Why everyone should go to therapy
Mental Health

Reasons Why Everyone Should Go To Therapy

There are plenty of reasons why everyone should go to therapy.

It is often thought of as something that people will do when they feel like they have no other choice, but you don’t always have to wait for that point.

As some of you know and have gotten to know more about me, you may know that I am extremely passionate about mental health.

I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Addiction Studies and then went on further to attain my Master’s Degree in Family Therapy.

I’m passionate about helping others gain better mental health habits through transparent communication and healthy coping skills.

When I was sitting across from clients, I ultimately wanted you to “feel good” when you were in my presence.

I wanted my clients to feel like they just could just be themselves when they were in session and have a space where they could speak freely with no judgment.

And also work towards being an overall better version of themselves.

I know therapy is often portrayed as something only needed for people who are struggling with a mental health disorder or a traumatic event.

But as this perception has shifted, we have learned that is not always the case.

There are more reasons why everyone should go to therapy outside of a mental health disorder or a traumatic event.

Keep reading to find out.

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Why everyone should go to therapy

What Are The Benefits Of Seeing A Therapist?

Before I get into the different reasons why everyone should go to therapy, let’s talk about the benefits of therapy and seeing a therapist.

“Should I see a therapist?”

If you ask me, I am going to always say yes.

There are so many benefits of seeing a therapist.

Many therapists are trained to be unbiased and deeply believe that their client is capable of change and growth.

They will likely remain open-minded and flexible to the dynamic that is taking already place and only interfere when needed.

Therapists have a code of ethics that they have to abide by and one of those things is not causing harm to their client and that can also include mean mental harm.

There is a difference between challenging your client and demeaning your client.

And your therapist should in no form or fashion be demeaning you while in session.

Your therapist will be in your corner, but they will also let you know when a particular behavior may not be helpful in regards to your growth as an individual.

Therapy thrives on building a relationship that stands on trust and open communication.

Benefits of seeing a therapist include:

  • Having a support system focused on your mental wellbeing
  • Exploring and discovering things you may not know about yourself
  • Diving into your family history and how that affects you now
  • Improve your friendships and relationships

Another benefit of seeing a therapist that I found was mentioned by Talkwith and they said that therapy can actually make you a nicer person.

Which I completely get.

When you are in therapy, you become self-aware of some of the things that you do.

Maybe you shut down in arguments or continue to poke and probe someone to the brink of lashing out.

When you are aware of these things, you can begin to work on them and approach those situations differently.

This is why therapy is good for everyone and something that everyone should go to.


Reasons Why Everyone Should Go To Therapy

Here I want to dive into 3 reasons why everyone should go to therapy.

You Are Sad

I think it is only fitting to start with the number 1 reason why someone would even consider therapy to begin with outside of having a mental health disorder.

And it is likely because you are sad or feeling depressed.

Sadness can often prompt many of us to go get help, but for others, sadness can often prompt many of us to isolate ourselves.

If you have been keeping up with the blog, then you know that we are much more vulnerable in isolation and bottled-up emotions can be dangerous.

When I was walling in postpartum depression, I too, began to isolate myself.

As a first-time mom, I hated myself for having such thoughts.

It wasn’t until I reached out to my OBGYN and asked her for help.

Most of these doctors can provide recommendations and resources to get you some help, especially in regards to depressive thoughts

For my stay-at-home mommas who are at home, like I am, you can’t thrive in mom life in isolation.

Don’t let yourself fall into that stay-at-home mom depression that is becoming more common nowadays.

You are deserving of support and that support can come in the form of seeing a therapist.

Therapy is for moms too.

You Are Mad

You are at your wit’s end with your husband and this is the last straw.

Ultimatums have been made, but you don’t want to give up on your family.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

If sadness is often the first reason, then anger is often the second.

Counseling is often the last resort for many who are so angry and frustrated with their current situation and don’t know what else to do.

They may be ready to call it quits in marriage or maybe you are just fed up with your own children’s behavior.

Whatever the reason that has got you so fired up, it has brought you to therapy and that is ok

I personally liked seeing a little angry in therapy sessions because, with anger, there was often something else there.

Hurt, pain, and sadness often accompany anger.

There is also a good chance that you may say how you really feel even if you did not mean it in anger.

Once you dive into that anger and hurt, you can get to the root of it.

It may seem like you are only seeing red, but there is a light in that red tunnel.

Going to therapy can help you find that light.

You Are Happy

“Why on earth would someone go to therapy because they are happy?”

I know it doesn’t make sense when you first think about it but hear me out.

If you are someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety in the past, then you may want to be preventive against these episodes occurring in the future.

According to Mental Health Match, not only does therapy help you identify what triggers those depression and anxiety episodes, but it can also help reduce those episodes from even occurring.

Just like doctor check-ups are for your physical health, going to therapy is a check-up for your mental health.

Everything can be going really smoothly and you are in a great headspace, then out of nowhere, you find yourself experiencing a depressive episode.

That is where going to therapy while everything is good plays a role.

So many people are ready to throw in the towel when everything is going well.

And often, people will stop coming to therapy because they feel like they have been “fixed.”

Some people really are fine and just needed see someone for a little while to work through some of their issues.

However, you know yourself and if you are prone to frequent episodes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing a therapist on a regular basis.

Finding A Therapist

Now that I have convinced you all with all the different reasons everyone should go to therapy, I want to include some resources on where to find a therapist.

With the current state of the world, online counseling has been really popular.

A lot of counselors who were seeing clients have gone virtual and are now conducting online counseling sessions.

Two of the most popular websites that offer online therapy are BetterHelp and Talkspace.

I have heard nothing but good things about both of these sites and I think they even offer a way for you to message a therapist if you don’t want to do webchats.

I currently live in the North Texas area and know some individuals who are great at what they do.

If you live in the North Texas area, check out these local ladies and start feeling better today.


Your Turn

Now that I have given some reasons why everyone should go to therapy, I want to hear from you. Therapy is something that I am extremely passionate about and want to change the narrative of it being something restricted to only those who are dealing with a mental health disorder. If you don’t mind sharing your experience with therapy in the comments below, I would love to hear it. And while you are still here, check out my previous blog post. Until next time!


Just Jass

Why everyone should go to therapy

Hi! I'm Jasmyn or "Jas" as everyone likes to call me! I'm a stay-at-home girl momma to 2 beautiful little girls and married to my wonderful husband whom I have been with for 10 years! I'm a book and tea lover and when I'm not working on my blog, you can find me sharing bits and pieces of our lives on Instagram or me strolling down the aisles of Target and DSW! I'm the mama blogger behind the blog, Just Jass, where I offer parenting advice, productivity tips, and positive mental health habits from my perspective as mama of 2. Why don't you join me and my Jassy Fam as we navigate this thing called "mom-life" together!


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