Having A Happy And Positive Pregnancy
As I come to the end of this pregnancy journey, I can honestly say that I have had a happy and positive pregnancy.
Don’t get me wrong, pregnancy has it’s moments where it definitely sucks.
If I could skip the whole being pregnant part with the morning sickness and sciatic pain, I would gladly skip that whole part.
But then I wouldn’t get to feel those fetal kicks.
And let’s be real. That’s the best part about being pregnant besides everyone catering to you because you are pregnant.
I also feel like I had a great pregnancy with my first daughter, but I was definitely way more stressed out.
If you are familiar with my story, then you know I had gotten pregnant with my daughter during my last year in my Master’s degree program and graduated shortly after having her.
I was stressed with school, work, and was also worrying about what to expect becoming a mom for the first time.
With this pregnancy, I have been home juggling my toddler and myself which you all know was a struggle the first trimester, but gradually got better as I got further into my pregnancy.
I knew that this pregnancy I wanted to experience less stress and genuinely enjoy being pregnant this time around.
And I feel like I did for the most part.
So of course, I want to share with you all what I have been doing to have a happy and positive pregnancy so that maybe you all can enjoy your pregnancies too.
Here are some ways to start being positive while you are pregnant in order to have a happy pregnancy.
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How To Think & Be Positive During Pregnancy
Before I get into what I have been doing, let’s discuss how to think positive thoughts during pregnancy, because that is the basis of having a happy pregnancy.
A positive pregnancy test has a way of evoking a variety of emotions in a woman.
Some women experience pure joy in seeing a positive because a baby is all they wanted and now they get the opportunity to carry one.
For other women, they may experience anger, surprise, or even sadness because a baby may not have been on the agenda at the time.
Whether your little one was planned or not, you cannot simply ignore the life that is now being formed within your body.
I’m not here to talk about what you should do, but the moment you decide to pursue the path of motherhood, you have to start thinking about what is best for the baby.
You have probably already begun by engaging in some healthy habits to help you physically but don’t neglect the mental aspect of pregnancy.
Because pregnancy is just as much mental as it is physical.
If I had to say which trimester is probably the hardest, it’s the first for me because you are dealing with an array of symptoms and also worrying about the possibility of miscarriage.
I know that you are dealing with other symptoms during the other trimesters and that complications can occur at any point during pregnancy, but for me looking pregnant and feeling those fetal kicks give me the most comfort.
Which doesn’t happen until the second and third trimester.
So staying positive during the earlier part of pregnancy is key here in order to combat any negative thoughts with positive ones instead.
- “My body is accepting my baby and my pregnancy will end with the safe birth of a healthy baby.”
- “I believe in myself and my natural ability to give birth easily, peacefully, and in comfort.”
- “My body was designed to nourish, protect, and grow my baby in my belly.”
- “I am strong, courageous, confident, and resilient enough to face this pregnancy.”
These are just a few of them. If you are interested in more of them, be sure to check out her post here.
Now let’s get into what I have been doing to have a happy and positive pregnancy.
Having A Happy And Positive Pregnancy
Prioritize Your Health
So my first tip for having a happy and positive pregnancy is to prioritize your health during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is hard on your body so it is important that you are taking care of your body by maintaining some good healthy habits.
Make sure you are listening to your body and give it what it needs.
When you are hungry, make sure you eat.
When you are tired, lay down and get some rest.
And when you are feeling good, try to move around and prepare your body for labor because, in the end, you will be glad that you did.
Ditch The Stress
I cannot say this enough, but you have got to find a way to ditch the stress.
I understand that there are some stressful factors that you cannot control.
Like I mentioned above, with my first daughter, I was in school and working and I obviously just couldn’t just up and quit because they were stressful.
I had to find ways to manage the stress better because I did not want to pass that kind of energy onto my daughter.
But for the factors that you can control such as certain negative people or places that make you feel less than or unwanted, please avoid these kinds of things for the sake of your unborn child.
And don’t be surprised if some of people are family or friends.
