Starting A Blog As A Stay At Home Mom
After being in the blogging game for 3 years, I am finally talking about how I started a blog as a stay-at-home mom.
For those that know about me, then you may know how this journey started.
But for those who don’t, here is a quick recap.
I started this blog in 2020 as a stay-at-home mom of just 1 back then.
My oldest daughter was 18 months old at the time and I ultimately started this blog as an outlet for myself.
I was really struggling mentally as a new stay-at-home mom and trying to find an identity outside of motherhood.
When I first started my blog, I talked a lot about my own experiences from dealing with postpartum depression as a first-time mom to even what it was like breastfeeding a newborn at night.
- Read More: The Truth About Postpartum Depression As A First-Time Mom
- Read More: How To Survive Breastfeeding A Newborn At Night
What I began to notice after a little while of documenting my experiences was that I started to feel better.
And not just that.
I started meeting other women who also could relate to the struggle of being a stay-at-home mom and then a little community started to form here in my little corner of the internet.
What started off as something therapeutic for me became something that many people started to relate to and found to be very helpful and informative.
Which ultimately brought me so much joy when joy hadn’t been something that I was feeling in the early phases of motherhood.
Blogging was that hobby that I needed to get out of that depressive funk I was in and begin to find myself again.
And I’m so thankful that I started.
Today, I’m a stay-at-home mom to 2 who still blogs about my life as a stay-at-home mom navigating life with a 4-year-old and 1-year-old.
And I also offer productivity tips and personal development habits that can provide purpose and fulfillment in motherhood.
Along this 3 year journey, I have not only managed to greatly increase my pageviews but even monetize my blog in order to start making a little money from it.
Here I will be sharing how I became a stay-at-home mom blogger, so if you are interested, just keep reading.
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Should You Start A Stay At Home Mom Blog?
Before I dive into how I started a blog as a stay-at-home mom, let’s talk about this.
Should you start a stay-at-home mom blog?
I mean I get why some people wouldn’t start one considering how many are out there.
Plus there is this idea that blogging is dead and no one reads blogs anymore.
That clearly is not true because, for starters, you are here.
This means that you scrolling and looking for information that led you to my site.
So blogging can still very much be a thing.
A good analogy that I have always heard is that when you go down a bread aisle looking for bread, you are going to find anywhere between 10 to 20 different brands making the same bread.
There is room for everyone on the shelf.
So if you are thinking that your site would just be another stay-at-home mom blog, then change your mindset.
As I said above, I didn’t start my blog with the mindset that I’m going to make a ton of money and be this big-time blogger.
I’m still not a big-time blogger.
I simply started it as a therapeutic hobby.
And it accomplished that and is still continuing to be that for me.
It just so happened that I was able to monetize my blog along the way and begin getting small sponsored collaborations.
This has then motivated me to continue to post and keep improving my content
When I started, I didn’t even know how to put together a website.
But I remained consistent and did my research to figure it out.
Even once I had my website up, I had to figure out that in order to draw people to my blog, I had to promote it as well as plug-in particular keywords for people who were searching for particular content.
So you don’t have to have it all figured out before you start a blog.
I know from my experience, I learned way more once I started and was actually doing it as opposed to the research I was doing prior to launching my site
You should definitely do a little research and make sure that blogging is something that you want to do before diving in.
But remember experience is the best teacher.
Now that you know whether you should start a blog as a stay-at-home mom or not, let’s get into how I started my stay-at-home mom blog.
Starting A Blog As A Stay At Home Mom
Decide What You Want To Talk About
The very first thing you should do before starting a blog is decide what you want to talk about.
In the blogging world, this is called your niche.
Your niche is a particular topic that you are going to cover in your blog so when others come across it, they will have an idea of what to expect while there.
Some people decide to cover a range of different topics on their blog which is great for individuals who are blogging for the sake of keeping it a hobby.
But if you are thinking of taking your blog to the next level, then you need to focus on one particular topic.
Now you may be wondering what do I even talk about?
Or am I even qualified to be giving advice or tips on my blog?
Well, the answer to these questions lies in the skills and experience you already have.
Take me for example.
I have been a stay-at-home mom for almost 5 years now and I also have a therapeutic background working with families and adolescents prior to becoming a mom.
So given my experience and skills, I can definitely speak on the dynamics of being a stay-at-home mom to younger children while also offering mental health tips and positive habits to help other moms.
My niche is parenting.
You may decide that you don’t want to talk about being a parent.
You may want to talk about gardening, home decor, cooking, or even about your pets.
Which is absolutely ok.
Just figure out something that you would enjoy talking about and go from there.
Create Your Website
The next step once you have decided what you want to about is to create your website.
This step is where many people get hung up at.
It is much easier to dream and think about what you would want to talk about on your blog versus actually doing it.
You can easily create a website on Wix or Squarespace for free and those platforms do a great job of showing you how to set up your website.
If you are not fully ready to commit to building your own website but want to test out blogging, then you can definitely blog on other platforms such as Tumblr or Medium.
I actually have a mini blog over on Medium that I blog on from time to time.
My blogs over there are much shorter and more thought-provoking.
