Discipline Your Toddler Without Yelling Or Hitting
For parents out there who didn’t know, there is a way to discipline your toddler without yelling or hitting them. I can’t believe it but I will have a 2-year-old in a little over a month. And with this age, everyone likes to warn you of those “terrible twos”. This is the stage where your toddler is very likely to begin to assert some independence, show more interest in communicating, and of course, throw tantrums. Your toddler doesn’t even have to be two yet to start experiencing some of what I just said. I began to notice my daughter had…
My Experience With Stay At Home Mom Depression
So is stay-at-home-mom depression really a thing? For anyone who has never been a stay-at-home mom, most think being home with your kids all day must be nice because you don’t have to worry about going to a job every day. You get to just be home all day and don’t have to worry about a thing except taking care of the kids. Sound easy right? Wrong. When I transitioned to being a stay-at-home mom after my daughter was born almost 2 years ago, no one told me about the amount of pressure I would face being home with my…
Easy Ways To Look Put Together As A Stay At Home Mom
As a stay-at-home mom, I want to look put together and polished while I’m home taking care of my daughter and the house. I know that quarantine has had all of us looking a little frumpy these days with us being home and not really getting the chance to go out. I could be just talking about myself here, but when you get used to being at home, you kind of just get lazy about the way that you look. And why should you care right? If I’m not leaving the house that often, why I do need to get…
Where To Get Cheap Toddler Clothes
Kids grow out of clothes so quickly, that it is better to get cheap toddler clothes while they are young and growing than to spend a lot of money on clothes that they may only wear a couple of times. I can admit that when I found out that I was pregnant, I might have gone a little overboard buying baby clothes. And I was having a baby girl too. I just knew I wanted to dress her up really cute. I am talking big bows, even bigger tutus, and long frilly dresses. I realized very quickly that she was…
My 21-Month-Old Toddler Daily Schedule
We all know that children thrive off of having some sort of daily schedule or routine which is why I knew I needed a daily schedule for my 21-month-old toddler. Not only does it create structure and provide guidance, but it also just makes your day go by a lot smoother. As a stay-at-home mom, having a toddler daily schedule for my daughter is so crucial in order for both of us to thrive during the day. I won’t be the first to say it, but toddlers are crazy and unpredictable. They are full of so much energy and think…
Fun Family Bonding Activities For Parents And Children
If there was ever a time to get into some bonding activities for parents and children, it would be now. I grew up in a close-knit family. Some would even say that I was blessed to live in a two-parent household in which both of my parents are still married and for the most part seem happily married. My fiancΓ© also comes from a two-parent household in which both of his parents seem for the most part happily married. However, for a lot of the people we know, this is not the case. The divorce rate is at an all-time…
How To Be An Organized Stay At Home Mom
The moment that I knew I was going to be a stay-at-home mom when my daughter was born, I knew that I need to be an organized stay-at-home mom. As some of you may know, I do not like clutter. I can’t stand it because it makes me feel so unorganized. And when I am unorganized, I am ineffective. And as a mom when I am ineffective, it makes for a very bad “mom” day. I wrote an entire post on decluttering the different areas of your home and where to start if decluttering feels overwhelming to you. Just like…
Teaching Your Toddler Good Habits Early On
I don’t think it is ever too early to start teaching your toddler good habits. As much as we moms don’t want to let go of the baby phase, we must look forward to the next phase in childhood. Toddlerhood. And man oh man is toddlerhood truly a treat. No more immobile, babbling baby you can leave in a bouncer for a few minutes while you make yourself something to eat. Bring on the independent, walking, talking toddler who is just waiting for you to turn your head, so they get into something. Having a toddler is great. Whether you…
How To Teach Kindness And Empathy To Your Kids
When it comes to trying to teach kindness and empathy to our kids, where do you even start? Because we know hate is something that kids are not born with feeling. It is taught. When I look at my daughter, I don’t see hate in her eyes. I see joy when she smiles. Sadness if she is crying. And anger when she is upset. These are natural emotions that we all naturally feel. So where do we even start to begin to teach kindness and empathy to our kids? One would think, it shouldn’t be that hard to teach kindness…
Easy Ways To Make Your Man Feel Special
I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m always looking for different ways to make my man feel special. Because he is. I’m baffled at what to get my man for different holidays? Between birthdays, anniversaries, and other holidays, I can’t keep up. And on top of that, when you have been with someone for quite a while, you start to run out of ideas. My fiancΓ© is also one of those guys who doesn’t ask for anything and material things are just not his thing. This makes getting him a gift 10x harder because I am left with…