Have Fun And Enjoy Preparing For Your Baby
Preparing for a new baby can be stressful, but it does not have to be.
In a previous post where I discussed how to deal with feelings of gender disappointment, one of the tips I provided was going to look or shop for baby items and clothes.
I don’t know what it is about looking and shopping for clothes for babies and little people, but you just cannot be mad.
During this pregnancy when I found I was having another girl, I obviously knew that she would be wearing hand-me-downs from her big sister, but I also took the time to get her something new just for her.
And I genuinely enjoyed doing it.
Another thing I enjoyed was decorating her nursery nook in our bedroom.
We knew that this baby would not be getting a room of her own as her big sister did, so I decorated the small space where she will be in our room in order to make it special.
It’s little things like this that make preparing for a baby a little less stressful and more enjoyable.
Join Online Pregnancy Support Groups
Something I didn’t do with my first daughter was join any online pregnancy support groups, but I did this time around and I’m so glad that I did.
Some people don’t really care for the online pregnancy forums, but I have found some of the best support groups on Facebook.
My favorite group is Pregnant Melanin Moms And Babies because I can relate to a lot of the moms in there, being a melanin mom myself, as we all experience pregnancy and early postpartum together.
Other groups that I am apart of are the birth clubs that can be found on Baby Center and What To Expect.
So not only do I get to track my pregnancy, but all the mommas in these groups are due around the same time as me.
Take Pictures Of Yourself Throughout Your Pregnancy
This was something I really regretted with my daughter because when I look back, I barely have any pictures of myself pregnant with her.
And I know this can be tough because the last thing you want to do when you don’t feel nor think you look your best is taking a picture of yourself.
But, I can guarantee you that you will want to look at these pictures.
I did not do a maternity shoot with my daughter or this baby so I made it a point to take more pictures of myself pregnant this time around.
Now I will have these memories that I can show her when she gets older.
Take The Help
And my last tip for having a happy and positive pregnancy is to take the help when someone offers.
I have said this already and I will continue to say it again.
Pregnancy is hard on the body.
Your body goes through a lot when making a baby between the hormonal mood swings, pregnancy fatigue, and overall discomfort in general.
If you already have a kid or kids like I do, this can make things even harder because you already have little people needing you.
Lean into the people who are trying to help you whether that be getting your husband involved by having him take the kids out for a little while.
Or getting professional help with your provider if everything starts to feel too overwhelming.
Stop saying you’re fine when we all know that is the last thing you are when you are pregnant.
Do yourself a favor and take the help.
Your Turn
Now that I have gone into everything I have been doing to have a happy and positive second pregnancy, I want to hear from you all. What have you been doing to stay positive during your pregnancy? I feel like being positive during pregnancy is so important in order to genuinely enjoy being happy while you pregnant, so drop all of your tips down below. And while you are still here, check out my previous post. Until next time!
Just Jass

Great post! I love your points about ditching the stress and just enjoying preparing for the new baby. 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much! Glad that you enjoyed it!
online support groups have been life savers for me. you are so right
This is such an insightful post. One of the things I struggled with when I was pregnant was accepting help from others. I thought I could do it all lol but it’s so important to get other people involved too 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
Absolutely! We have to take the help because pregnancy is already heard enough on our bodies so we need to lean into our people who will help us!
Jasmyn Heard
They have been for me as well!
Great article! It’s very important to have an open communication with your partner. I had an idea how difficult pregnancy is but didn’t realize how challenging it “really” is until I’ve experienced it myself. At times, I was like a different person lol.. support is essential.
Jasmyn Heard
I couldn’t agree more and I had to start asking my husband for help a lot more in which he was more than willing! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
I have not read any scientific articles to back this, but I found that my relaxed attitude and happy/positive pregnancy helped my babies be happy and easy going when they were born. I did this with all my pregnancies so I don’t know how it would change if I behaved differently, but for me it work! I totally recommend it!
Jasmyn Heard
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there is a correlation! I truly believe people that our unborn can feel the energy that we are carrying and take it on. Which makes it even more important that we remain positive and optimistic throughout pregnancy!