Recover From These 5 Symptoms Of Mom Burnout
As a mom, I feel like I’m constantly on the edge of what I like to call “mom burnout”.
This is especially true as a stay-at-home mom.
I am constantly in mom mode and can’t even seem to find a corner in my own home to myself to just think. Life begins to feel very overwhelming and the next thing I know I am stuck in a rut that feels like it will never end.
Most of the time, we know when we are on the verge of burnout, but we still find ourselves experiencing it.
Now you all know that I am all about thriving in mom-life and we can’t do that if we are worn out and miserable.
Burnout can look different for everyone, but these are the symptoms of burnout that I notice within myself that let me know I’m experiencing mom burnout.
Here, I will be discussing how to recover from these 5 symptoms of mom burnout.
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Why Are Moms Experiencing “Mom Burnout”?
Before we get into the symptoms, let’s discuss why moms are experiencing burnout in the first place.
Why are moms experiencing mom burnout?
To be honest, what mom isn’t experiencing burnout should be the real question, because I want to be her.
When most of us become first-time moms, we don’t realize the many hats that we will begin to wear just from having the title of mom.
In fact, this article from Moms.com states that a mom never stops earning new titles because she never stops moving.
And it is true.
We become the “Ultimate Multitasker.”
As much as some moms can keep going at a rate that seems unnatural, it will eventually catch up to them. There is absolutely nothing healthy about always tending to others without tending to yourself.
Certain symptoms of burnout can cause serious physical side effects that can occur if you don’t tend to yourself before it worsens.
Those effects consist of gut health problems, a weakened immune system, and migraines that could last for days.
This is why we need to be able to identify the symptoms so we can be preventative.
Let us now get into the symptoms of mom burnout that I notice within myself (and you might too) and how I cope with these symptoms.
Symptoms Of Mom Burnout
These are the five symptoms of mom burnout that I notice within myself and how I overcome it.
The very first symptom that I notice within myself is that I’m literally exhausted.
Sleep will evade me at night and I am just a walking zombie during the day. Without the proper rest, I’m of no use in my household.
When my daughter was a newborn, I was having to get up consistently throughout the night to breastfeed her.
I knew that in order to avoid feeling burned out, I had to make sure that I was napping throughout the day to recover some of that sleep.
To counteract this exhaustion, try to take breaks throughout the day when you can.
These breaks can consist of short, power naps. Anything longer than 30 minutes might have you feeling even more tired and groggy.
Lack of Focus/Motivation
If exhaustion is my first symptom, then a lack of motivation is definitely my second symptom.
When I am burned out, I don’t feel motivated to do anything. I can’t focus or concentrate. Everything feels like it is too much work.
Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed that I will just freeze up and not do anything.
A lack of motivation often comes from a lack of direction.
Get back to the basics. Take a step back and do something that you know you will enjoy doing.
Read that book that you have had sitting on your nightstand forever, watch your favorite show for a few hours on Hulu, or take a nice relaxing bath.
Find a way to participate in some self care for yourself.
Another symptom of burnout is irritability and anger.
If you have been keeping up with me, then you know I shared that irritability was a major indicator that I was also experiencing postpartum depression.
Feeling angry for the majority of the day is just not normal.
If everything little thing is setting you off, it is time to take a long look in the mirror because it can’t be everyone’s fault that you are unhappy.
Acknowledge that something is off and do something about it.
This can usually start with owning up to your anger and talking to someone close to you about what may be actually causing the anger.
When you are burned out, the light at the end of the tunnel just does not exist.
The glass is not half full, it is half empty. Instead of reeking of optimism, you reek of pessimism. And you just fall into a slump of feeling like this is just the way that it is.
You have been robbed of your joy and it has been replaced with negativity.
No one likes a Negative Nancy and I’m sure you don’t want to want to be one either. You got to get out of your way and find your happiness again.
If you are not usually like this, then it is time to get back to that person. Start with some positive self-talk by just saying one positive thing that happened to you that day.
This could be as simple as just saying “I got out of bed today”
Resentment will have you feeling really guilty, but this, too, is a symptom that you are burnout.
You will find yourself resentful of your kids for needing you all the time. Resentful of your partner or spouse for not doing what you think is enough.
Even resentful of your friends or loved ones who don’t bear the type of responsibilities that you carry.
The reason I stated that resentment will make you feel guilty is because you don’t want to have those thoughts, yet they find their way into your head.
The way to put away those resentful thoughts is find gratitude in the life that you live.
Your kids won’t always need you for everything, so try to embrace these moments while they are small and look to you for guidance.
Some people don’t even a partner to help them, so be grateful that your partner is available and trying.
If your friends are good and true, they will not judge you and be an ear for those trying times.
Can You Really Avoid Mom Burnout?
That is a tough question and one I don’t think you can just yes or no to. So, I’m going to say yes and no.
