How To Cope With A Sick Family Member
Having to cope with a sick family member is a lot to handle.
Especially with what is currently going on.
This is a crazy time that we are currently living in.
When you really think about it, our own parents didn’t even deal with a pandemic of this magnitude.
None of us saw this coming.
Grocery stores limiting the number of people in stores.
Retail parking lots are practically empty.
Waffle Houses closed. (They NEVER close!)
As we have all learned this pandemic cannot be taken lightly as this virus spreads with more and more individuals being confirmed to have it.
A lot of people have been able to recover and go about their lives.
However, some people haven’t been as lucky and wind up getting sicker.
With this being said, I felt that it was only appropriate to discuss how we can cope with having a sick family member since our chance of knowing someone who might be sick has increased.
Whether you are dealing with a sick spouse, parent, grandmother, or a close friend that feels like family, I hope this finds you.
Here, I will dive into some tips on how to cope with a sick family member.
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How To Cope With A Sick Family Member From A Distance
Before I get into my tips on how to cope with a sick family member, let’s talk about what it is like coping with a sick family member when you live far away.
How can you care for a sick loved one when you don’t live near them?
Because that is also a reality that many of us are facing during this pandemic.
If your loved one winds up hospitalized due to COVID, then the chances of you seeing them while in the hospital are very slim.
So you are going to have to cope with their illness from a distance.
When I had a family member hospitalized from COVID, it was so tough because none of us could be there with her in her last moments.
It was devastating to our family, but we had to learn how to cope with her death from a distance.
A great resource for learning how to care for and cope with a critically ill family member is PalliativeDoctors.org
Their tips for caring for a loved one from a distance are:
- Facetiming and Virtual communication with your loved one
- Sending gifts to their rooms
- Having the doctor’s contact information for questions
So as you can see, there is not a lot you can do with a sick family member who you cannot see in the hospital, but anything is better than nothing.
When my family member got sick, there were two or three people who were the point of contact for her and would update the family with her progress.
This was more so she could rest and not be bothered with a ton of phone calls a day.
By my family doing this, we all could receive updates about her status without having to bother her throughout the entire day.
This worked for us all the way up the day she passed away.
Even with her passing, she knew that she was loved from near and far and we all will miss her greatly.
Now that I have shared my experience with coping with a sick family member from afar, let’s get into those tips for how to cope with a sick family member in the hospital.
How To Cope With A Sick Family Member
Be Angry And Cry About It
My very first tip on how to cope with a sick family member is to be angry and cry about it.
If you have read my previous posts about becoming a first-time mom and dealing with postpartum depression, then you know I am all about emotions.
Let them all out.
The easiest one is anger and you should be angry.
It’s not fair.
Why is this happening?
Every single thing that comes to mind, allow a moment for it to remain there with all the guilt that comes with it.
However, you and I both know that being angry about the situation isn’t the only emotion that is present.
Ever wonder why some people cry when they are really angry or upset?
It’s because the anger can only mask what is underneath for so long.
Sadness is an emotion that some people have a hard time with because of the physical act of crying but, sometimes you just need to cry.
Just as much as you are allowed to be angry, you can be just as sad.
Be sad that this special person in your life is suffering and you feel helpless about it.
It’s an awful feeling and one completely out of your control.
If you needed someone to give you permission to cry, you just got it.
Talk About It
Once you have gotten a better handle of all the emotions, it’s time to confront it which means that you have got to talk about it.
To dismiss and tiptoe around what is going on only harms that person.
Ask questions about their illness and what to expect in time.
This will give you back some of that control that you felt like you may have
I know that this will be hard especially if you don’t like what is being said.
However, the more informed you are the better prepared you will be.
I know I wouldn’t go into a battle without the proper armor on.
If you want to help this person, put on that armor and get ready to fight for them, because they need you to fight for them.
With the proper information and tools, you can do just that but, you have to get informed first.
Find Some Joy About It
This can be a really sad time for this person because they are ultimately the ones who are really sick and dealing with these circumstances.
