Floor Activities To Do With An 8-Month-Old Baby
When it comes to figuring out some activities to do with my crawling 8-month-old, I have to think about things I can do on the floor.
Because that is where she is nowadays.
My baby girl has been army crawling on her belly since she was 6 months old, but over the last month, she has risen up and taken off.
She crawls so fast now which means she is into everything that is within her reach.
The moment that she began crawling, we immediately pulled out our baby-proofing essentials such as the baby gates and cabinet locks.
No more just putting her on a baby mat and not worrying about her moving all about.
The moment she is on the ground, she wants to move.
She wants to explore her home because all she has done since she has got here is just look around at it.
Now she can move towards the things that she wants to see more of.
And you better believe that is exactly what she is doing now.
So what I have been doing with her lately is getting down on the floor with her and playing with her and encouraging her to crawl even more.
I want to share some of the floor activities that I do with my 8-month-old in case any of you are looking for some things to do with an 8-month-old.
If you are interested in some of the floor activities that I do with my 8-month-old baby girl, then just keep reading.
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What Can An 8-Month-Old Baby Do?
Before I get into some fun floor activities that you can do with an 8-month-old, let’s talk about what to expect with an 8-month-old.
What exactly can an 8-month-old do?
I know in a previous post where I discussed some activities to do with a 4-month-old, I had asked the same question there as well.
At that stage, my baby girl was learning how to roll both ways and sit up with some assistance.
Well at 8 months, she has mastered not only rolling both ways but sitting without help as well.
Another major milestone that our 8-month-old baby girl hit this month is crawling.
And I mean full-on crawling on her hands and knees.
She is also pulling up herself on furniture and even trying to move along it.
This child of ours is ready to explore the world and start playing with her older sister.
My first daughter did not start crawling until she was 9 months old so it is looking like this baby is going to be ahead of the game.
Which I have heard is common among younger siblings because they do have an older sibling to watch.
But don’t be discouraged if your baby isn’t crawling at 8 months.
Every baby is different and will develop on their own time, but there are some milestones that you can look forward to that will start happening this month if they are not already.
According to Verywell Family, some of the milestones that happen at 8 months are:
- Rocking back and forth on hands and knees
- Pulling into a standing position near furniture
- Passing objects from one to another
- Banging toys together
- Recognizing familiar faces
- Beginning to understand basic words
- Making sounds back when talked to
So when trying to think of things to do with an 8-month-old, this is what you can keep in mind.
As your baby heads into this active stage where they are learning how to move and pick up objects and toys, it is important to let them explore these newfound skills.
Activities that are geared towards helping them crawl, pull up, and pick up objects are great for this stage.
With that being said, let’s get into some floor activities that you can do with an 8-month-old.
Floor Activities To Do With An 8-Month-Old Baby
Play Tunnel by Lovevery
The first activity that I want to discuss is the Organic Cotton Play Tunnel by Lovevery.
This tunnel has been a major hit for my crawling 8-month-old baby.
It also helps that her older sister also loves it and will crawl into the tunnel with her.
My oldest daughter will be on one side of this play tunnel encouraging her baby sister to crawl through and she will crawl all the way through to the other side.
Another way I like to use this play tunnel is by putting an object that she likes on one side and letting her crawl through it to get it.
This tunnel provides loads of fun for my baby girl and her older sister.
I highly recommend getting this play tunnel for your baby.

The Inspector Play Kit by Lovevery
Another item from Lovevery that we have been loving is The Inspector Play Kit.
You all already know how much of a fan I am of the Lovevery Play Kits if you have read some of my previous posts.
My oldest daughter at 3 years old still gets them and loves playing with the toys from her play kits.
I started getting the kits for my baby girl when she hit 3 months and they have also been a hit with her as well.
The Inspector Play Kit contains:
- Wooden Ball Drop Box w/ 3 wooden balls
- “Things I See” Texture Cards
- Nesting Stacking Dripdrop Cups
- First Puzzle
- Treasure Basket
- 3 Felt Balls
- Drinking Cup
- “My First Signs” Board Book
This play kit is made for babies 7-8 months and had quite a bit to choose from this time.
The things my baby has been loving from this play kit are the Wooden Ball Drop Box with the wooden and felt balls and the Nesting Stacking Cups.
Whenever I’m on the floor with my baby girl, I will roll the balls to her so she can pick them up and feel the different textures.
We will also practice putting the balls in the Wooden Ball Drop Box.
