Making Time For Yourself As A Stay At Home Mom
If there is anything I have learned as a mom, it is important that I’m making time for myself.
This is especially true since I’m also a stay-at-home mom.
For anyone new here, I’m a stay-at-home mom to my 11-month-old baby girl and my 3-year-old daughter.
And as much I love being around my girls, this mama needs some solid me-time every once in a while.
My husband works long hours Monday through Friday so it’s just me and the girls the majority of the time.
Since I’m the one with the girls most of the time, my breaks usually fall in the evenings or on the weekends.
And that is only if we aren’t busy in the evenings or on the weekends.
Because of this, I have to get creative and find ways to squeeze in some time for myself as a stay-at-home mom.
Over the last 4 years, I have figured out different ways to get some alone time as a mom.
And as usual, I like to share how I have been making time for myself as a stay-at-home mom.
If you are interested in how to make time for yourself as a stay-at-home mom, then just keep reading.
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Why Do Moms Need Alone Time?
Before I get into how to find time for yourself as a stay-at-home mom, let’s talk about this.
Why do moms need alone time?
I mean in general, everyone needs some kind of alone time right?
But in particular, moms really need it.
I can only speak from my experience and in my experience, I’m the go-to parent that my children will often go to first.
This might have to do with the fact that I’m home with them.
But even when my husband is home, I’m usually the parent that my children will call for first when it comes to eating, bedtime, and other activities.
It is not that my husband doesn’t help or do any of these things.
Because my husband is really supportive of me being a stay-at-home mom.
It is just that I’m “mom”.
And mom just makes everything better.
When you are a mom, you are constantly trying to make sure everyone is alright and taken care of.
We literally pour ourselves into motherhood only for our tanks to run dry.
But we are expected to keep going anyway because that is what a “good” mom does.
Jenny from Filter Free Parents describes the constant noise and motion that being home with children entails in her post.
And boy she hit the nail on the head with this one.
There are hardly any moments of peace and quiet when children are present so when you have a moment of silence, it doesn’t feel comfortable at first.
But then you realize that silence is exactly what you need sometimes.
With silence, you are able to hear your own thoughts and unwind from the stress of being a mom.
Alone time is great for moms.
The moment you realize that you will be a happier mom.
Now let’s get into how you can begin making time for yourself as a stay-at-home mom.
Making Time For Yourself As A Stay At Home Mom
Before The Kids Wake Up
The first way I have been finding time for myself as a stay-at-home mom is before my girls wake up.
If you are familiar with my morning routine as a stay-at-home mom, then you already know that I try to get wake up before my girls in the mornings.
My baby girl still bedshares with us so there is not always possible to wake up before her, but if I can, I will try to get up before her.
My toddler typically wakes up around 8:00 AM every day so if I’m up before 8, then I can squeeze in some me-time.
I love getting up before the girls so I can really embrace the quiet before the chaos of the day.
I like to get dressed for the day and I might even have a cup of tea if the girls are still sleeping.
In order to be an organized stay-at-home mom, it starts with being intentional about what you do in the mornings.
After The Kids Go To Bed
So not only can you make time in the mornings, but in the evenings and after the kids go to bed.
This is actually my favorite alone time that I get during the day because after a long day, I get to unwind and get some self-care in as a stay-at-home mom.
After I go through the girls’ bedtime routine and put them to bed, I will stay up a little longer and do whatever it is that I want to do.
That can be staying up for a little while to work on my blog.
Or watching a TV.
My favorite thing to do as of late is to make a cup of tea and read a book.
The tea that I have been loving to drink at night is this Organic Peaceful Tea from Earth Mama Organics.
This tea is made with chamomile that promotes a sense of calm as well as eases tension and built-up stress.
I love to add honey and a little lemon juice and I’m one happy mama.
I was gifted a coupon code for my viewers who might be interested in trying tea for themselves.
If you use the code JUSTJASS20, you can save 20% off your purchase when shopping through the link here.

During Naptime/Quiet Time
The next way that you can find some time for yourself is during naptimes and quiet times.
