Postpartum must-haves for second time moms
Parenting,  Postpartum

Postpartum Must-Haves For Second-Time Moms

I’m going into 6 weeks postpartum this week and I’m finally ready to share my postpartum must-haves for second-time moms that have gotten me through these last few weeks.

Since this is my second time giving birth, I already knew some of what I would need to recover postpartum.

So I began stocking up on what I would need and put some of the items that I would need on my baby registry for others to get if they choose to.

Luckily, I had friends and family get those items for me, so I had them ready when I got home in order to already be prepared.

If you got a chance to read my birth story about giving birth to my second child, then you know I had a fairly easy and quick birth.

I gave birth vaginally, so I did not have to worry about recovering from surgery or anything like that.

And I barely tore giving birth this time.

Which actually made my recovery during postpartum much smoother because I only had one stitch that I had to worry about.

In conjunction with the items that I will discuss below, I have mostly healed from my second vaginal birth.

If you are interested in my postpartum essentials as a second-time mom, then just keep reading.

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Postpartum must haves for second time moms

How Long Are You In The Hospital After Giving Birth?

Before I get into my postpartum must-haves for second-time moms, let’s talk about what postpartum looks while you are still at the hospital.

Since I gave birth during the pandemic with some of the restrictions still in place, my birth experience looked a lot different than my first birth.

With my first daughter, I was able to have as many people in the room I wanted during labor and delivery.

With this baby, I was only to have 2 people with me when delivering my baby.

After having my first daughter, I was also able to have as many visitors as I wanted in my room.

With this baby, I was only able to have 2 people in the room at a time which meant a lot of our family had to take turns coming in to see the baby.

So it was very different the second time around.

At my hospital, they typically made moms who delivered vaginally stay for 48 hours and moms who delivered via C-section stay for 72 hours.

But they also offered an early discharge option at 24 hours if you and the baby were cleared and weren’t experiencing any complications or pains that would make you need to stay.

Since baby girl and I were both cleared, I took the early discharge option and we were able to leave at 24 hours.

Which I was ecstatic about because even though they take good care of you at the hospital, it is nothing like being in your own home.

If you read what I packed in my hospital bag, then you know that I did not pack a lot of postpartum supplies because the hospital really does provide a lot of what you need.

And even better, my hospital gave me a bag of supplies to go home with as well.

If your hospital does not give you a bag, make sure you either have an extra bag to pack up what they give you or have extra room in your hospital bag that you packed to take those items.

The items that I received from the hospital included:

  • Mesh Underwear
  • Pads
  • Heating Pads
  • Cooling Pads
  • Peri Bottle
  • Dermoplast

I was prescribed pain medicine and stool softeners that I picked up once I left the hospital.

If they are giving them to you, you might as well take them.


Postpartum Must-Haves For Second-Time Moms

Lanolin Cream

The very first postpartum must-have I want to discuss is lanolin cream.

If you are breastfeeding, you will definitely need this postpartum.

The kind that I like using is from the brand Lansinoh and it has worked great for soothing my sore nipples in between feeds.

It is also safe for your baby to consume as well.

Nursing Pads

Another breastfeeding essential that you will need postpartum.

Even if you choose to not breastfeed, you will probably still use nursing pads early on.

Our breasts automatically produce milk after we give birth and that milk has to go somewhere.

And trust me when I say, you don’t want those embarrassing stains on your shirt that screams that your boobs are leaking.

I use the Nursing Pads from Lansinoh and have not experienced them leaking through the pads.

Peri Bottle

Along with breast care, you will need to care for yourself vaginally and that starts with a peri bottle.

You will be using this bottle so much in the first few weeks when you go to the bathroom.

They give you a simple one in the hospital to use which works just as great, but if you are looking for a nicer one that doesn’t require you to stick your hand in the toilet bowl, then I recommend the Frida Mom Upside Down Peri Bottle.

It is made to be held upside down and angled in the right direction to spray you.


This is another item that they give you in the hospital and you will likely be using this in conjunction with your peri bottle.

The cooling sensation it provides will feel amazing in those early weeks and works great with women who tore after giving birth.

Disposable Underwear

After tending to yourself while using the bathroom, you will need to account for the bleeding that comes with postpartum.

Because you will bleed whether you deliver vaginally or via C section and even if you don’t tear as I did with this baby.

And it might be on the heavier side at first.

This is where disposable underwear comes in and I absolutely recommend getting them.

I wore this Disposable Underwear from Always and I never had to worry about leaking and they were also pretty comfortable.

Much better than the mesh underwear they give you at the hospital.


As your bleeding starts to decrease after a few weeks postpartum, you will start to have period-like bleeding that is not as heavy.

This is when you will likely switch from disposable underwear and start wearing pads.

I know some women may want to wear tampons because that is what you would usually do with period-like bleeding, but please avoid tampons during the early weeks of postpartum.

According to Healthline, it is recommended to avoid tampons because your body is still healing and tampons could potentially cause trauma.

I like using these Plant-Based Pads from the company Honey Pot because they don’t leak and don’t irritate me.

Heating Pads

My next postpartum essential that I want to mention is for my mommas who might have gotten an epidural and that is heating pads

You don’t have to have gotten an epidural to use the heating pads for your back, but you are going to really love them if you did get one as I did.

Since the epidural is placed in your back, you may experience back pain when it wears off.

I did not experience much back pain with my first, but my back was really hurting with this baby after I got it.

I used these disposable Natural Herbal Heating Patches from the brand Rael once I ran out of the ones that the hospital gave me and it worked wonders for my back.

Pain Medicine

Since we are on the topic of pain, you will likely be prescribed pain medicine before you leave the hospital as I mentioned above.

Not only will it be a little tender done there, but you will also still experience contractions.

Yea you saw that right.

You think you are done experiencing contractions when you give birth, but as most of us mommas know, those after-birth contractions are something else.

Not to mention the ones you get when you are breastfeeding as well.

My doctor prescribed me Ibuprofen to use when I was experiencing pain, which worked great for me.

Stool Softeners

The last of my postpartum must-haves for second-time moms are stool softeners

Along with pain medicine, you will need stool softeners.

It is tough using the bathroom after giving birth and taking stool softeners helps to relieve some of that pain that goes with it.

I just used the stool softeners from the brand Colace since my doctor recommended those.


Your Turn

Well, there you have it. Those are all of my postpartum must-haves for second-time moms. Now I want to hear from you all. What are some postpartum essentials for after birth that you would add to this list? Let me know in the comments below and while you are still here, check out these other postpartum must-haves that Brooke from Bump to Busy Mama listed in her post. Until next time!


Just Jass

Postpartum must-haves for second time moms

Hi! I'm Jasmyn or "Jas" as everyone likes to call me! I'm a stay-at-home girl momma to 2 beautiful little girls and married to my wonderful husband whom I have been with for 10 years! I'm a book and tea lover and when I'm not working on my blog, you can find me sharing bits and pieces of our lives on Instagram or me strolling down the aisles of Target and DSW! I'm the mama blogger behind the blog, Just Jass, where I offer parenting advice, productivity tips, and positive mental health habits from my perspective as mama of 2. Why don't you join me and my Jassy Fam as we navigate this thing called "mom-life" together!


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