The Best Way To Move Forward Is To Take A Step Back
Is the best way to move forward by taking a step back?
If you all read my previous post on surviving the first trimester with a toddler, then you will know that I had to take a step back in order to navigate my new normal of being pregnant while taking care of my daughter.
Why was I forcing myself to continue to do things when I knew I wasn’t feeling the best?
As moms, we have a tendency to want to overachieve and want to make sure we doing everything we can for our babies.
I feel like this is amplified for stay-at-home moms and leaves many of us feeling less than fulfilled if we don’t make sure our homes are in order.
As much as I was wanting to care for and tend to my 2-year-old daughter’s every need, I can’t forget to take care of my unborn child’s needs as well.
And this child was needing me to rest.
So what did I do?
I took a step back.
And it was the best thing I could have ever done.
In fact, I figured out that the best way to move forward was to take a step back, and here I will be sharing exactly how you can do it too.
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Why You May Need To Take A Step Back
Before I get into why the best way to move forward is to take a step back, let’s talk about why you may need to take a step back.
When should you take a step back?
There are many reasons why you may need a moment that requires you to take a step back.
The most obvious reason that comes to mind is that you are overwhelmed and burned out.
Which is very common in parenting and can often lead to many stay-at-home moms feeling depressed.
Another area of life where this feeling is common in the workplace.
If you are at a job where your stomach hurts or you get a headache the moment you pull into the parking lot, that is not the place for you.
A lot of us spend the majority of our lives working our butts off.
The least we can do is work somewhere where we feel happy, appreciated, and well taken care of.
When you are overwhelmed, everything feels exaggerated, out of control, and negative.
There is also this tendency to overthink simple things and our minds never feel at peace.
In order to counteract these thoughts, we have to pause and breathe through these moments with positive thoughts and responses.
Physically Affected
Another reason that you may need to take a step back is that your body physically needs a break.
When you get hurt, adrenaline can only kick in for so long.
At some point, you will feel the pain and need to access the damage.
This is also the case when you find yourself or someone close to you very sick.
As I mentioned above, I was very sick in the first trimester.
The routine that I had going for myself every day was completely thrown off and I found myself merely surviving instead of thriving at mom-life.
I know that while I am pregnant, I am going to create a new routine during this pregnancy that will get me through the days.
And that routine will definitely involve getting that much-needed rest and maintaining healthier habits.
The next reason why someone may need a moment is fear.
Our bodies naturally have a fight or flight response when we come in contact with danger or something that we perceive as dangerous.
This is where we decide whether to confront what is coming or run away from it.
However, there is a third response that our bodies are also capable of doing and that is freezing up altogether.
Simply not moving at all.
You are rooted where you are and whether you like it or not, you are stuck.
Fear can be crippling.
It doesn’t have to be something dangerous for you to freeze up.
It can be something like moving away or having a job interview.
In order to confront that fear, you need to take a moment to acknowledge that you are scared and that it is ok to be scared.
And then take one step forward into that fear.
With that being said, let’s talk about what moving forward can look like.
What Moving Forward Can Look Like
Moving forward should feel free.
Like your breaking free from the chains of the old patterns that had set in and had been there for a long time.
Once you have taken a step back and allowed yourself to process your thoughts, you will often find clarity in those thoughts that you would have not found had you continued to move forward.
For me, it hit me one morning when I had my head in the toilet throwing up and my daughter was staring at me with concern written all over her face.
I was so exhausted.
I knew then that I had to figure this out because I had many more weeks and months ahead of me before this baby arrived.
Taking a step back for me included stepping away from my blog for a few months in order to rest and wrap my mind around the fact that we will be welcoming another child into our family in a few months.
Things were going to change anyway so I might as well prepare myself for that.
I know not everyone is capable of stepping away from their job or responsibilities, but I do encourage you to take a break when you need it.
And trust me when I say you will know when you need it.
I love what Jess says in her article that by taking a step back which is “You can finally move forward with confidence and clarity instead of just moving because you are afraid to stop.”
And she is absolutely right.
Taking a moment does not mean that you have to stop and stay stopped forever.
Whether it is a 15-minute break or 5 months like I did, taking a step back should ultimately be a way for you to move forward.
Is The Best Way To Move Forward By Taking A Step Back?
So that brings us back to the question that was posed at the very beginning.
Is the best way to move forward by taking a step back?
If you haven’t figured that out by now, then the answer is without a doubt yes.
By taking a moment, you can truly see what is in front of you and get a clear view of what needs to be done.
I know I am a creature of habit, so breaking away from a routine that has been working so well for months now sucks, but that is life.
Nothing is ever supposed to remain the same.
Change is inevitable and we have to be able to adapt.
So if that means taking a step back in order to prepare ourselves for the changes to come then so be it.
Your Turn
Now, that I have discussed why I think the best way to move forward is to take a step back, I want to hear from you. Do you think that you can move forward by taking a step back? Or do you think it is best to just keep moving forward and power through? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post linked below. Until next time!
- Read More: Surviving The First Trimester With A Toddler
Just Jass

Thank you for writing such an inspirational post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! I’m glad that you enjoyed it!