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
You should definitely check them out! I love that store! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love it! Thanks for sharing! Always nice to find places where you can save a few bucks! Stay healthy!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and stay safe as well! I’m glad that you enjoyed these places!
Lekha Chellani
This is the first post I have read on toddler clothes and you have nailed it! They grow out of it soon and we could be a little smart about our spending of course..
Jasmyn Wilkins
Aw thank you and they really do! I know I started to be a little smarter with my spending! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I will definitely be checking out Toycycle!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes give it a try!
Great post!! My kid is 10 now, but I remember the toddler days. They grow so fast and it all gets dirty, no need to spend a lot! Excellent suggestions. I also found good deals at consignment sales. On the last day a lot of times they offer 50% off, so I’d get there first thing and usually find stuff for $1-2!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Now that is my kind of deal! I will definitely check that out! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
It’s crazy how quickly kids grow out of things! We love hand me downs and have no shame! Thanks for sharing these tips!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Right! My daughter just shot right up! So glad at you enjoyed these tips!
Yessss I do all of these! Great post!!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! Glad that you enjoyed this post!