How To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk
Don’t you just hate when you find yourself in a funk that you can get out of?
I’m not even going to lie.
With the way things have been going in the world recently, I have found myself in a few funks.
You all know what has been happening in the world, so I think we can all agree that this will put anyone in a funky mood.
However, this is our reality and what we all are facing right now.
It doesn’t take a pandemic to put someone in a funk.
It can be something as simple as stubbing your toe first thing in the morning.
Or worse, getting some bad news in the middle of a perfectly good day.
It is always easier to get yourself into a funk than to get yourself out of a funk.
If you have been keeping up with the blog then you have seen the blog post that I wrote for moms who were in need of some ways to turn around a bad “mom” day.
This post was directed towards stay-at-home moms, like me, but I am aware that not all of my audience consists of just stay-at-home moms.
You don’t need to be a mom to get yourself out of a funk.
A rut doesn’t discriminate when they will come around or who they will come in contact with.
If you find yourself in a funk and are looking for how to get yourself out of a funk, then just keep reading.
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What Is The Difference Between A Funk And Depression?
Before I talk about how to pull yourself out of a funk, let’s address this question.
What is the difference between being in a funk and being depressed?
A lot of the time when we are in a funk, we automatically make the assumption that we must be depressed because we are experiencing some of the same symptoms of depression.
But are you depressed or just in a funky mood?
Those symptoms are:
- Depressed mood most of the day, almost every day
- Decreased interest or pleasure in almost all activities, even things you once really enjoyed, most of the time
- Appetite changes leading to unintentional weight loss or weight gain
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Fatigue, loss of energy
- Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
- Difficulty thinking, concentrating, and/or making decisions
- Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, with or without a plan to complete suicide
It is very easy to assume that you are depressed when you are in a funk because you might be experiencing some of these symptoms.
But just remember that it is much easier to snap yourself out of a funk than depression.
When someone is depressed, it significantly affects their overall wellbeing making it difficult for them to function from day to day such as missing work or not eating for long periods of time.
If you are in a funk, you can try a couple of things to see if you will snap of it and if you do, then you know it was just a funk that you were in.
But if you think that you are experiencing more than just a typical funk, especially if you are having thoughts of harming yourself, then it is time to seek professional help.
Stop saying that you are fine when you clearly are not.
That is when you need to go to therapy and work through this with a professional.
Now that we know the difference between being depressed or in a funk, let’s talk about how to get yourself out of a funk.
How To Get Yourself Out Of A Funk
Accept That You Are Stuck
The very first thing that you have to do in order to get yourself out of a funk is to accept that you are in a funk and stuck.
Whether it is a work funk, a relationship funk, or even a depression funk, you need to acknowledge and confront it head-on.
You know it and I know it.
So there is no need to deny that something is off and that you are having trouble finding the motivation that you are suddenly lacking.
For myself, being stuck looks like sitting in one spot too long scrolling on my phone.
And what I mean by too long is more than a couple of hours.
We all know how easy it is to be on your phone that long and it’s a terribly bad habit that biggest wastes time that we could be using to do something else.
When I’m doing this, it is usually a big indicator that I’m lacking direction and therefore motivation.
This is the beginning of a funk emerging for me.
If you too notice that when you are on the verge of falling into a funk, then it is time to change something up.
Get A Change Of Scenery
This leads me to my next tip and that is to get a change of scenery.
As much as I love my cozy bed, this is usually the area that becomes my go-to when I’m in a funk.
Think about the areas in your home that are your happy place.
This could be the bathroom, closet, or bedroom and these are the areas where you can sit all day long and do absolutely nothing productive.
There are moments that call for that kind of stillness and you will know because your body will tell you.
But there are moments where that stillness isn’t doing you any good and you will know the difference.
These are the moments where you cannot be still and when it is time for a change of scenery.
Maybe you need to switch rooms in your house.
If you are working from home, choose a different spot in your home to work like switching from the bedroom to the living room.
Or even going out on the patio.
