• Becoming a mom in your twenties
    Parenting,  Personal Development

    What I Learned About Becoming A Mom In My Twenties

    One of the biggest things that happened in my twenties outside of moving to a different state and becoming a wife was becoming a mom in my twenties. As I enter my thirties, I started reflecting on the previous decade of my life and realized that some big changes occurred during that time. And the biggest change was becoming a mother. If you all read about me, then you know that I got pregnant in the last year of my Master’s Program and found that I was going to have a baby girl pretty much around the time that I…

  • Family new year's resolutions
    Family,  Positive Habits

    New Year’s Resolutions To Make As A Family

    With the new year right around the corner, I like to make some New Year’s Resolutions as a family. We will be heading into the new year as a family of 4 this year which is really exciting since last year, I was pregnant with our baby girl. There are so many things to look forward to next year such as our baby girl turning the big one. And my older daughter possibly starting Preschool. She has been asking me a lot recently about going to school so I have been considering getting her enrolled early so she can get…

  • Overdue in pregnancy
    Personal Development,  Pregnancy

    Remaining Encouraged When You Are Overdue In Pregnancy

    When you find out the due date of your little one, the last thing you want to be is overdue in your pregnancy. You have been counting down the weeks and days until you get to see and hold your baby so you are hoping that by the time your due date comes up, your little one is either already here or on the way. You have been carrying this little person for 10 months and dealing with all of the symptoms that come with it so when that due date approaches, you become more than ready to have this…

  • Happy and positive pregnancy
    Pregnancy,  Self-Care

    Having A Happy And Positive Pregnancy

    As I come to the end of this pregnancy journey, I can honestly say that I have had a happy and positive pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong, pregnancy has it’s moments where it definitely sucks. If I could skip the whole being pregnant part with the morning sickness and sciatic pain, I would gladly skip that whole part. But then I wouldn’t get to feel those fetal kicks. And let’s be real. That’s the best part about being pregnant besides everyone catering to you because you are pregnant. I also feel like I had a great pregnancy with my first…

  • Healthy habits during pregnancy
    Pregnancy,  Self-Care

    Maintaining Healthy Habits During Pregnancy

    It’s important to maintain healthy habits in general, but it’s really important to maintain some good healthy habits during pregnancy. Many of us often wonder and want to know if our baby is healthy during pregnancy and I personally believe that starts with ourselves trying to be healthy. As a second-time mom, this is obviously not my first time being pregnant. When I was pregnant as a first-time mom, I did not know what to expect. A lot of that pregnancy was going with the flow which let’s be honest, we are all going with the flow of pregnancy no…

  • Take a step back
    Personal Development,  Positive Habits

    The Best Way To Move Forward Is To Take A Step Back

    Is the best way to move forward by taking a step back? If you all read my previous post on surviving the first trimester with a toddler, then you will know that I had to take a step back in order to navigate my new normal of being pregnant while taking care of my daughter. Why was I forcing myself to continue to do things when I knew I wasn’t feeling the best? As moms, we have a tendency to want to overachieve and want to make sure we doing everything we can for our babies. I feel like this…

  • Why everyone should go to therapy
    Mental Health

    Reasons Why Everyone Should Go To Therapy

    There are plenty of reasons why everyone should go to therapy. It is often thought of as something that people will do when they feel like they have no other choice, but you don’t always have to wait for that point. As some of you know and have gotten to know more about me, you may know that I am extremely passionate about mental health. I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Addiction Studies and then went on further to attain my Master’s Degree in Family Therapy. I’m passionate about helping others gain better mental health habits through transparent…

  • Self-limiting beliefs
    Personal Development,  Positive Habits

    Break Free From Your Self Limiting Beliefs

    When you hear the term “self-limiting beliefs”, what comes to mind? Do you envision someone going to a job every day that they absolutely can’t stand because they are afraid to look for another? Or maybe it is that person who starts a project only to throw in the towel a few days later because they don’t think they can finish what they started? If I’m still not getting to you, what about that person who waits until the last minute to finish a project because they believed that their work wouldn’t be good enough anyway? All of these scenarios…

  • Sutera dream deep pillow
    Positive Habits,  Self-Care

    Get A Good Night’s Rest With The Sutera Dream Deep Pillow

    I found a way to get a good night’s rest and I did it with the Sutera Dream Deep Pillow. When I became a new mom, sleep became a luxury with a breastfeeding newborn. Sleep became something I took for granted because I thought I would always get plenty of it one way or another. Boy was I wrong. When I was up throughout the night breastfeeding my daughter when she was younger, my sleep schedule was thrown completely off and I struggled with getting good quality sleep that would actually leave me feeling rested. There is definitely a difference…

  • Break Bad Habits
    Personal Development,  Positive Habits

    Trading My Bad Habits For Good Habits

    Habits are so hard to break so I have settled for trading some of my bad habits for better and good habits. A lot of us have habits that are so ingrained that we don’t even realize that we are doing them. For instance, I have a really bad habit of biting my nails that I have been doing since I was a kid. It has got to the point that I have been biting my nails for so long, that I don’t even realize when I have my finger in my mouth. It is a disgusting habit that I…