I will link my Medium Account through the link here for you all to check out if interested.
Creating a free website is great for people who truly want to blog as a hobby.
But if you are thinking that one day, you may want to monetize your blog, then you need to purchase website hosting.
Even though I started my blog off as an outlet for me, I decided to purchase hosting at the beginning of my blogging journey and I’m so glad that I did.
It is much easier to monetize a self-hosted blog versus a free blog on another platform.
When you purchase hosting, you own your website which means you are in control of your site instead of another platform.
I utilized Bluehost to buy and register my website 3 years ago and I still utilize them to this day to keep my blog up and running.
They are currently offering up to 70% off hosting for websites with plans starting as low as $2.95 a month which is a great deal.
If you are interested in purchasing hosting through Bluehost, I will link that offer here.
Pick A Theme For Your Blog
After you have either bought or created your website, you need to pick a theme for your blog.
This is essentially the look of your website.
Think of it like a book.
They say don’t judge a book by its cover.
But we all know that part of our decision to pick a book is based on its cover.
There are many free themes out there for you to choose from and for the first year of blogging, I used a free theme.
In my second year of blogging, I decided to pay for my current theme and it was a small investment that I’m glad that I made.
Free themes come with limited options while paid themes give you more options in regards to fonts and layouts.
Prior to setting up my blog, I had checked out a few other parenting blogs that I liked so I had an idea of how I wanted mine to look.
I picked a color and a couple of different fonts that I liked and use them all over my blog to make it cohesive.
You even the see same color and fonts in my Pinterest pins and social media.
My blog has a consistent look to it that makes it easy to associate me with.
If you see one of my Pinterest pins on Pinterest, then you are more likely to think of me.
If you see my colors and fonts pop up on your social media feed, then you are more likely to think of me.
The look of your blog matter so take the time to pick and create a cohesive theme for it.
Create Blog Posts
Now we are at the part that everyone is ready for.
Which is actually the blogging part of blogging.
Once you have gotten your website online and customized your theme for your blog, it is time to create and publish your blog posts.
A couple of questions that are often asked in the blogging community are how often should they publish posts and how long should their posts be.
Both of these questions are going to depend on what works for you.
There are some people who write shorter posts (500 to 1000 words) daily or every other day.
While there are some people who write much longer posts (2000+ words) that they post weekly or biweekly.
Both of these methods are fine if that is what works for you.
As a busy stay-at-home mom of 2, I opt for longer posts that I post weekly.
It is much harder for me to post more than that and be present with my family.
So I just focus on one long, informative post a week and I have found that to work for me.
The main thing you want to remember when you are blogging is to be consistent.
If you commit to posting daily, weekly, or even biweekly, your viewers will catch on and look forward to your posts on those designated days.
Promote Your Blog
And my last tip for starting your blog is to promote your blog.
This is not easy for some people.
It’s easier to just type up a blog post, post it, and just wait for people to come across it.
And if you are ok with no one seeing your posts, then just keep posting.
But if you are hoping to reach and connect with like-minded individuals, then you need to share and promote our blog.
Most people don’t start a blog on the internet just for no one to see it.
The aim and hope is that the right people see it and the way that they do is through you sharing your work.
A great place to start is with social media.
Figure out where your audience hangs out and start there.
You may notice that the people who could benefit from your blog are on Facebook.
Or maybe Pinterest or Instagram.
If you haven’t already created profiles on those platforms, then do so.
And once you start promoting your blog, don’t stop.
You may have only one person who is keeping up with your blog, but that shouldn’t deter you from continuing to promote your blog.
The followers and views will come as long as you stay consistent ad continue to share your blog across different platforms.
Your Turn
Well, that is how I started my blog as a stay-at-home mom. I am no expert on blogging by any means. There are plenty of people who know way more than me that you can look up. But because I have been asked a few times about how I started my blog, I figured that I would share what I did. And hopefully. I encourage a fellow stay-at-home mom who wants to start a blog to do as well. I want to hear from you all now. Have you been considering starting a blog? I would love to hear from you in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

I would love to start a blog but due to the nature of my job, I would not want to reveal my name/identity in a blog – so no pictures of me, probably wouldn’t use my real of full name, nor names/pictures of family. Is there a point when your blog loses credibility or others’ interest if you’re too private about these kinds of things?
Jasmyn Heard
I just think it depends! In my experience and with my niche, I have noticed that showing pictures of myself and my family, it makes me seem more personable. It allows my audience to put my words to my face and I think they apprecate that. It’s completely understandable why you wouldnt want to show any pictures of yourself and it is possible to have a blog without doing so. Some people opt for an alias if they take that approach so that could very well be option. But if you are thinking of starting a lifestyle blog or any kind of blog that you are sharing aspects of your life, then sharing a picture or two of yourself will definitely build that connection between you and your viewers. Hope this helps!
Sheenia Denae | Lifestyle Blogger
Love this! Thanks for sharing your journey. Very helpful and inspiring.
Jasmyn Heard
Aw, thank you so much! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Thanks so much for your honest and transparent experience about being an at-home blogger and what it’s like!
Jasmyn Heard
You are very welcome! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!