Productive Stay At Home Mom Tips With 2 Kids Under 3
“Jas, how you are staying productive as a stay-at-home mom with two small children?”
I have been asked this question several times because as you all know I have an 8-month-old and a 3-year-old.
Going from one small child to two has been interesting, to say the least especially now that my 8-month-old is mobile.
But there are still things that need to be done even with both of my girls around.
I consistently post on here once a week and create content to post on Instagram and Facebook throughout the week.
And somehow manage to squeeze in other things such as housework, cooking, and being present with my husband.
If it sounds like a lot, then you are absolutely right.
I feel really busy at times.
This is especially true if I’m working with a deadline and have to have the content finished by a certain time.
When it comes to my blog and social media, I’m a one-woman show.
I do everything myself from sending out weekly emails, creating graphics and Pinterest pins, writing the blog posts, and taking the pictures that you all see on my social media.
But even with all of this, I’m still a mom and I have to be attentive to my girls because they need me as well.
And these first few years of their life will go by quickly.
Since I have been a stay-at-home mom for a little over 3 years now and blogging for a little over a year and a half now, I have picked up some productivity hacks that have made things much easier for me.
And as a stay-at-home mom with 2 small children, I want to share was has been helpful for me with you all.
Here are some productive stay-at-home mom tips with 2 kids under 3.
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Do Stay At Home Moms Have To Be Productive All The Time?
Before I get into how to be a productive mom, let’s answer this question.
Do stay-at-home moms have to be productive all the time?
If you have been keeping up with my stay-at-home mom content on here, then you already know what I’m going to say.
Which is absolutely not.
There is often this perception that stay-at-home moms have to always be doing something.
And if you aren’t, then they are failing as a stay-at-home mom.
Which is ridiculous.
If you are a stay-at-home mom, your hands will constantly be full of taking care of your kids.
So if you get a moment when you can just be still and do nothing, then please do it.
I know society has a way of making us as mothers feel guilty for doing something for ourselves or anything that is unrelated to being a mom.
But as many of us have seen, that is the quickest way to mom burnout.
And once you are burnout, you will like experience many bad “mom” days because of it.
I know if I’m feeling really tired one day, I will nap while my girls are napping and not feel the least bit guilty about it.
Most of the time, I’m taking advantage of their nap time to get other things done so if I want to nap one day, then I will.
One day isn’t going to hurt.
The key to being a productive stay-at-home mom is balance.
A balance of resting and also getting things done.
With that being said, let’s get in some productivity tips I use as a stay-at-home mom with 2 kids under 3.
Productive Stay At Home Mom Tips With 2 Kids Under 3
Wake Up Before Your Kids
The very first tip I want to offer as a productive stay-at-home mom is to wake up before your kids.
Now I’m not telling you to wake up at 5 AM or anything like that unless that is what you want to do.
Just try to get up before your kids whenever that is.
If you all checked out my morning routine as a stay-at-home mom, then you know that my goal is to wake up before my kids every day around 7:30 AM.
That’s the goal but sometimes my oldest daughter wakes up before me or my baby girl, who we currently bedshare with, decides to wake up earlier than usual.
Obviously, if they are awake, then our morning will start off heading to the kitchen and getting breakfast started.
But if they are both still sleeping and I’m able to get up before both of them, it gives me that time to myself before I have to dive into the chaos of having a baby and a toddler.
I will also take this time to figure out what I need to do that day which leads me to my next productive tip.
Have A Daily To-Do List
As I was saying above, I’m a one-woman show doing multiple things from blogging to social media, so it’s easy to get confused on what tasks need to be done that day.
I solve this issue by keeping a daily to-do list with tasks that I want to get done that day.
Having a to-do list keeps me organized as a stay-at-home mom.
If I wake up before the girls, then I will also take some of that time to write down what I want or need to get down that day.
If the girls wake up before me, then I will make my to-do list after we all have had breakfast and gotten dressed.
I have an Erin Condren Monthly Planner that I like to write my to-do list down in.
It comes with a To-Do List Snap-In Insert that snaps into the planner that allows me to write what I want to get done every day.
And it is dry erase so I can check off what I want to get done and then erase it once the day is done and start over the next day.
I absolutely love this planner and if you are looking for a good planner, then I will link the one that I use and the to-do inserts below.
My to-do list normally consists of 3 or 4 things that I want to get done that day.
I have found that when I focus on 3 or 4 tasks per day, I don’t feel as overwhelmed and I can usually accomplish these tasks.

Put On Clothes
Speaking of getting dressed, this is also something that you should do that will help with feeling productive.
Part of being a productive mom is feeling like a productive mom.
And who is really productive when they are in their pajamas all day?
I know some people who will say that they are just fine being in their pajamas all day and still get things done, but I’m not one of them.
I associate my pajamas with sleep and relaxing which is not what I’m always going for during the day.
