It’s Time To Ditch The Mom Guilt For Good
Alright, mommas, it’s time to ditch the mom guilt.
I refuse to let myself wallow in shame as a stay-at-home mom and wife, because I know I am doing the best I can.
And I know I am not the only one who feels this way.
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be these superwomen who do everything and run ourselves into the ground doing so?
Of course, we want the best for children and our families. We want to make sure they are thriving and doing well in whatever they pursuing.
Yet for some odd reason, if things are not up to par with what we think should be happening then we blame ourselves.
If you have ever felt this way, then this is what many have begun to call mom guilt. It affects many moms today and has had the ability to make many of us doubt our ability to parent our children.
Well, I am DONE feeling guilty as a mom.
And I know many of you are ready to be done feeling guilty as a mom, too.
I like to utilize affirmations to drive out any mom guilt or anxiety and I want to share those with you all so you can say these things to yourself when you feel the mom guilt creeping in.
It’s time to ditch the mom guilt for good and here is how we are going to do it.
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What Is Mom Guilt?
If you are a first-time mom, you may be wondering what in the world is mom guilt?
I know I didn’t know what mom guilt was until after I had my daughter. Then next thing I knew, I was knee-deep in it.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term mom guilt, it literally means what it says. You feel guilty for not being a “good” enough mom.
All these Instagram and YouTube moms present these perfect lives with perfect children and you feel like crap because your life does not look like theirs.
They don’t show the tantrums and meltdowns that are happening behind the scenes and because we don’t see it, we assume that they have motherhood completely together all the time.
Other examples of mom guilt are:
- Letting your kid have too much screen time
- Going out and having fun without your kids
- Working outside of the home and putting your children in childcare
- Ordering takeout instead of cooking at home
- Arguing in front of your kids
All of these things just happen sometimes and this does not make you a bad mom. But, somehow we have been conditioned to feel guilty if we engage in any of this behavior.
Well ladies (and gentlemen who share this with a mom), it’s time to get rid of the mom guilt.
Affirmations For Overcoming Mom Guilt
Now that I have touched on what mom guilt is and can look like, I want to provide some affirmations for overcoming that mom guilt.
Most of the guilt and anxiety that we feel are due to the negative thoughts that we have about ourselves.
If you have been following along on the blog, then you know I like to utilize positive self-talk to reframe those negative thoughts.
Check out these 3 affirmations that I like to tell myself when I start feeling that guilt and anxiety well up in me.
You Are Enough
From the moment, a baby is born into the world, they know exactly who their mom is. They know her smell. Can sense her presence. And instantly feel comforted by her touch.
You can look at yourself in the mirror and doubt whether you are fit to be a mom, but that baby will not.
Your baby knows that you are fit, you just have to believe that yourself.
I used to feel so much guilt over what kind of mom I was being to my daughter and was stressed by all the milestones that she was supposed to hit by a certain time.
Whether she was getting the right amount of food and sleep. All those things that books and the internet tell you to do instead of following my own gut.
I found myself questioning myself a lot wondering how my mom handled having me as a baby and making it look easy with her granddaughter while I struggled at first.
Of course, she has the experience, but it still made me feel like something was wrong with me. But I knew I had to stop with that mindset.
I am enough.
And you are
Yes, they need you to take care of them. But, they also need you to hide behind when the world starts to feel too big because to them, the world is really big.
But as long as you are in it, they feel that much more comfortable exploring it.
You Are DOING Enough
There is no such thing as a perfect mother.
I know some of us
Some gave up their dreams to stay home to help you pursue yours. Others even worked overtime to ensure that you never missed a meal.
When I made the decision to breastfeed my daughter, I did not really have anyone to turn to in my family in regards to that type of experience.
Luckily my mother-in-law had breastfed all of her children, so she was able to give me some tips. But it still did not stop me from having my doubts about whether or not I could continue to breastfeed my daughter successfully.
Fast forward 18 months and my daughter had weaned herself and we did have a successful breastfeeding experience.
When I think back to how I used to feel, I can’t believe I had all those doubts. I turned out fine and my baby girl turned fine as well.
This is just a reminder that whatever you are doing to make sure your kids are happy and safe is enough.
You are doing enough.
This may be letting them watch a little extra TV every now and then. Getting McDonald’s a night when you just don’t feel like cooking. Or even leaving them in the crib a few more minutes to sleep in a little longer.
Your kids will be fine and they will still love you on the days where you only put in 90% instead of the full 100.