When outside opens back up, go to your favorite café or coffee shop.
If you are wanting a complete change of scenery, take a small road trip to a nearby town or even go visit family or friends.
If I am just needing a complete change of scenery, I just make a trip to see my parents and hang out with them for a few days.
It’s a win-win for me because not only do I get to get away for a little while, but my daughter gets to hang out with her favorite grandparents.
Do Something For Yourself
A change of scenery is only the first step in doing something for yourself.
Once you have had a change in the environment, it is time to make yourself feel better and you can always do that by engaging in something that makes you happy.
This can be making yourself your favorite drink, ordering from your favorite restaurant, watching an episode of your favorite show on Netflix, or taking a warm bath.
These are just common things that people like to do, but it needs to be something that will make you feel better.
And once you are feeling better you can move on to the next step.
Find Something To Be Grateful For
Which is to find something to be grateful for.
Expressing gratitude and utilizing positive affirmations has become more and more popular nowadays because it has been shown to be helpful for your overall mental health.
If you are like me when I am in a rut, I tend to talk really bad to myself and doubt my capability to accomplish simple tasks.
By expressing my gratitude for the simple things, I am able to shift my mindset and think more positively about myself.
Do Just One Thing That Is Productive
When you are stuck in a funk, the last thing you want to do is something even remotely productive.
That is why I said to do just one thing that is productive.
By doing just one thing productive, you are one step closer to getting yourself out of a funk.
Doing something productive can be as simple as making the bed.
As a first-time mom who struggled with postpartum depression, making the bed and getting dressed that day was as productive as it would get for me some days and that was ok.
Cleaning and decluttering are always good ways to do something productive because there is a good chance that it usually needs to be done.
Decluttering can feel overwhelming so if I were you, I would only focus on one room.
Who knows?
You might just keep going once you have started because you just needed something to kick you in gear.
Something that I like to do that always feels productive to me is work on my blog here.
Is keeping up a blog work?
Yes, it absolutely is.
Especially if you want to be consistent like I am but, it also provides a creative outlet for me to talk to you guys and hopefully help you all in the process.
Take It One Day At A Time
Once you have found just one way to be productive, my last tip to get yourself out of a funk is to just take it one day at a time.
Some people are able to snap out of funk within a day or two and for others, it may be a few days or a week.
Everyone is different and there is no one size fits all strategy that will work for everyone.
Get through each day as best possible and find a way to show up for yourself.
And if not yourself, show up for the people around you.
For me, my daughter needs me to show up, because there are no days off in mom-life.
Your Turn
Now that I have discussed some ways to get yourself out of a funk, I want to hear from you. How do you pull yourself out of a funk? Do you do the things I mentioned above? I would love to hear from you in the comments below and while you are still here, check out my previous blog post through the link below. Until next time!
Just Jass

I really love this post. It is great to have gently reminders of how to take care of yourself.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I’m really glad that you enjoyed this post!
Tiffany S
Love this. Taking a walk or hike in a peaceful nature setting always lifts me out of a funk! Thanks for sharing!!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Taking a walk is a great way to really lift your spirits! Thank you for sharing and I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Enjoyed the read. I am glad you included environment changes in your list. Sometimes I just need to overcome my idleness inertia and get to a coffee shop or a book store. It really helps me sort of reset and I feel I can take action again after being idle for so long. Thanks for sharing.
Take care
Jasmyn Wilkins
Those are great places to reset! It feels like it sparks my creativity and energizes me as well! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I’ve definitely been in a bit of a funk lately so this was helpful. I love the gratitude part. That always helps me. Thanks for sharing this.
Jasmyn Wilkins
We all have been in a little funk with the current climate. You are very welcome and I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
This has really been a thing this year, hasn’t it! Covid-19 forcing us indoors, the kids not being social, I’m trying to work from home with Paw Patrol blasting in the background. It’s crept up on me and I didn’t realize it until I was waking up burnt out.