Of course, you should allow yourself to process your feelings and determine what to do about them.
But don’t forget to find joy in some of those small moments.
Not every conversation you have with them has to be about the illness.
If you were sick, would you want to talk about being sick all the time?
I didn’t think so and neither will they.
They talk about it enough with doctors and other individuals so make sure you’re informed as mentioned above so you can provide other topics of relief.
Talk about that episode of The Bachelor or even about that basketball game that came on last night.
Laughter is a form of medicine so find ways to laugh together.
If there were things that you both did together before they got sick, keep doing them if it’s feasible.
This will provide a sense of normalcy that you both could benefit from.
You can even create new experiences together that becomes a “thing” that you both do.
Don’t Forget About Yourself
This is really important.
Almost as important as being present for your ill loved one.
Don’t neglect yourself.
You matter too even in the midst of everything. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you do.
As I have said before, you want to help them right?
Help them by taking care of yourself.
You need to know your limits and boundaries so you are not wearing yourself thin or feeling burned out.
Make sure you are getting
Reach Out For Help
And the last way to cope with a sick family member is to reach out for help.
Seek help if everything is starting to feel overwhelming.
None of this is easy and you shouldn’t have to feel like you have it completely together all of the time.
Join support groups, lean into other family members and friends, and engage in self-care when you need it.
Just find some way to relieve yourself from it all.
Your Turn
Now that I have discussed how you can cope with a sick family member, I want to hear from you all now. If you are currently dealing with an ill loved one and wouldn’t mind sharing your tips on how you cope, please feel free to share in the comments below. We could all use some tips during this time and while you are still here, check out my previous post. Until next time!
Just Jass

so true.. having someone sick or hurt from a distance even if it isn’t from covid, is hard. my mom had a stroke 60 metric miles from where I live a couple of months ago and me being pregnant really messed up me going to see her in the hospital…
Jasmyn Heard
I know that was incredibly hard! This pandemic has really messed up things for a lot of us because all we want to do is be near our loved ones, but the restrictions did not allow it 🙁
These are all great points. My husband got pretty sick recently. In such cases we try to keep our at-home routines as close to the usual as possible. We’re not sending the kids away and I’m not keeping my distance from him. For me, being sick just means they need a bit more rest and support. But still, it does depend on the type of illness.
Jasmyn Heard
That is actually a good thing to do. Trying to keep things as normal as possible for everyone so that everyone feels comfortable. I hope your husband is doing a lot better!
First of all, I’m so sorry you lost a relative to Covid! It hasn’t happened in my family yet, but I lost my father to pancreatic cancer and my husband to a mental disease a few months before our son was born. My child was lucky to witness neither, but his grandma was sick last week and he was pretty worried, because he knows that he gave her the bug he brought home from kindergarten. She recovered after a few days, thank goodness. He is always washing his hands with soap now when he comes inside.
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you I really appreciate your kind words! And nobody wants to be responsible for getting a loved one sick! I’m so glad that his grandma is doing a lot better!
Pat M
Very nice post. Thanks for sharing. It is very hard dealing with loss especially during these trying times! Sorry for your loss! I also lost my dad last October and it was a difficult experience with all the restrictions due to Covid.
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you for your kind words and that is exactly how I felt with my loved one passing. It was so hard for our family, but we managed the best way we could!
These are great tips! I am also glad that you put that it’s okay to be angry about it. At times as moms, we try to put our feelings aside but it’s true we also get frustrated or angry or hurt. It’s okay to feel those things. Talking about it is also another important tip. I don’t have a lot of family around so sometimes I try not to burden my husband with things that take away from his work. But there are important times such as when someone is sick that I do sit down with him and have a chat. It’s amazing at how much more I feel relieved afterward!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Jasmyn Heard
Yes exactly! I know I was so angry with it the circumstances so I knew that I needed to feel that in order to confront what was going on. And I, too, felt a huge relief after finally talking!