What I Keep In My 1-Year-Old’s Medicine Cabinet
With the cooler months here, I feel that now is the time to share what I keep in my 1-year-old medicine cabinet.
Especially because most of my family has been sick for the past 2 weeks.
We have been battling the stomach bug, had sore throats, coughing, and sneezing.
Yea, it’s been crazy and we are still recovering but we are getting better.
If you all remember from last year, I actually shared what I kept in my older’s daughter medicine cabinet and many of you found that post to be helpful.
And it made me realize that I never shared what I kept in my younger daughter’s medicine cabinet.
If you are unfamiliar with me, I have a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old.
Two very different ages that call for different things.
I can’t give my 1 year old what I give my 4-year-old.
With that in mind, I like to get my baby’s medicine separately from my older daughter’s.
If you are interested in what I keep in my 1 year old’s medicine cabinet, then just keep reading.
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When Should I Take My 1 Year Old To The Doctor
Before I get into my baby’s medicine essentials, let’s talk about this.
When should I take my 1-year-old to the doctor?
I asked this same question in my previous post on what I keep in my 3-year-old’s medicine cabinet and found out that it mostly has to do with having a fever.
When a younger child has a fever, it can be a cause for concern because the illness may be worse than you think.
This is especially true if your child has a fever and is not acting like themselves.
According to WebMD, if your child has a 101-degree fever and really irritable, won’t eat, and won’t stop crying, then it is time to see a doctor.
Some children may be experiencing a low-grade fever that can usually be broken by taking some Tylenol.
But if you are noticing that the fever is not going anywhere even with the medicine and they are not acting like themselves, then take them to urgent care immediately.
Contact your child’s pediatrician first, but if they are not available, then you take them to the nearest urgent care or hospital.
Other causes of concern that would warrant a doctor’s visit are:
- Blood in vomit/stool
- Trouble breathing
- Rashes that ooze, blister, or have swollen bumps
- Have trouble waking up
- Sharp or constant belly pain
- Burning when your child pees or blood in their urine
- A constant need to pee
- Seizures
When it comes to making the decision to see a doctor or not, it is best to follow your gut and watch how your child is acting.
You know when something is not right with your child.
There are obviously times when you should absolutely take your child to the doctor as I mentioned in the instances above.
But then there are moments where your child might feeling be sick but are also acting like themselves.
I tend to rely on observation and treat the symptoms present.
If I notice that the sickness isn’t letting up, then I make an appointment.
But until then, I do the best that I can from home with what I keep in my baby’s medicine cabinet.
With that being said, let’s get into what I like to keep in my 1 year old’s medicine cabinet.
What I Keep In My 1-Year-Old’s Medicine Cabinet
The first item I want to mention that I keep in my 1-year-old’s medicine cabinet is a thermometer.
We have the MOBI Non-Contact Forehead Digital Thermometer and I use this same thermometer with my 3-year-old.
I stated in my previous post that I really like this thermometer because I don’t have to place it directly on my kid’s skin.
And it changes colors based on the temperature which indicates whether a fever is present.
It’s green for when there is no fever, yellow for a low fever, and red for a high fever.
I will link this thermometer below that you can grab on Amazon.
Infant Tylenol
While on the topic of fevers, you have to be prepared for when your little one does experience a fever so you have to have the Infant Tylenol ready.
This is something I keep year-round because I don’t use this just for fevers.
Tylenol is also great for pain.
If your little one is anything like mine, they are currently teething which can be very painful.
Tylenol usually does the trick to help relieve any pain and break any low-grade fevers my baby girl may have.
Gripe Water
An item that I used when my baby girl was a newborn is gripe water.
And I still use it with her even at 1.
I love using Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water.
I know some people don’t care for this product, but I love it and even used it with my older daughter when she was a baby.
Gripe water is primarily used for babies who are experiencing stomach discomfort which is pretty common in younger babies.
But it can also come in handy when your baby is just fussy in general.
I know that my child isn’t the only one that may be a little fussier in the evenings during the “witching hour“.
This is especially the case when she is teething.
During these moments, I often find myself pulling this out and giving some to my daughter to help ease some of the irritability she may be experiencing.
Baby Cold Medicine
Next up is cold medicine.
Your little one is bound to experience a cold at this point so it is best to be prepared.
I like using Hyland’s Baby Mucus + Cold Medicine.
I use daytime and nighttime medicine interchangeably depending on the time of day.
It helps relieve any congestion that your little one is experiencing as well as provides cough relief.
Baby Cough Syrup
Along with cold medicine, you are going to want to have cough medicine on deck as well.
The Hyland’s medicine that I mentioned above does state it provides relief for coughs, but when I want something that is targeting the cough alone, I grab the cough syrup.
For my baby, I like to use Zarbee’s Baby Syrup.
This cough syrup is made with honey which means that it is made for children 1-year-old and up.
And it also contains zinc for immune support.
Saline Nasal Spray
When your little one is suffering from a cold, they are likely congested and stopped up.
Using a saline nasal spray can really help provide some relief to your baby when they are suffering from a stuffy nose.
I like using the Little Remedies Saline Mist when my baby has a stuffy nose.
It has a non-medicated formula that gently flushes out any mucus present.
Ear & Nose Aspirator/Syringe
Another product that I used when my daughter was a newborn and that I still use from time to time is a nasal aspirator.
This is an OG product that many of our own parents used when we were babies and can still be used today.
I know that they have new and different products that work similarly out there.
But you really can’t go wrong with having this in your medicine cabinet.
Baby Chest Rub
The next item you need when your little one is battling congestion and cold symptoms is a chest rub.
I like using Vick’s BabyRub.
This gentle formula is made for babies 3 months and up and helps to provide comfort to congested babies.
I really like to use it at night on my baby when she is congested so that she is able to sleep more comfortably.
And the last item that I don’t necessarily keep in my 1 year old’s medicine cabinet, but have handy is a humidifier.
I mentioned in my previous post with my 3-year-old that I have the Frida Baby Humidifier.
It’s a 3-in-1 with a humidifier, diffuser, and nightlight.
When my house is dealing with several colds at once, which normally happens when one person gets a cold, I will fill it with water and add a few drops of essential oils to this to diffuse throughout the day.
Your Turn
Well, that is pretty much everything I keep in my medicine cabinet for my 1-year-old. I want to hear from you all now. What are some of the medicine must-haves that you have on hand for your babies? Let me know in the comments and while you are still here check out my previous post below. Until next time!
- Read More: Preschool Must-Haves For 3-Year-Olds
Just Jass

Kirsten Smith
These are great suggestions. Thanks for sharing!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you enjoyed these suggestions!
Amias Yusuf
wow this is so helpful 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you found this to be helpful!