Teething Relief Tips I Use With My 14-Month-Old
My 14-month-old has lately been teething and is definitely in need of some relief.
Teething is one of the phases that I dread because you feel so helpless when your little one is going through the pain that comes with teething.
I can’t even imagine what it feels like to have your teeth penetrating your gums but I can bet that it doesn’t feel that great.
This is probably why our kiddos are in their worst moods when they are teething.
When my first daughter was teething, I just tried to remain patient and make her as comfortable as I could.
Teething pain usually lasts a few days depending on how long it takes for the tooth to cut through and the number of teeth.
Usually, when one tooth starts coming through, another follows shortly after.
So there is a chance you could be dealing with two teeth cutting at the same time.
Which has been the case for me with both of my girls.
Since this is my second round of dealing with a teething baby, I have gained a few tips that provided relief to my oldest daughter when she was teething as a baby.
And I utilize the same teething relief tips with my now 1-year-old daughter.
If you are looking for some relief tips that you can use with your teething 14-month-old, then just keep reading.
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When Do Babies Start Teething?
Before I get into some teething relief tips, let’s answer this question.
When do babies start teething?
According to What To Expect, a lot of babies get their first tooth or teeth between 6 months and 12 months.
Some babies even get teeth as early as 4 months.
Both of my girls were considered late teethers because my oldest daughter didn’t get teeth until she was 12 months old.
And my youngest didn’t get teeth until she was 11 months old.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your children if they are late teethers.
Even though they both were late teethers, they both still ate regular table food really well.
You would be surprised how hard their gums are and their ability to chew still and mash up food.
The only time you should be worried about your child’s teeth coming in late is when they are 18 months old and they still have no teeth and are not showing any symptoms of teething.
That is when you should be advised to speak to your child’s pediatrician.
But the majority of the time, you will know when your child is teething because they will be showing signs of teething
The signs of teething include:
- Crankiness
- Swollen gums
- Ear pulling
- Cheek rubbing
- Chewing on everything
- Drooling
- Disruptive sleep
- Fever
And as you can see, these symptoms can make for one uncomfortable baby.
So when you notice that your baby is experiencing these symptoms, there is a really good chance they are teething and are in need of some relief.
With that being said, let’s get into what I do to relieve my teething 14-month-old baby.
Teething Relief Tips I Use With My 14-Month-Old
Get Teething Bibs
The very first teething relief tip that I like to think of as a 2-for-1 is teething bibs.
Usually, the first symptom that I notice with my girls is drooling.
So much drool.
Especially with this baby.
She will drool all over her clothes and anything else when she is teething.
So I knew that I was going to need to get bibs this time around to catch the drool that was going to happen.
When I was looking for bibs to try, I stumbled across these teething bibs from Nuby because their bibs have a teething corner on the end that your baby can gnaw on.
This item is genius because not only does the bib catch the drool, it provides your baby some relief with the textured teething corner on the end.
It’s a win-win.
Utilize Teething Toys
If drooling is the first, chewing on everything is the next symptom I notice when my daughter is teething.
This means I need to have something that she can chew on before she starts chewing on the things that I don’t want her to.
There are a lot of teething toys on the market but I have noticed that not all teething toys are created equal or guaranteed to be loved by your little ones.
With my daughters, I noticed that they preferred silicone teethers over plastic ones.
They also preferred teethers that had some texture to them.
I will link a few of the teethers that my daughter loves below for anyone who might be interested.

Freeze & Chill Teething Toys
While on the topic of teething toys, a great tip is to freeze and chill teething toys.
If you were to get hurt and experienced swelling in that area, then you would apply ice to relieve the swelling.
The same applies to swollen gums that come with teething.
The cool sensation helps relieve sore swollen gums and provides that much-needed relief that our kiddos
I will put some of her toys in our freezer and when I notice that she is showing teething symptoms such as cheek pulling or just overall fussier, I will pull out one of her toys in the freezer.
Sometimes she will even walk over to the freezer and start pointing to it to insinuate that she wants one of the toys out of there.
Her favorite freezer toys are these water-filled ones from Itzy Ritzy.
Feed Teething Crackers
Another way I like to relieve my teething 14-month-old is by feeding her teething crackers.
If you read my previous post on her feeding schedule when she was 7 months old, you may have noticed that I feed her teething crackers.
At 7 months old, she was in the earlier stage of teething with constant drooling and chewing on everything but had no teeth present.
With teething comes the ability to learn to chew.
And a great way to help your little one learn how to chew is by offering teething crackers.
I love using teething crackers with my daughter because it easily dissolves and she is learning the muscles that she needs to use in order to chew.
Plus it gives her to something chew on to relieve some of those teething symptoms.
Breastfeed For Comfort
In my previous post, I talked about cluster feeding and how it is something I do during the witching hour with my baby girl.
For my fellow mamas who are also nursing their 1-year-olds, breastfeeding not provides some of the nourishment they need but is also comforting.
If you are not aware, I am still nursing my 14-month-old and when she is teething, she has a tendency to want to nurse more.
I know that for her, it is more of a comfort thing because, at 14 months, she should not have to nurse every couple of hours.
But when she is teething, it can be like sometimes.
So I typically nurse on demand during the times when she is teething.
Brush Teeth & Gums
Between eating and nursing, your baby’s gums and teeth that are present will need to be brushed.
It is recommended that as soon as the first tooth cuts through, you should start brushing your little one’s teeth.
This is exactly what I did when my daughter’s first teeth came in at 11 months.
I use a small baby toothbrush with a small amount of baby toothpaste and brush her teeth twice a day as I do my older daughter.
She has gotten used to it so she anticipates as soon as I pull out her toothbrush.
Brushing her gums and teeth also helps to relieve those sore gums.
Use Tylenol For Pain & Fever
And the last teething relief tip I use for my 14-month-old is giving her Tylenol.
Obviously, teething can be painful so when I notice that my daughter is really fussy and crying a lot more, then I give her Tylenol.
I usually give her Tylenol mostly at night when the teething pain has a tendency to bother her more so she can sleep a little better.
Along with giving her Tylenol for the pain, I also give it to her in case she runs a low fever.
I mentioned above that running a low fever is associated with teething as well.
Now if you notice that your little one is running a fever that is over 101 degrees, then you should definitely take them to the doctor.
But if your child is running a low fever between 99 to 100 degrees, then some Tylenol can quickly break that fever.
Your Turn
Well, those are the teething relief tips that I use with my 14-month-old. I want to hear from you all now. What are some relief tips that you use to soothe your teething babies? Let me know in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Thank you, this was a super useful post!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you found it to be helpful!
Oh, I love those banana and raspberry teething suckers. I used crackers too. And it looks like my toddler preferred nursing for comfort during teething and sick days. Sometimes I make his healthy popsicles, it is tasty treat and some help for gums.
Jasmyn Heard
Oh, I bet those popsicles work wonders for sore gums! Thank you for sharing your tips!
Jessica Adams
Great tips! The one that always worked the best for my girls was a cold teething toy. And yes, tons of bibs to catch all that drool!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! Can’t go wrong with cold teething toys! Glad that you enjoyed this post!