New Year’s Resolutions For Moms
With the new year here, I want to share some New Year’s resolutions for moms that I have made as a mom of 2.
If you have all been keeping up with me on the blog, then you know I shared some New Year’s resolutions last year that we made as a family.
- Read More: New Year’s Resolutions To Make As A Family
I found myself looking back through that post recently to see if we accomplished or maintained any of those resolutions.
And I noticed that we did a pretty good job maintaining our resolutions throughout the year.
The one thing that we didn’t do was take professional family photos but I’m making that more of a priority this year because I truly want to have those done.
My family is very important to me so I want to try to make sure that I’m being the best parent I can be to my girls.
Which lead me to come up with some new year’s resolutions to make as a mom.
When it comes to resolutions, they are always easy to make, but not so easy to maintain.
Especially as we get further into the year
But I personally feel like by putting them out there, there is an accountability that you are holding yourself to.
So with that being said, here are my resolutions that I’m holding myself accountable for this year.
If you are interested in some New Year’s resolutions for moms, then keep reading.
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Should Moms Even Make New Year’s Resolutions?
Before I get into the New Year’s resolutions that I’m making as a mom, let’s answer this question.
Should moms even make New Year’s resolutions?
As if moms aren’t under enough pressure as it is.
So why in the world should we put ourselves under even more pressure by setting goals and resolutions?
Because we deserve the chance to be better versions of ourselves.
When we set goals and resolutions, we are aiming to do better.
Am I aware that many people fail to keep their resolutions?
But the effort and the drive to accomplish it were there and that is what matters.
You have an idea of what you want so you gotta figure out what it takes to get there.
Ashleigh from the blog, Already Tired Tomorrow, does a great job talking about why moms fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions.
She states that the reasons why moms fail are:
- Not understanding “why” they made the resolution
- Setting unrealistic goals
- Allowing outside pressure
- Not holding themselves accountable
- Not tracking their progress
I know that this can sound discouraging because nobody wants to set a goal to fail.
I want all of us to set and crush our goals this upcoming year.
And the way to do that is by setting the goal or resolution, to begin with so we can give ourselves a chance to accomplish it.
Now that we know that we should make yearly goals and resolutions, let’s get into some New Year’s resolutions for moms.
New Year’s Resolutions For Moms
Stop Comparing Yourself To Other Moms
The very first resolution that I making as a mom is to stop comparing myself to other moms.
This is usually something much easier said than done.
If you follow me on Instagram, then you know have probably noticed that I have stepped into more of a content creator role.
And as I have gotten more active on there, I am coming across other “mom” and “family” accounts.
Which is really cool because I’m connecting to other moms who are doing what I’m doing.
But it has also led me to compare myself to them.
Whether it is how large their following is or how they are parenting.
I do aspire to continue to grow on Instagram, but I have to remember my path is not the same as theirs and that if I remain consistent and enjoy my content, then my growth will come.
As far as parenting, I understand that no parent is perfect.
But these moms on the internet sure can make it seem like they are dang near perfect.
What I like to remind myself when I have those envious feelings surface is that it is just the internet.
Many people treat their social media like a highlight reel, so they only show the good parts.
Being a mom is hard and internet moms know that too.
So I want to put an end to the mom-guilt associated with comparison.
Yell Less, Listen More
This is quite funny coming from me considering I created a whole post on how to discipline your toddler without yelling over 2 years ago.
When I wrote that post, I was only a mom to a 23-month-old toddler.
Fast forward to now and I’m a mom to a 4-year-old and an 18-month-old.
And let’s just say my nerves have been tested.
Between my younger daughter heading into the “terrible twos” and my oldest daughter having her “moments”, this mom has lost it a few times.
I catch myself yelling so much and I don’t like that.
So I want to yell less and listen more this year.
I am already aware of myself yelling too much so I want to catch myself in the act, take a step back, and come back ready to listen.
Be Present With My Children More
Ok, I have a confession.
I’m not a “playful” mom.
What I mean by that is that I’m not the mom that gets on the ground and plays with her kids.
I’m more of the kind of mom who lets her children play freely whether individually or together while I supervise.
