Extracurricular Activities For 4-Year-Old Girls
With Spring here, I started looking into some extracurricular activities that are great for 4-year-old girls.
When I was a kid, I loved playing sports and doing activities outside of school.
So naturally, I want to get my child involved in some activities in the hopes that she will also develop a love for sports as well.
Last year when my daughter was 3, we decided to enroll in soccer lessons to see if she would like it.
And she absolutely loved it!
In fact, she has been asking lately when can she go back to her soccer lessons.
So I knew that I would have to sign her up again this spring and upcoming summer.
Now that she is 4, she has a lot more options when it comes to participating in extracurricular activities.
She is still not quite old enough to join sports leagues.
But she can continue taking lessons that hone her skills and prepare her for team play.
Which is mostly what I will be sharing below.
I will be sharing the activities that she is currently in as well as activities that we are hoping to enroll her in later.
If you are interested in some extracurricular activities that are great for 4-year-old girls, then just keep reading.
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Are Extracurricular Activities Worth It For 4-Year-Olds?
Before I get into some activities that you can do with your 4-year-old daughters, let’s talk about this.
Are extracurricular activities worth it for 4-year-olds?
As I said above, my daughter isn’t old enough to actually join a team and engage in team play.
So all she can do is take lessons in the sport.
Most parents get more excited about seeing their children play in a competitive manner.
Versus basically just attending practices which is what it feels like if you enroll your child in sports lessons.
Because of this, many parents opt to skip lessons at a young age and just wait until they are old enough to actually compete.
But the problem with this is that what if your child doesn’t like the sport that you put them in?
If you enroll them in lessons now, you may find out early on that your child doesn’t care for that particular sport.
This is definitely something I would want to know before I start spending 100s of dollars on something that they don’t like.
Offering and enrolling your child in different lessons gives them an opportunity to figure out what they like.
And if they want to continue pursuing this activity once the season is over.
Plus as I mentioned above, it also helps them hone their skills for when they are old enough to join team play.
It is a win-win for me.
So if you ask me if it’s worth putting your 4-year-old in an extracurricular activity?
Then I’m going to say absolutely.
Now we have an idea of whether we should enroll our 4-year-olds in extracurricular activities or not, let’s get into some activities that I have my daughter in.
Extracurricular Activities For 4-Year-Old Girls
Soccer Lessons
The very first extracurricular activity that I have to share is probably obvious because I have talked about it already and that is soccer lessons.
In our city, they start soccer lessons as early as 2 years old.
So this is an option for even kids younger than 4.
One of the main things that you are doing in soccer is kicking a ball which is a relatively easy skill for young children which is why it is a great activity for younger children
With lessons, they will learn ball control, how to dribble and pass, and score goals.
And when they are old enough to join team play, they will have the basics down and will just need to learn how to play with a team.
Swim Lessons
Another activity that even kids younger than 4 can do is taking swim lessons.
Out of all the extracurricular activities that I’m going to mention here, this is the most important one that I think many parents should have their children in.
Knowing how to swim or at the very least how to float and tread water is an important skill that many kids need to know how to do.
Especially if your kiddos like the water as much as my girls do.
Whenever we are at a pool or at a waterpark, my anxiety is through the roof because my girls are not conscious of how dangerous water really is.
In their minds, they think they are in a giant bathtub.
But in reality, it is far from that.
So along with soccer lessons, I also enrolled my daughter in swim lessons which will work out great for this upcoming summer.
In my daughter’s swim class, they will be focusing on the basics such as arm and leg movements, how to float on their backs, safely entering and exiting the water, and getting comfortable with submersion.
I enrolled my 1-year-old in swim lessons as well because they start them as early as 6 months.
Basketball Lessons
An activity that I’m looking forward to enrolling my daughter in for the first time this year is basketball lessons.
Lessons here start at 4 years old so she just became eligible this year to start.
Basketball lessons include learning the basics such as learning to dribble and how to pass and shoot.
Right now, I have my daughter in soccer for the spring and early summer.
But towards the end of summer and early fall, I want to let her try basketball to see if that is something that she would like as well.
As a kid, I loved playing basketball.
So I’m curious to see if that will be something that she enjoys playing too.
Another sport I remember playing as a young kid was T-ball.
For those who may not know what T-ball is, it is baseball for smaller children between 3-6 years old.
Instead of someone pitching the ball, the ball is set up on a tee and the child bats the ball off the tee.
I remember how much fun I had as a kid and how that fueled me to continue playing softball as I got older.
Here in our city, they play in the spring and the fall.
Since my daughter currently enjoys soccer and soccer season is during the spring, she will likely want to play soccer in the spring and this could be an option for the fall.
I haven’t decided on whether I’m going to sign her up for T-ball in the fall but it’s definitely an option.
Golfing Lessons
While still on the topic of tees, golfing is another option for young kids to do.
Here, they start golfing lessons for children as young as 4.
In these lessons, they will learn how to grip the golf club and putt and swing at golf balls.
My daughter has not shown an interest in golfing so I will likely not enroll her in it.
But I still wanted to mention it here in case your kiddos are showing interest.
And the last of the extracurricular activities that are great for 4-year-old girls is gymnastics.
If your daughter is anything like mine, then she probably loves flipping and tumbling all over the house.
My daughter is always climbing, rolling, and trying to do cartwheels throughout the house.
So we have definitely considered getting her into gymnastics at some point.
In our city, you can enroll your children as young as 3 in gymnastics classes.
The main point of these classes with younger children is to develop balance, flexibility, and coordination.
These are all good attributes to have with whatever sport or activity my daughter decides she wants to do.
Maybe during a down period such as the fall or winter, I may consider letting her take a class or two to see what she thinks.
Your Turn
Well, these are just some extracurricular activities that I think would be great for 4-year-old girls. I want to hear from you all now. What are some activities that you are considering getting your daughters enrolled in? I would love to hear from you in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

Erin | Mom Meets Midlife
I love when places offer a free trial class. Those have been so helpful, because I’ve learned my three kids like completely different activities. We’ve attempted every class you mentioned in this post! Gymnastics ended up being the activity my daughter wanted to commit to and now that she’s older we’ve added tennis into the mix, since they offer Saturday classes.
Jasmyn Heard
Yes! Here in our city, they offer either free trial classes or cheaper classes for younger children so they can see if that child will like it or not! I’m looking forward to seeing what my daughter gravitates toward!