New Year’s Resolutions To Make As A Family
With the new year right around the corner, I like to make some New Year’s Resolutions as a family.
We will be heading into the new year as a family of 4 this year which is really exciting since last year, I was pregnant with our baby girl.
There are so many things to look forward to next year such as our baby girl turning the big one.
And my older daughter possibly starting Preschool.
She has been asking me a lot recently about going to school so I have been considering getting her enrolled early so she can get a headstart.
She has been home with me ever since she was born so getting her into school a little earlier won’t be a bad thing.
This year will also make 2 years since my husband and I have been married even though we have been together for a total of 9 years.
If there is anything that you will learn about me whether it is through my posts here or over on Instagram, I’m really big on family.
My family means a lot to me so I’m always looking for ways to grow as a family through my parenting style, nurturing my marriage, and becoming a better version of myself.
I love making memories and bonding with my family.
With this in mind, I came up with a few new year’s resolutions that we can take on as a family.
Here are some new year’s resolutions that you can make as a family.
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Why It’s Important To Make Family New Year’s Goals
Before I get into some new year’s resolutions to make as a family, let’s talk about why it is important to make new year’s goals as a family.
I know some may be wondering why should we make goals as a family?
Why can’t we separately make goals and accomplish them on our own time?
Well, I feel like the writers from the Gottman Institute worded it in a way that made sense to me.
They stated that making goals as a family has more of an advantage over making goals individually because you will likely see progress and be encouraged when you are working towards that goal together.
You are more than welcome to make individual goals and I personally do try to make personal goals for myself.
But it is just as important to make goals and resolutions as a family that everyone can look forward to and do together.
I like to think of it as marriage goals that you make as a couple.
By watering and nurturing the foundation of your marriage, you are also watering and nurturing those who your marriage affects.
Such as your children.
I have noticed that when my husband and I are on the same page, we are much better parents to our girls and can take on whatever comes our way together.
That is how I also feel about goals that you can make as a family.
By watering and nurturing the family that we have created, it will keep us close and connected that will last long into our children’s lives as they get older and become adults.
Part of the reason I’m still close to my own parents together today is because of the foundation they created that allows me to feel close to them and seek a continual connection with them.
It was very clear that my parents put their family first and made us a priority in their lives.
I would love to recreate that within my own family.
And a great place to start with is the fresh new year that is right around the corner.
With that being said, let’s talk about the new year’s resolutions that I’m making with my family.
New Year’s Resolutions To Make As A Family
Take Professional Family Photos
So the first new year’s resolution I want our family to start doing is taking family pictures.
This may sound like a silly resolution but we have never taken professional family photos.
When you all see my family and me over on Instagram, you will rarely see pictures of all of us in one photo.
And that is because one of us is usually taking the picture.
It is tough to get a family photo of us especially if no one else is around.
I would like for us to start taking annual family photos that we can look back at over time.
When I was pregnant with my first daughter, one of the things that I regretted was taking more pictures of myself pregnant so I could show her once she got older.
I made sure to do that with my second daughter and I believed it played a part in having a happy pregnancy because I felt beautiful pregnant.
So I want to start doing the same with my growing family because I love my family and want to be able to look back at these photos when they get older.
Take A Family Vacation
Along with taking annual family photos, another thing that I want us to do as a family this year is take a family vacation.
When I was younger, my family would take annual family vacations to a different place every year.
It became something that we all look forward to every summer and we have some of our best memories on these family vacations.
We have already kind of started doing this and have been sticking to the areas closer to us.
We are hoping that as the girls get older, we can start venturing more out of state and let them experience things such as the beach or even going on a cruise.
Try Something New Once A Month
The next resolution I want to do with my family is try something new once a month.
Whether it is going somewhere we have never been, doing something that we have never did, or even something as simple as cooking something new.
I want to us to be open to trying new things and creating different experiences.
Now that my oldest daughter is getting older, we have more options and fun places that we can begin taking her that she might enjoy.
One of things that my daughter got to experience for the first time his past year was her first fair and she had an absolute blast.
She has also shown an interest in the kitchen when I’m cooking so I’m hoping that we can try different recipes together next year.
The best thing about memories is actually making memories so by trying something new, it gives you an opportunity to make new ones.
Have A Weekly Unplugged Family Dinner Night
If you read my post on some bonding activities that you can do as a family, then you see that I noted having family dinners there.
This may seem like an old practice nowadays, but I still think we should dedicate spending time together as a family during dinner.
It does not have to be every night which is why I said weekly.
Just picking one day out of the week that we can all come together and eat dinner without phones and just enjoy one another.
We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that sometimes we forget that being still without electronics as a family is good too.
And that can usually be achieved after a long day at the dinner table.
Exercise More Together
Another activity that I would like for us to start doing more of is exercising more as a family.
Moving your body is so good for your health and overall just makes you feel better as a person.
I know that exercising is such a typical thing that everyone makes as a new year’s resolution but I feel like when you make the decision to work out more as a family, you might be more likely to do it.
Exercising is definitely something that is easier to do when you have someone doing the work with you.
You can have individual goals that you are trying to achieve but when you are achieving them along with someone else, you can hold each other accountable.
Since our girls are so young, the majority of our exercise is taking walks outside and riding bikes.
So that is a goal that we aim to do everyday when the whether is nice.
All of us are in a much better mood during the day if we take the time to get outside and move our bodies while getting some fresh air.
Say “I Love You” Before Bed Every Night
And the last new year’s resolution that I want us to contine doing is saying “I love you” at bedtime every night.
Like I just said, this is something that we already do but I want to contine doing because I think it’s important that we say the actual words.
My husband and I have made a habit of saying I love you when we get in the bed every night.
We have even said it after we have gotten into a disagreement because even if we aren’t seeing eye to eye at that exact moment, the love is still there.
The last thing I want my girls to grow up saying is that they never felt love from their parents or never knew how to express love because no one said it or acted upon it.
Even if my daughter threw the biggest tantrum and I lost my patience with her earlier that day, when it comes to bedtime, I will always tell her I love her and hug her before she goes to sleep.
By doing this, I want her to know that I still love her no matter how mad or angry I got and that even if she does something wrong in my eyes, my arms will still be wide open for her to come to.
Your Turn
Well, those are all of the new year’s resolution that we are making as a family for the new year. As you can see, they are very realistic and attainable which will make them easier to achieve. I’m looking forward to what the new year will bring and making more memories with my family. But, I want to hear from you all now. What are new year’s goals that you all are making with your familes? Let me know in the comments and while you are still check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

I love the idea of making goals together and being able to support each other throughout the year towards the goal!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! And I completely agree that making goals together has been more beneficial than making goals individually!
These are wonderful goals for a family! We went on a week-long vacation this past summer and it was such a great time for us all to connect. We were rained in most of the vacation, but we had so much fun together all the same! We’re going for another one this summer 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
That sounds like a great vacation! We are hoping to take one this summer as well!
I love the idea of making goals together as a family. I agree with coming up with something new to do together every month. Sometimes we need to change things up, especially since we have a very active and bold child!
Jasmyn Heard
I agree and we also have a very active child that would benefit from doing something new!
These are great family goals! We started doing a weekly family dinner night and it’s made so much difference in the way we are able to connect. A lot of the times we are so busy that we don’t always get time to chat and it’s always very quick. While we already do this, I would love to travel more this year.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! I’m looking forward to having dinner together more and traveling more this year!