You Matter
If you find yourself yelling at your kids or significant other more often than you like, you are likely experiencing burnout.
Of course, you are going to feel guilty every time you yell at the people who you care about. I know I do, especially if they didn’t do anything to me that warrants that kind of reaction.
I talk so much about the importance of taking care of yourself in this blog because it IS really important.
One of the main reasons, I struggled with postpartum depression was because I devoted every single second of the day to my daughter and let myself fall to shambles.
Well, it’s about time that I stop being in shambles.
I’m going to confront this mom guilt head-on and let it know that I matter. And you do too.
No more feeling guilty for taking care of myself. I refuse to constantly succumb to those feelings and will try to do better.
I am more than just a mom and it is time that I start thriving with this new role.
Your Turn
Now it’s your turn. I have told you all about my experiences with mom guilt and what I do to pull myself out of that mindset. Do I think you can completely get over all the feelings of mom guilt? No, but we shouldn’t let it run us either. How do you all navigate those feelings of mom guilt? Let me know down in the comments below. And while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Emily Woodward
Thank you! I really needed to hear this today.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
This is such a great topic! I wish more moms would look into this. I really liked how you pointed out that we’ll always feel them guilt but it should never overwhelm or define us. Very well written!
Jasmyn Wilkins
It is so true though! The guilt never goes away but I refuse to let it take over! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post!
A guilt mom’s feel can be very overwhelming and often difficult to talk about. Its is very important to know as moms we are enough! Thanks for sharing this.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I have always believed that the more a topic is discussed, the more normalized it is. This makes it much easier to talk about and discuss what we can do about it! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Mums are just the most precious gift and human beings in this world. And they deserve the best. They should be paid homage to on TVs, radios, blogs, newspapers not just once a year, but every single day! Thank you for this article
Jasmyn Wilkins
This is such a beautiful comment! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Oh my lanta I love this post so much and really needed to hear all of this right now! Thank you so much for writing and posting this!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
this is a good post right now since I am trying to work on my blog after my full-time job. my husband is watching my son for me while I do this but all I want to do is play with him.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I can relate so much to your comment because I, too, work on my blog when my daughter is asleep or when I have some free time. As moms, we do the best we can with what we have and that’s ok. I do my best to remain present and play with her when I can because she won’t always be this little. We got this and we will do better! I’m glad you enjoyed this post!
This is so true. We need to go easier on ourselves and know that we are doing a good job. And there’s nothing wrong with taking time for ourselves!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Absolutely! We are doing a good job and need to be easier on ourselves! Glad you enjoyed this post!
It is a great article. I appreciate you sharing your experiences with us. It certainly helps another parent to take care of their children.
Best regards
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I share my experiences in hopes that someone else can relate and it helps them! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Alexander Alabi
This is relatable to me even as a father. Comparing our parenting abilities to what we see on YouTube and Insta can really be our downfall. I’ve always said that that as long as you’re doing your best that’s all our kids ask of us. I think it’s great you brought this to other people’s attention, it’s something not often discussed. Well done ??.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m guilty of getting sucked into the Youtube and Instagram comparison and it just leaves an uneasy feeling in my gut when I should be trusting it instead. As fellow young parents, we are doing the best we can and our kids are fine! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Christine Rivera
Love this article and I feel you!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! I’m glad that you enjoyed this article!
Girl, thank you for writing this. Mom guilt has been a real struggle for me w our little one. If I’m trying to work I feel guilty for not spending time w my daughter and if I spend all day with her (like I want and love) I feel guilty not contributing to the household. It seems like a lose lose.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I can’t even count the number of times I have also felt like that. It is just not a good feeling, but I am working on it. We are doing great and if you needed someone to say that then you just got it! I’m glad you enjoyed this post!
Ahh, Jass that was such a pleasant read! Fresh and true. Being mommy of two boys, I work and a full-time student too. I can relate to your post so much! Thank you for putting up all those mommas guilt 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
Awww thank you so much, your words truly mean a lot! With two boys and being in school, you got a lot on your plate and I know you are rocking it in motherhood! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Like!! Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Keep writing.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Great article. Mom guilt is real, even when your kids are now adults, so all great things to remember regardless of the age of your kids!!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you and I completely agree! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Alessandra | Just A Basic Mama
I love this soo much!! It’s so important for moms to understand everything they do is enough and to stop being so hard on themselves.
Jasmyn Heard
Absolutely! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!