If you are like me, then make it a point to put on clothes every day.
I know I feel better and much more productive when I’m looking more put together as a stay-at-home mom.
Create A Schedule For Your Children
The next tip I want to mention is to create a schedule for your little ones.
I know some moms say that they can just go along with the flow during the day and if that works for you, then have it.
But I find myself to be the most productive when I have an idea of what our day will look like.
I recently shared what my daily schedule looks like with a baby and a toddler and for the most part, our days look like that.
We wake up around the same time every day.
Typically go out around the same time every day.
And eat meals and go to bed at the same time every day.
This makes planning events and blocking out time for me to work on my blog and social media so much easier because I know what to look forward to throughout the day.
My girls have also caught on to our routine as well which means they have an idea of what to look forward to as well.
Try To Have Both Kids Nap At Same Time
While on the subject of creating a schedule, try to have both of your kids’ naps at the same time.
I know this is easier said than done.
I know for me personally, I will try to put my baby down at the same time as my toddler’s nap.
My daughter typically naps around the same time every day, so when she is asleep, I will nurse my baby and try to put her down for a nap as well.
When both of the girls are asleep, it is go-time for me.
I will work on blog posts, create Pinterest pins, or try to squeeze in taking pictures for my social media.
This block of time, while they are napping, is about 2 hours so I try to get a lot done during this window.
Encourage Your Toddler To Play Independently
If your toddler is anything like mine, then sometimes they want to fight that daily nap.
My 3-year-old very much still needs a nap, but some days, she wants to stay up with mom.
On days like this, I try to encourage her to play quietly and independently so that her baby sister can still nap.
Some days, I will play a movie and let her color or play with the watercolors.
I will let her pick any play-based activity that she wants to do as long as it is a quieter one.
It’s a win-win for me because she is able to play quietly while her sister is sleeping and I’m able to get a couple of things done.
Sometimes these quieter activities will actually help settle her down and encourage her to want to nap which is even better for me.
Ask For Help
And the last tip I want to offer as a productive stay-at-home mom is to ask for help when needed.
I know that I said that I’m a one-woman show above, but I still need help sometimes.
My help usually comes in the form of my husband.
Whether he is watching the girls in the evenings so that I can finish up any blogging tasks I may have.
Or taking the girls for a walk around the block on the weekends so I can record a video or take pictures and not have to worry about them.
These breaks help me.
I’m able to focus and finish what I need to get done.
We also tag team house chores so that one person isn’t stuck cleaning the entire house all the time.
By dividing up and tag-teaming things around the house such as cleaning, cooking, and taking care of the girls, we make a great team which makes me a much more productive stay-at-home mom.
So make sure you are asking for help when you need it because you will.
Your Turn
Well, those are my productive stay-at-home mom tips while managing 2 kids under 3. I want to hear from you all now. What are some tips that you would offer that helped you be a productive mom? Let me know in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
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Just Jass

I have only one baby but holy crap is it hard. Starting a blog, keeping up with my daughter, and supporting my husband takes the amount of time that 2 full-time jobs do. I don’t know how you do it with two little ones!
I also love the “put on clothes” tip. If I am in my jammies all day nothing get done. Even if I trade my pajama pants for sweats I feel much more productive LOL.
Jasmyn Heard
I started doing this when I only had my first daughter so I know exactly what you mean by how hard it is! And yes! I’m way more productive when I have actual clothes on versus pajamas! So glad that you enjoyed this post!
Absolutely love this! I think it’s great for anyone wanting to be more productive.
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you and you are absolutely right! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
These are great thoughts! Something that has helped me has been to remember that even in those slow times when ALL I’m doing is sitting with my kids, I am being productive. They are my number 1! Somtimes we are busy, but sometimes motherhood is just being present!
Jasmyn Heard
That is a great point! Even when we are just sitting with our children and not doing much, we are definitely being productive! Being a present mom is a productive mom! Thank you for your feedback!
W. Santiago | Literal Med
I completely understand. I’m in the same boat. I prioritize things to be able to complete everything on time.
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! It is great to have a plan so you can prioritize and be productive when you need to be!
Michelle from Hiking Bingo
My favorite go to is waking up early and getting some “Mommy time” for myself in the morning! It provides a great start to my day and prepares me for what’s to come!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! I also try to get up before my kiddos! It definitely gives me that much-needed alone time before the chaos of the day begins!
It’s so hard with one 3 year old. I am also a stay-at-home mom and a one-woman show when it comes to my blog. It’s overwhelming! What has helped me is to also wake up early before my daughter wakes up to work. I also do as many chores and errands with her while she’s awake. During her quiet time after lunch, I also spend time working on my blog. At night when she goes to bed, I spend time with my husband. I find all of this to be a great balance.
Jasmyn Heard
Your days sound a lot like mine! I agree that it does provide a nice balance so that I am a productive mom while also being present with my husband and the girls!