Curly Hair Care Routine For My Black 1-Year-Old Toddler
Since many of you enjoyed my curly hair care routine for my older daughter when I shared hers last year, I thought that I share what my 1-year-old routine looks like.
- Read More: Curly Hair Care Routine For My 3 Year Old
For those that are new here, I have 2 daughters.
I have a 4-year-old daughter as well as a 20-month-old toddler.
When it comes to taking care of both of their hair, I started their hair care regimen early on.
For the first few months, I would wash their hair a couple of times a week with baby shampoo.
And then around the 6-month mark, I started washing their hair weekly since their hair texture started coming through and didn’t require to be washed as much.
When my girls turned 1, I started shampooing and conditioning their hair once a week.
Which is where we are currently at with my youngest daughter.
My girls do have two different hair textures so I treat their hair a little bit differently.
If I had to guess my older’s hair texture, it is between Type 4a and 4b.
She has really thick, soft coily hair that loves heavy creams in it.
My toddler has finer hair that ranges between Type 3 and Type 4.
Her hair is really curly and bouncy and does really well with lighter products.
In this post, I will be sharing how I take care of and manage my 20-month-old toddler’s hair.
Here is my 1 year old’s curly hair care routine.
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When Should You Start A Hair Care Routine For Your Toddler?
Before I dive into my 20-month-old’s toddler curly hair care routine, let’s talk about this.
When should you start a hair care routine for your child?
Well if you go off what I said above, then you can start as early as you want.
Both of my girls came out with heads full of hair with my older daughter coming with more than my younger daughter.
So personally I felt like I had to start a regimen pretty early on.
But even if your child doesn’t have as much hair.
Or even it thins out in some areas (which is very common among babies)
You should start learning how to maintain it.
Plus, it gets them used to having someone in their hair.
As our little ones get older, they will learn that part of those daily habits that you need to do is their hair.
- Read More: Teaching Your Toddler Good Habits Early On
Even if it’s just to put their hair in a bun.
You should comb/brush your hair at least once a day to maintain it.
This also goes for little boys.
I have girls so I mostly speak from the standpoint of a girl mom.
But even if I had a son, I would also make sure that I’m maintaining and taking care of his hair as well.
The majority of the time, hair care routines are always associated with girls and women, but little boys should also know how to take care of their hair as well.
Now that we have an idea of when you should start a hair routine for your toddler, let’s get into what my curly hair care routine looks like for my 1-year-old.
Curly Hair Care Routine For My Black 1-Year-Old Toddler
Wash Day
Let’s start off this routine with what wash day looks like.
So when I first get my daughter in the bathtub, I rinse her hair and gently detangle using a wide tooth comb to prep her hair for shampoo.
One of the things that I have to do with my older daughter is section her because it is so thick and dense and I find it much easier to do.
If your child does have a lot of hair and it’s really thick, I highly recommend sectioning your child’s hair off and working a section at a time.
With my younger daughter, I don’t have to section her hair since it is finer and shorter.
The shampoo that I use is SheaMoisture Baby Wash & Shampoo.
And yes this shampoo is also a body wash that I also use when I’m washing my daughter.
This shampoo contains shea butter, chamomile, and argan oil and I really like how gentle and moisturizing this shampoo is.
It lathers really nicely on my daughter’s hair which is something that I look for in a shampoo because it makes me feel like it is really cleansing her hair.
After I have shampooed her hair, I then move on to conditioner.
As I said above, I shampoo and condition my 1 year old’s hair.
I pretty much started doing this regimen when she turned 1, but you’re welcome to start much sooner if you like.
The conditioner that I use in her hair is SheaMoisture Baby Conditioner.
This conditioner also contains shea butter, chamomile, and argan oil and it is super moisturizing.
I will apply this to her hair and use my wide toothcomb to comb through her hair once more.
I will let the conditioner sit in her hair for a few minutes while I wash the rest of her body and rinse it afterward.
After I have rinsed out the conditioner, it is time to get her out of the tub so we can move on to styling her hair.
Now that her hair has been washed and conditioned, it is time to style her hair.
So at the moment, my daughter only wears puffs.
As her hair gets longer and thickens up, I will start twisting up her hair like my older daughter’s.
But until then, we will stick with the puffs.
Since I keep it simple doing her hair, I only require a couple of products to style her hair.
The first product that I put in her hair is the SheaMoisture Baby Leave-In Conditioner.
Just like the shampoo and conditioner from this line, it also contains shea butter, chamomile, and argan oil.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a big fan of this SheaMoisture Baby line.
I just really like how moisturizing the products are and they work really well for my daughter’s hair.
At this point, I switch to using a Wet Brush to brush this product through her hair and then section it off to make either one big puff, 2 puffs, or 3 puffs.
I just kind of rotate between these styles.
Once I have sectioned her hair, I then apply the Cantu Care for Kids Styling Custard.
I said above that my daughter’s hair does better with lighter products since her hair is finer, so these products work for her puffs.
I use the Wet Brush to use brush this product through once again and use a rubber band to band off each puff.
I will keep her hairstyle in for an entire week until the next wash day.
And the last part of my 1 year old’s hair care routine that I want to share is how I maintain my daughter’s hair during the week.
There is only a couple of things that I do throughout the week between wash days.
I do take the time to brush through my daughter’s hair every day and redo her puffs.
If your child has curly hair and you don’t have a spray bottle, then I suggest you get one.
I spray water into her hair every morning and brush through it and then I will also apply a little bit of Eco Styling Gel to her edges to lay them down.
A few times a week, I will reapply some of that SheaMoisture Leave-In Conditioner I used on wash day to restore some moisture back into her hair.
And at night, my daughter doesn’t wear a bonnet, but she does sleep on a satin pillowcase.
But that is pretty much all I do during the week until it is time to wash her hair again.
Your Turn
Well, that is my 1-year-old toddler’s curly hair care routine. As you can probably tell, it is a really simple routine and it works well for maintaining and caring for my daughter’s hair. And I hope it helps somebody else out who may be wondering how to care for their toddler’s curly hair. With that being said, I want to hear from you all now. What are some of your hair care tips for managing your toddler’s curly hair? I would love to hear from you in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass