Organized stay at home mom
Productivity,  Stay At Home Mom

How To Be An Organized Stay At Home Mom

The moment that I knew I was going to be a stay-at-home mom when my daughter was born, I knew that I need to be an organized stay-at-home mom.

As some of you may know, I do not like clutter.

I can’t stand it because it makes me feel so unorganized.

And when I am unorganized, I am ineffective.

And as a mom when I am ineffective, it makes for a very bad “mom” day.

I wrote an entire post on decluttering the different areas of your home and where to start if decluttering feels overwhelming to you.

Just like decluttering can feel like you are taking back control of your home, being more organized can help you take back control of your life.

When you are more organized, you will not only notice that your days are much smoother, but your mood will also be a lot better.

I could be just speaking for myself, but being an organized mom has helped me in a number of ways mentally and I am a lot more productive because of it.

But I know that not everyone is like me.

So, I want to share what works for me and my family and how you can be a more organized stay-at-home mom to your family.

If you are interested in learning how to be an organized stay-at-home mom, then just keep reading.

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Organized stay at home mom

Are Stay At Home Moms Lazy?

Before I get into my tips on how to be an organized stay-at-home mom, let’s address this question because this seems to be an assumption made about stay-at-home moms.

Are stay-at-home moms lazy?

I know there are some people who consider stay-at-home moms to be making the ultimate sacrifice by putting their life on hold to take care of their kids so they wouldn’t say this.

But there are definitely others who truly believe that stay-at-home moms are lazy and don’t do anything all day.

In fact, it is often assumed that stay at home must have it easy because they get to be home all day with the kids and don’t have to wake up to go to a job.

As much as many of us wish this was the case, it is simply the opposite.

Stay at home moms actually juggle multiple roles while also mothering their children.

According to Mom Chipper, just a few of those roles are:

I have been a stay-at-home mom since my daughter was born a year and a half ago and I can say that being a stay-at-home mom is far from lazy.

And it is because your kids will not allow you to be lazy.

Especially small children.

In order to thrive as a stay-at-home mom, you need to have a plan and that starts with becoming organized and being intentional about it.

With that said, let’s get into how you can become an organized mom.


How To Be An Orgnaized Stay At Home Mom

Create A Morning Routine

The very first habit you need to be a more organized stay-at-home mom is to create a morning routine.

By having a morning routine, I am essentially setting my day up for success.

Mornings are so vital because they are the starting point of the day and your morning can either make or break your day.

If you read my previous post on the simple things I do every morning as a stay-at-home mom of a toddler, then you know I have an alarm set to get up every morning before she does.

Even though I do not have an actual job to go to, I still treat motherhood like it is a job.

And since I treat what I do at home with my daughter as a job, I like to make sure I get up and get dressed to look more put together.

I know a lot of my days that I view as productive usually start with what I do first thing in the morning.

Keep A Planner/To-Do List

If a morning routine is the first thing you need to be a more organized mom, then having a planner is next.

Having a sense of what your day looks like will make you less overwhelmed and a planner or a to-do list will do just that.

I know that with technology it is easy to put events and appointments into our phones and tablets and if you prefer to keep up with things like that, then, by all means, keep it up.

However, if you are like me, I like to write stuff down as well.

I don’t know if it’s because I commit it to memory better or what but I just have a preference to write stuff down.

When I am brainstorming blog ideas or taking notes, I normally write them down first.

I might take notes on my phone if I’m on the go or don’t have pen and paper readily available, but I love to write down what I’m thinking.

Plan Your Meals

Now I have a confession. I am terrible at meal planning.

Absolutely terrible.

After becoming a first-time mom, I now know the importance of meal planning.

Having a toddler will make you at least start thinking about meals because you want to make sure they are getting all of their nutrients.

I am still terrible, but I am aiming to get better because this is an area I want to improve greatly.

I have found it easy to start with a couple of days instead of the whole week.

For instance, our family loves pizza and spaghetti so we do pizza on Fridays and spaghetti on Wednesdays.

I am aware that not everyone likes to eat the same thing every week and we don’t like to either.

Those are just some of our easy favorites so we will likely have those every week.

The idea here is to simply get into the mode of meal planning so by starting with a couple of days, you can then progress towards the entire 7 days.

Do Daily Cleaning Tasks

Cleaning is a part of being more organized whether we want to admit it or not.

By cleaning and tidying up daily, we maintain a clean and organized home for our families.

Now I know for my mommas with small children, like me, this is always much easier said than done.

But, I actually wrote an entire blog post about the simple daily habits that I do keep a clean home with my toddler running around.

I even provide a list of what I do every evening to make sure my mornings are mess-free.

I’m not asking you to do a full-on cleaning session every day.

Just little tasks to keep up the house on a daily basis.

If you are not up for doing a little cleaning every day, then you are welcome to tackle it all in one day.

But I am telling you, a little a day goes a long way.

Have A Place For Everything

Storage bins have changed my life ever since I have discovered them and they can change yours too when you start to utilize them properly.

They can instantly make an area look cleaner because all of the items can go in that bin instead of laid everywhere.

I personally use storage bins in closets, cabinets, and even drawers.

They truly come in handy and can even allow you to sort your items.

Most of the storage bins I have gotten have come from Target, Home Goods, and Ikea because I have just found them to be the most sturdy and last the longest.

When you have a place for everything, you will not have to worry about where something goes.

This actually makes it easier to declutter, because you can go through each bin and figure out what needs to go.

Create A Night Routine

My last tip for how to be an organized stay-at-home mom is to create a night routine.

I feel like I can’t mention creating a morning routine without mentioning creating a night routine as well.

A morning routine sets you up for an organized, productive day.

A night routine sets your body up to be refueled in order to be productive and organized the following day.

My night routine begins the moment I put my daughter down.

She has a nighttime routine of her own that she has down and keeps her sleep all night long.

I normally stay up working on my blog for a little while before I officially retire for the evening.

The goal is to be done blogging by 11 pm every night, but I’m not going to lie I stay up later sometimes.

I don’t make it a habit but even I get caught up writing and blogging that time gets away from me but the moment, I get done, it is time to shut it down.

And for me, shutting it down starts with getting in some comfy pajamas, engaging in some skincare, and getting comfortable in the bed.

I suffer from insomnia so it is vital that I create a setting for sleep because sleep often evades me at night if I don’t properly set myself up.


Your Turn

Now that I have shared some good habits that I do to be an organized stay-at-home mom, I want to hear from you. I want to hear how you all are being more organized as a mom. Would you use these recommendations I mentioned above? Let me know in the comments below and while you are still here check out my previous blog post. Until next time!


Just Jass

Organized stay at home mom

Hi! I'm Jasmyn or "Jas" as everyone likes to call me! I'm a stay-at-home girl momma to 2 beautiful little girls and married to my wonderful husband whom I have been with for 10 years! I'm a book and tea lover and when I'm not working on my blog, you can find me sharing bits and pieces of our lives on Instagram or me strolling down the aisles of Target and DSW! I'm the mama blogger behind the blog, Just Jass, where I offer parenting advice, productivity tips, and positive mental health habits from my perspective as mama of 2. Why don't you join me and my Jassy Fam as we navigate this thing called "mom-life" together!


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