Confronting Your Fears As An Introvert
How do you even begin confronting your fears as an introvert?
When you are an introvert, your safe place resides within solitude. You thrive when there is less noise and have the tendency to remain in your head with your own thoughts.
Your thoughts are all the noise that you need.
But what happens when those thoughts start to become too loud and start to convince you that your dreams and aspirations are just that?
How do you face those fearful thoughts that seem to start sounding a lot louder than the ones that would normally motivate you?
Being an introvert myself, starting this blog scared the living crap out of me.
This blog would mean putting myself out there on the internet for people to see and that is so far out of my comfort zone that it is scary.
But here is the kicker. I wanted to start this blog months ago, but it took me 6 months to finally do it.
What held me back? One word.
The fear of the unknown. Fear that people will not like what I have to say. Fear of what the people closest to me would say?
Most of the time fear lives right outside of our comfort zone and fear is what will keep us in our comfort zone.
Well, It’s time to start confronting your fears as an introvert, and here is how we are going to do it.
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What’s Holding You Back From Confronting Your Fears?
It is a valid question when you think about it.
What’s holding you back from confronting your fears?
Like seriously what are we so afraid of that it leaves us unable to rid our minds of fearful thoughts and face our fears head-on?
I mean don’t get me wrong.
If you encounter a deadly snake in the woods or feel like you are about to fall off a cliff that would be fatal, then please be scared.
But I’m not talking about a deadly snake or a tall cliff.
I’m talking about starting a business, moving across the country, or even falling in love.
These things won’t kill you if you were to pursue them, but yet we treat them as if they are deadly snakes that will bite us or a tall cliff that we could fall off of.
He even goes on to say that fear causes an almost paralysis feeling and I would have to agree. This feeling is often a lot more common in introverts.
Overcoming our fears in life is not something that is easy for anyone, but if we are tired of being stagnant, then we have to find to move.
And once you move is when you can finally start confronting your fears as an introvert.
3 Ways To Start Confronting Your Fears As An Introvert
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
The very first thing you have to do when it comes to confronting your fears as an introvert is to get out of your comfort zone.
If you are fine with living in your comfort zone, then stay there.
But if you longing for more, it is time to take that first step.
I’m not asking you to take 10 steps or 5 steps or even 2 steps.
I want you to just take one.
One simple step towards that goal or whatever your mind is set on but you feel that you are unable to accomplish.
I mentioned above like maybe starting a business or moving across the country.
And the first step can be starting a savings account to start saving for this endeavor.
In some cases, you may even have to take a step back in order to move forward.
As long as you are moving forward, that is all that matters.
The reason I say to take just one step is with just one step, you will realize that the world didn’t end because you made a move.
It kept rotating and you are just one step closer to your goals.
In fact, after you take one, you may realize that you can take another.
And next thing you know, that goal becomes reality and your looking back at your comfort zone like why was I so afraid to leave you?
Get Out of Your Head
Now, this is a hard one for my fellow introverts because we are “heady” people who overthink everything.
Our thoughts have a way of controlling our outlook on life and removing those fearful thoughts from our minds is much easier said than done.
If we tell ourselves that the task at hand is too far-fetched, then we will likely believe it.
Negative self-talk is a thing and if we let it get the best of us, we will never be able to accomplish anything.
Since we are thought-driven people, the key here is changing the tune in your head to a more positive one.
Instead of playing that sad song, you love on repeat, try listening to that upbeat one.
Positive self-talk will have much more of an effect because you are already used to listening to yourself.
Affirmations are a perfect way to begin the process of building positive self-talk.
As I mentioned above with your comfort zone, the moment we get out of our heads will be the moment we can start living in the present.
I know that the future is scary which is why the fear we make up in our heads feels so real.
Get out of your head my friend.
Get Creative
I know I’m not the only one who is guilty of scrolling on social media for hours and feeling like my brain is turning to mush from staring at the screen for so long.
It is as if the more I scroll, the more I lose my inspiration to do something with my life because I’m so focused on someone else’s life.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love social media just as much as the next person, but it does become a problem when you get off feeling worse than when you first got on.
Before you check in on someone’s life, check in on yours.
What have you done today to get those creative juices flowing? Is it physically writing, crafting, painting, drawing, sewing, or even cleaning?
Cleaning may sound random, but cleaning and decluttering your space or home can do wonders for a clear head.
Getting creative allows you to tap into that place within yourself that feels joy amongst the work that you may be doing.
Any project that you decide to do will take time, but if you enjoy doing it, you won’t mind the amount of time it will take.
Your Turn
Now, let’s
Just Jass

I love this! It’s so true that sneaky negative self talk can really hold us back. Creativity definitely helps me get out of my head!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Negative self-talk is the worst can really dampen our inner passions! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
I love how open you are about this fear. I definitely feel it too and I can definitely be guilty of choosing comfort instead of confronting fear. This has inspired me to keep pushing. Nice post 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
I’m so glad that you found this post to be inspirational and it gave you the motivation to keep pushing onward. 🙂
Ludmila Keller
It’s like you wrote this about me. I recently started a blog and attack myself with negative talk and too worried about being judged. It is nice to know I’m not the only one 🙂
Jasmyn Heard
I was in your shoes a little over a year ago struggle to press the launch button and I’m so glad that I did! You are not the only one and you would be surprised by those who are touched by your words! You got this!
Mary Stephenson Su
This really applies to me. Thanks for these tips. I just started sharing my writing work out there and I am feeling all this and more.
Jasmyn Heard
You’re very welcome! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
This is absolutely me and I hide behind the anonymity of my blog posts never really putting myself out there. I think I would write better articles if I got out of my head so much. Being locked down in a very strict State has not helped either. It has allowed me to become more of an introvert including hiding behind a mask.
Jasmyn Heard
All of those factors can definitely way into why we choose to stay in our heads! I know for me, what helps is sharing bits of pieces of my life whether it be through my blog posts or pictures on Instagram, and as I get more comfortable, I will share more. I know I personally did not start out so comfortable and I gradually got more comfortable with my writing and pictures and still have so much more potential! Just take it one step at a time and gradual lift that mask you are wearing 🙂
Great post! Consciously getting out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to grow as a person. It’s not always easy being an introvert (although I would consider myself an ambivert). But still, it’s like the world expects everyone to be an extrovert and super outgoing. It sure gets frustrating!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much and I completely agree! We are not all extroverted and that can be frustrating!
Sandra Whitmore
As a life-long introvert, I appreciate this excellent advice.
Jasmyn Heard
Your very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
As an introverted extrovert these ideas are so helpful! I love being around others and re-energize from that, but I definitely get nervous or anxious about big social things. Usually I just need to figure out how to get out of my head!
Jasmyn Heard
I completely get it! Getting out of my head is definitely something that I struggle with as well! But I do notice that the moment I do, I’m glad that I did! Glad that you enjoyed this post!
Jennifer Jarvis Burt
I’m loving everything about your site! It’s just beautiful. As an introvert, this post resonated with me. I think fear of what people will think of my written work holds me back sometimes. I’m slowly pushing myself to get my work out there, but it’s a process. Thank you for sharing, Jass!
Jasmyn Heard
Aw well thank you so much, I’m so glad that you enjoy my blog! And you are right, everything is a process and the moment, we take that leap, we realize it wasn’t so bad after all! Good luck with your book!
idara Joy
As an introvert who has worked very hard to move past fear, this post speaks so true to me. One thing I know for sure is that one day at a time and being self-aware is a great place to start in challenging the fears we face.
Jasmyn Heard
You are absolutely right! Just take one day at a time and being self-aware is a great place to start! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!