As long as you are a mom, burnout will always be something that can occur.
I don’t care if you are a stay at home mom, working mom, married mom, or single mom. Every single one of these moms can experience and suffer from mom burnout.
Someone’s situation does not mean that they have it better or worse even though certain factors within each type can affect how you will cope with these symptoms.
Like I mentioned above, it is more important to be aware of the symptoms so you can be preventative of it before it worsens.
If you are feeling burned out, hopefully, these tips I provided can help you get back to being the best mom and woman you can be.
Your Turn
With all that said, we don’t have to let burnout get the best of us. There are ways to overcome mom guilt and it starts with identifying the signs of burnout. But I want to hear from you all now. Let me know how you all deal with these symptoms of mom burnout in the comments down below. And while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Unfortunate burn out is a real thing, but it is good to recognise it on its early manifestations. Thanks for sharing
Jasmyn Wilkins
It truly is! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post!
Adedoyin (Atlanta Insights)
This is great! I was just thinking last night that’s I’m experiencing a burnout and I need to address it fast. Alot of us ignore it till it gets put of control
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes it can get really bad which is why we must be aware of the signs in order to counteract it. Glad you enjoyed this post!
Great post. We often only realise when it’s too late. It’s good to try and take control as early as possible.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I couldn’t agree more! Glad you enjoyed this post!
I needed this post. Burnout is so real. I think we’ve all dealt with it in one way or another. Great post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Burnout is very real and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
These are all things I’ve struggled during these past weeks during this quarantine. Luckily I’ve started to notice them sooner so I can act on them quicker. Burning out is a real thing especially for moms. Great post!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Mom burnout is definitely a real thing and it is so important that we are aware of the signs and symptoms! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Exhaustion! It’s a sneaky wee thing right! So easy to sweep under the carpet that you’re just tired/busy. Thanks for the list, take care xox ?
Jasmyn Wilkins
It really is which is why we must be aware of it! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
I have totally excperinced burn out and it can be rough. This was a great article for identifying burnout and learning to fix it before it progresses too far. Thanks for sharing!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Burnout can definitely be rough! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Lolia Harry
I love this. I’ve read an article on burnout but I liked this as I could actually relate to the examples you used. I’ll also take on board the suggestion you made. Thank you
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m glad that what I wrote resonated with you! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Neecee b
Love your content!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoy it!
I’m so glad I found this today. I’m not alone after all! I was feeling so burned out from work that I got off an hour early to take a nap. Now I’m using my neck hammock lol self care is everything when it comes to getting rid of that feeling. Thank you for this post ?
Jasmyn Wilkins
No ma’am you are not alone at all! Taking care of ourselves so we can show up is of the utmost importance! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Tiffany Salyers
In my last job, I was constantly experiencing these. So glad to have moved on. Much happier and healthier now.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I’m glad to hear that you are doing much better. Experiencing burnout is no fun and will leave us feeling depleted. I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Very important topic, thanks for sharing! A lot of people have these symptoms, but they don’t know to recognize them as a burn out.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are absolutely right which is why it is so important to talk about it! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Ambuj Saxena
Thank you for laying bare the signs of Burnout! I feel 1 of these symptoms at least 3 times during the month and now i know how to counter them. I have already started taking power naps of 15 min after lunch to rejuvenate myself for the rest of the day. But i’m gonna try more things as suggested by you.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I love a quick power nap too and they do wonders for me! I hope these other tips help you and I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Juju Holden
Eek, this definitely resonates. I have quite a few vacation days left but have been apprehensive about using them… I think it’s time!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I think it is time to use them! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this blog post!
Ju Nae'
I love you blog!!! Cant wait to see more content! Instant subscriber!!!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Aw thank you so much! More content to come! So glad that you subscribed to the family!
Feeling exhausted and overwhelming lately. Experiencing so many signs that I needed to take a break. Thank you for sharing. I’m loving your blog.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Both of those are signs that it is time to take a break and that you need one. I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Oh man. Several times a year I get all of these burnout symptoms. Sometimes I don’t know what to do, so it just gets worse! Thank you for the post. We all need it. K
Jasmyn Wilkins
I do too which is why when I realize it is happening, I try to get myself back on track with some of these tips! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
This is a term I’ve heard come up a lot since quarantine started and people are not only living at home (often with kids not in school/daycare and spouses around 24/7) but also working at home. It’s hard to not let lines get blurred and burnout to occur.
Jasmyn Wilkins
I don’t think burnout is completely avoidable and this is especially true with this current state of the world. But once we recognize what is happening, we can start recovering from these symptoms and get back to feeling like ourselves again. I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
Karen Chen
What an insightful post, Jass! I find that taking a rest day a week, even if you’re not feeling particularly burnt out, is an awesome way to prevent it in the future x
Jasmyn Wilkins
Taking a rest day is a great way to prevent burnout in the future! Thank you for sharing and I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post!