This kit provides some great floor activities to do with an 8-month-old baby.

Play In The Mirror
The next activity that my little one loves to do is look at and smile at herself in the mirror.
Like it was mentioned above, at this stage, babies are starting to recognize familiar faces.
Including their own.
The moment that I place my baby girl in front of a mirror, she immediately breaks out that big gummy smile of hers.
And if either her sister, dad, or I am in the mirror with her then that gummy smile is even wider.
Most babies love mirrors so we will always hang out in front of one for a little longer.
We have a big floor mirror in our bedroom, but her Lovevery Play Gym also has a mirror that we will pull out from time to time.
If you are interested in that play gym, then I will link it below.
Bang On Pots/Pans or Toy Drums
If your little one is anything like mine, then they love to bang things together or just flat out bang on things with their hands.
My baby girl loves to pick up one toy and bring it over to another toy or a hard surface and start banging the toy that she is holding onto it.
It is obvious that she testing out the sounds that it makes.
She is exploring the way things sound which is a part of how babies learns about the things all around them.
You can obviously give your little one some pots and pans to bang on which I’m sure they will enjoy.
But if you are looking into some toys for them bang on, then I recommend these Wooden Drums by Baby Einstein.
I had recommended these wooden drums in my Christmas gift guide for my then 6-month-old baby girl and she still loves these drums.
Blow Bubbles
Something else fun to do with an 8-month-old is blowing bubbles.
Bubbles are so fascinating to little babies.
From them watching us blowing them to them floating around and even to them popping, the whole process to a baby is amazing.
My older daughter loves bubbles so we will let her blow them while her sister watches.
Sometimes she will try to chase the bubbles as they are moving to try to touch them.
Such a simple activity but a fun one for everyone.
Read Sensory Board Books
The next floor activity is one that we have been doing since she was much younger and not mobile is reading books.
But now that she is mobile and showing an interest in books, I got her a few books that make noises and have different textures in them for her to touch on.
These kind of books grab her attention and holds it for a little while because they are interactive
The sensory books that she is loving are Noisy Baby Animals and See, Touch, Feel.
One book makes a bunch of different animals noises while the other has different textures throughout the book to stimulate her senses.
Introduce A Activity/Sensory Bin
Another sensory activity that is a great activity to do with an 8-month-old is introducing a sensory or activity bin.
There are many sensory bins ideas that you can find on Pinterest for babies.
The most that I have done with my baby have included water and toys.
She has already groown to love water so I will fill up a small tub up to place on the ground and let her splash around in it or pick and drop toys in it.
If I do this, I will make sure she is just in a diaper and will lay a towel down to soak up some of the water that spills.
Jump Around In A Baby Jumper
And the last floor activity that I want to mention is a baby jumper.
If you are unfamiliar with a baby jumper, it is a device for babies that allow them to bounce around freely and securely.
Some people opt for a door jumper, but there are also activity jumpers where you can place the baby in it and let them bounce around while they are playing with the toys lined up around it.
When my first daughter was younger, we used to have a door jumper that my daughter would bounce around.
But with this baby, we opted for an activity jumper that she can be placed in.
One of the benefits of a baby jumper is the strength that babies build in their legs from the constant bouncing and assisted standing.
This will further help them when it comes to pulling up and even walking as they get older.
Your Turn
Well those are the floor activities that I do with my 8-month-old baby girl. I want to hear from you all now. What are some activities that you all like to do with an 8-month-old? Let me know in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Jodie the Mom
These are great suggestions!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you enjoyed these ideas!
I wish you wrote this article 2,5 years ago when my twins were 8 months old ? Great article and wonderful suggestions!
Jasmyn Heard
Aw, thank you so much! You can always share it with a fellow mama who needs it!
Thanks for the great suggestions! One of the things that I did with my baby when she was around 9 – 12 months was just to sit together and count fingers and toes. Although she couldn’t count yet, and probably didn’t understand what I was trying to tell her, she loved it when I touched her tiny fingers and toes.
Jasmyn Heard
Oh, that is a great idea! I going to start doing that with my baby girl too! She would love that!
Melanie Ann
These are all great ideas! My baby is currently 5 months and I’m already having to get more creative with play time! I also love the Lovevery company. Such great developmentally appropriate toys!
Jasmyn Heard
Yes, the more mobile they get, the more creative you have to be! And we are big fans of Lovevery as well! They have such great toys that both of my girls love!