My baby girl’s naptime routine consists of 2 naps a day.
A short nap in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon.
My 3-year-old still naps as well as in the afternoon during the time that my baby girl typically takes her afternoon nap.
But sometimes, she fights that nap so if she really does not want to nap, then she will have quiet time.
I highly recommend creating a quieter period during the day if you have children who don’t nap.
During this time, she can play quietly in her room or watch her tablet.
Sometimes these quieter activities will actually encourage her to sleep and she will fall asleep on her own in her room.
If you are familiar with my daily routine with the girls, then you know I’m in my productive stay-at-home-mom mode while the girls are napping or being quiet.
I am at my most productive during this time of day getting things done on my blog or social media.
If I have gotten what I need to get done during this time, then I will take the time to relax and just enjoy this quieter period.
Have The Other Parent The Kids
The most obvious way to get some alone time from your kids is to have the other parent watch the kids for a little while.
As I said above, my husband works long hours during the week and is only available to watch the girls in the evenings or on the weekends
This is a great opportunity to let your kiddos have some daddy time while you get some me-time.
Go get your hair or nails done.
Or have a brunch date with your girls.
This is something that I typically do once a month with my family.
It is usually 4 or 5 of us that will meet up on a Sunday for brunch and mimosas and just catch up on everything going on with us.
These moments when I can step away from being a mom are so nice and put me in such a good mood when I return home.
And I know that my kids are in great hands with their dad.
It is important that dads get some alone time in with their kids too.
Create Your Own Sanctuary
And the last way you can make time for yourself as a stay-at-home mom is to create your own sanctuary.
This is a tip that I picked up from Erica Layne.
She suggests creating a space in your home that when you go there, it means that you want to be alone.
Which is actually a really good idea.
Some of the spaces in your home that this would work for are a closet, office space, or a room that isn’t being utilized.
Erica even suggested the patio.
Wherever you chose your personal retreat to be, it needs to be known that this is your space, and you are needing some time alone there.
Men have man-caves.
So can women.
Your Turn
Well, those are all the ways I make time for myself as a stay-at-home mom. Don’t forget to use my code JUSTJASS20 to save 20% off your Earth Mama Organics through my link here if you are interested in trying out their products. I want to hear from you all now. How do you find time for yourself as a stay-at-home mom? Let me know in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post down below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Yes to ALL of this. I feel so much better when I manage to get some me time during the day. I’m an early riser, but so is my son, so it’s always a crap shoot on if I can sneak in some alone time before he’s up. My energies are highest during the morning so staying up after their bedtime for some me time is so much harder to do.
Jasmyn Heard
Same! I prefer to sneak in me-time in the mornings but it’s been a little harder since my daughter has been waking up a little earlier! So glad that you enjoyed this post!
Audrey Withycombe
I struggle with this so much! Especially this time of year. My husband is a camp director and works 80+ hours a week in the summer. Meanwhile, my daughter wakes at the tiniest sound in the morning – and my son is the worst about quiet time (but he also shares a room with my daughter, who does nap. So that leaves evenings! I just need to get better at doing things that fill me up, instead of collapsing in exhaustion or attempting to blog!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes, mama! I always feel so better when I carve out some time for myself! I prefer mornings, but I have found it easier to do it in the evenings since my older daughter has been waking up earlier! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Carly @littlevoicebigmatter
I find a morning routine is key to setting myself up for the day. It is my time to journal, enjoy the peacefulness of a quiet house, and set my intentions for the day. It is the perfect time for “me time” before the busy day begins.
Jasmyn Heard
That sounds like a great way to start off your mornings! I’m so glad that you are able to squeeze in that time for yourself!
So true! We are in constant demand. It is an honor to serve and for that reason we need to recharge. Thanks for the practical tips and steps!
Jasmyn Heard
You are very welcome! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
I’m a stay at home homeschooling momma. So hard to get any time! Trying to create a small sanctuary somewhere in the house. Just need a big padlock to go with it!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! Try to find you a little sanctuary if you can and definitely get that padlock! Lol