When Canada opened up a bit, Grandma couldn’t wait to come see her grand kids… and I couldn’t wait to offload them! I took myself out to pick-up some Dim Sum (my fave), and spent three hours reading in the park. Hallelujah!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I couldn’t more with this comment! I couldn’t wait until we got to see my parents too because they were really missing their granddaughter! And I didn’t mind them watching her so I could have a little me time! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
These are some great tips! I find getting out of the house and being in nature can really help me get out of a funk. And doing something productive like making my bed and getting dressed.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Getting out of the house and getting some fresh air really helps me as well! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
I think we’ve all been in a little bit of a funk lately, ya know!? So, this is a much needed post! Thank you for the advice!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and it has been kind of funky year when you think about it. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love these tips!! I get into a lot of funks and definitely agree that a change of scenery or getting outside can help. Anything to get myself moving or out of bed
Jasmyn Heard
Right! A change of scenery definitely does the trick for me as well! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Anna Mischio
I love “change of scenery”. I always forget that it can be so effective to change scenery!
Jasmyn Wilkins
A change of scenery is usually what it takes to really pull me out a funk! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Great tips for when someone is in a funk. The worst part is knowing your potential but not having the motivation to achieve it. A change of scenery and doing something productive can do wonders
Maureen Giardina
Great tips! I have definitely been feeling like I have been in a funk lately. Doing something productive like decluttering a room or even part of one usually helps me.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Right! Cleaning my bedroom usually works for me! I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Aubrey Skoubye
I needed this- getting a change of scenery always helps but I needed to be reminded of that. Thank you so much
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and a change of scenery always helps! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
jimmy clare
I am in a major funk right now but these tips are very helpful
Jasmyn Wilkins
I hope you feel better soon and that these tips help!
I love how clear this is with small steps anyone can do to get rid of a funk!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
That was a wonderful read. Thank you
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m glad that you enjoyed it!
Grislean Palacios
I am definitely stuck in the feeling today and was in need of these tips! Thank you so much!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m glad that these tips could help!
Zori Bogard
This post was timely, as I was in a mini-funk this evening. The change of scenery really does help. My husband knows to send me out for a walk or a drive when I’m having trouble dealing with life. 🙂 And sometimes pulling weeds in the garden after the children are in bed helps restore my calm, focus, and positivity.
Jasmyn Wilkins
My fiance can usually tell when I’m in a funk too and he also tries to get me to take a walk or something to clear my head and it usually helps. I hope these tips were helpful to get you out of that funk and back to feeling happy 🙂
Love these ideas! I have definitely found the “do something productive” to help me the most. Even if it’s just a simple, small task like cleaning off the coffee table or putting dishes in the dishwasher. Often times that one simple task will lead to me cleaning half the house! Lol but it’s a small step, that helps me feel a little bit better and improves my mood, even if I stop at just that one small task!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Doing something productive usually does the trick for me as well! I’m so glad that you enjoyed these ideas!
When I’m in a funk, I practice gratitude and change my scenery for sure! I also give myself a break from whatever is causing me to be in that funk. Sometimes all we need to do is get away from it! Great post 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes, this is so true! Just taking a step back from the cause always helps and allows me to reset! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Thank you for sharing this piece! It is so important to recognize and reflect on.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
These are great tips. I find that changing scenery is a huge help when I’m in a funk. I used to go to coffee shops all the time to work but now I just change rooms!
Find Your Dazzle
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yea this pandemic has really messed up the coffee shop workplace! I either change rooms or go outside to really get a change of scenery. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Great Tips! Ever since the pandemic hit I started a gratitude journal and I try to write 3 things I’m grateful for every day. That combined with some fresh air has helped me get out of funks since we’ve been in quarantine.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Gratitude is always a win when trying to get yourself out a funk because of the reflection on positivity instead of negativity. Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Great post.. My way is cleaning.. Cleaning helps me to clear my mind.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Cleaning has a way of clearing my head too! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
This does seem like the year of the funk! Everything you mentioned helps so much on those days! And not just me, but the kids as well. Great post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
It really is a “funky” year lol! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Kat T
Brilliant tips!!