Well, my kids are just like most kids and love to ask “Mommy, can you play with me?”
And my normal response is something along the lines of “Not right now baby, Mommy is busy” or “Mommy is kind of tired right now”
I know that I’m not the only mom who does that regularly.
But I want to do better because I know the importance of spending quality individual time with each of my daughters.
Especially my oldest since my youngest gets a lot of attention naturally.
My plan to be more present with my oldest daughter is to do an activity that I may enjoy as well.
For instance, I actually enjoy doing puzzles with my oldest daughter so I’m going to try to initiate doing puzzles with her more.
If you are a lot like me, then hopefully you can find an activity that allows you to be more present with your children as well.
Do “More” For Myself
Next up is doing “more” for myself.
Over on Instagram, I mentioned in my New Year’s post that I wanted to do more for myself this year.
And I mean exactly that.
I am clearly not the same person I was before I became a mom and I have been trying to navigate this new person that I have become.
This new version of myself is still trying to figure out her style and what she really likes after having babies.
After becoming a stay-at-home mom, there were certain expenses that I cut because it didn’t make financial sense.
Most of these expenses included beauty services such as getting my nails, eyebrows, and hair done regularly.
Since I stopped getting many of these things done years ago, I have learned to manage without them.
But there are still times when I want to engage in these services so last year, I started gradually easing back into it.
And I remembered how much I enjoyed it!
In fact, I think I enjoy it more now because it is something that I do solely for me.
It is so easy to get caught up in taking care of everyone but yourself so I am challenging myself to do more for myself this year.
- Read More: Making Time For Yourself As A Stay-At-Home Mom
- Read More: Self-Care Activities For Stay At Home Moms
Accepting Help When Offered
And the last resolution I’m making as a mom is to accept help when offered.
I can admit that I’m terrible at asking for help.
This might be why you all may be wondering why wouldn’t I make a resolution on asking for help more instead of accepting help.
Because I will probably fail at keeping it.
I already said above that many people fail at keeping resolutions because they set unrealistic goals and don’t hold themselves accountable.
Well, the likelihood of me failing that particular resolution is pretty high considering that is something that I have been struggling with for years.
I want to get better at asking for help but I know that I’m not there yet.
So instead of choosing to ask, I want to start accepting more help when it is offered.
We luckily have a small village that offers to help and watch the girls if we need them.
I feel like accepting help more will make asking for help easier.
Your Turn
Well, those are the New Year’s resolutions that I’m making as a mom. I want to hear from you all now. What are some New Year’s resolutions that you all are making as moms? I would love to hear from you in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Sarah Ruesch
This was amazing, I have some goals, this is my first year of being a mom. I give birth in May.
Jasmyn Heard
Aw, thank you so much! And congratulations on becoming a mom last year! 🙂
Laura Fallin
Love this so much! I really like what you said about being ‘present.’ It’s so important because we can’t get any time back! Also the yelling less and listening more~I need to work on that too! Thank you for sharing these tips!?
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much! I’m so glad that you enjoyed these resolutions!
I’m not a mom. However this post, which I linked through from a Facebook group for bloggers, applies to me too! I love your suggestion to stop comparing ourselves to others. As online entrepreneurs, it’s easy to freak out and get caught up in that. Great post!
Jasmyn Heard
Absolutely! You don’t have to me a mom to make these kinds of resolutions! I’m so glad that you found this post to be helpful!
Great post! This year I want to focus on having more patience with my kids! My two boys test it constantly!! Lol
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much! And yes, we all could use more patience with our kiddos!
I love this post on New Year’s Resolutions for moms. Your ideas are sensational, especially about being more mindful and present with your family, accepting help, and NOT comparing yourself to other moms. I’m a licensed mental health professional working with children and families and that is a topic I talk to a LOT with moms that comparing themselves to other moms is only going to cause unnecessary pain and suffering. Thank you for such a useful list of resolution ideas. If any mom’s out there are interested in learning more about how to stop comparing themselves to others please take a look at https://pantearahimian.com/how-to-stop-comparing-yourself-to-others-7-ways-that-work/
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you loved this post!