Definitely a good way to pull yourself out of a funk
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
This is sooo great! Honestly, it’s true that getting just one thing done can help you feel more accomplished and a bit less down on yourself. Great advice!
Jasmyn Wilkins
It really does! One thing can turn into two things and so on! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Melina Elisa
I really needed this post. There have been a few things I’ve been doing to in order to get out of my funk. Like you said, staying productive and keeping busy is huge. Binging shows on Netflix is comforting, but not really all that helpful. I’ve been working on a major project recently, so that’s been uplifting. I’ve also been planning a potential trip for 2021, which has also got me excited for something in the future. Great post xx
Melina | http://www.melinaelisa.com
Jasmyn Wilkins
Nice! I’m hoping that we will get to travel next year as well! That would really help with a change of scenery! Good luck with your major project and I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Neecee B
Love positivity pointers.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Lina williams
I really needed this today. Thank you for sharing these great tips.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
These are really great tips that I think are so relevant these days. I have been in such a funk love the past few months that I have decided to move apartments for a change of scenery and have even booked myself a luxury staycation – I hope it will help!
Jasmyn Wilkins
A luxury staycation sounds like a great idea! I could use one of those myself! I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Chiara Armstrong
Great ideas to turn yourself around! I know we all have those down times and this list is a nice reminder on how to help yourself. Thank you for sharing!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed these ideas!
there is always something to be grateful ? great tips!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are absolutely right! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Love this! I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve lived a life basically in a funk that to not be in one is weird. But these tips are completely true! I try to encourage my younger sisters to do the same when they feel like that because they’re the best things that helped me!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes! Please share with the people around you to keep encouraged and uplifted! I’m so glad that you enjoyed these tips!
quality tips.
great to here your perspective.
thanks for sharing!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Britt K
Great advice. I feel like we have all been in a funk at one point or another. With everything going on in the world right now, it’s likely even more common. I know that I’ve struggled more in 2020 than I have in the last few years… I am definitely going to save this to refer back to the next time that I find myself stuck and looking for a way out.
Jasmyn Wilkins
2020 has really been a struggle for all of us, so you are not alone. I’m glad that you found this post helpful!
I’ve been in a horrific funk today, so this post came at the perfect time. I definitely agree with changing the scenery. I left my office and went in my bedroom to sit in my favorite little reading nook for a while, and that helped a lot. Then I lit my favorite candle, put on good music, and drank a sparkling water to distract myself a bit. It can be tough to pull yourself out of a funk, so just accepting it sometimes the best route. Loved your suggestions here.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m so glad that you found this post to be helpful today! It can be tough, but as you said accepting it and doing little things for yourself can at least help boost your overall mood!
I love this! It can be so hard to get out of a funk and so easy to fall into one – especially as a mom! These are great tips. I love how you suggest finding one way to be productive. Getting things done can be overwhelming when you’re in a funk like this, so I so appreciate how simple that is and how that mindset can really help!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! Doing just one thing productive really helps pull me out of the funky mood! I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
I love this! I’ve been in a funky place lately and this post resonate way too well with me. Thank you for all the amazing tips, such an awesome post!
Jasmyn Heard
You are very welcome! Glad that you found this post to be helpful!
Jennifer Passmore
I’ve definitely been in a few funks this year alone. I love the do something productive tip. It’s what I’ve been doing when I feel that way!
Jasmyn Heard
Doing something productive always helps!
I’ve definetly been in a funk lately. I have to have surgery soon, scary, my son has started at home shots for a medical condition, Pennsylvania’s weather sucks, along with everyday life its just been a little overwhelming. I like to exercise even if it’s just a little, it tends to help. I also love watching something that I find funny, never anything serious!
Jasmyn Heard
Life really can be a lot of times so I feel you when you say it can be overwhelming! I’m so glad that you have found something that helps during those rough times! Good luck with your surgery and I’m wishing you a speedy recovery!