• Crib to a toddler bed
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Transitioning My Toddler From A Crib To A Toddler Bed

    “When is the right time to transition your toddler from a crib to a toddler bed?” Is it when they are 18 months? Or 2 years old? Or 3 years old? During my absence, while I was in my first trimester, two major milestones happened with my daughter. The first milestone was that her language development had grown exponentially and she was talking up a storm as many of you know in my previous blog post where I provided tips on how to get your toddler talking. The other major milestone that happened was that we transitioned her from her…

  • Get your toddler talking
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Get Your Toddler Talking With These 7 Tips

    “My 2-year-old doesn’t talk. How do I get my toddler talking?“ I have heard so many moms say this and often feel discouraged when their little ones aren’t really talking. Talking is one of the milestones that we all look forward to like walking, so it can bring up a lot of guilt as a mother if we think our little ones are falling behind. I can almost remember the day that my daughter said “Mama.” It was unintentional but she definitely said it. And she said it before she said “Dada” which made me even happier. From that moment…

  • First Trimester For A Toddler
    Pregnancy,  Toddler

    Surviving The First Trimester With A Toddler

    Before I get started, I know I haven’t posted since October of last year. But if you all have been following me on Instagram (if you don’t you can follow me here), then you would know that I found out that we are expecting another little one! And not only that! We are expecting another baby girl! My daughter is getting a little sister! I actually found out that I was pregnant in October and almost immediately after finding out that I was pregnant, it was as if every pregnancy symptom hit me at once. It started with that awful…

  • Toddler Bedtime Routine
    Parenting,  Toddler

    My 2-Year-Old Daughter’s Toddler Bedtime Routine

    If you have a 2-year-old toddler like me, then having a bedtime routine is crucial at night. When they are newborns, they sleep so much and the only thing you had to really worry about was them waking to feed throughout the night to eat and then they would likely go back to sleep. And then your baby turns in a toddler who has made the connection that bedtime means that all the fun they were having is coming to an end. I mean I get it. No one wants the fun to end. But, as adults, we know the…

  • Discipline Your Toddler Without Yelling Or Hitting
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Discipline Your Toddler Without Yelling Or Hitting

    For parents out there who didn’t know, there is a way to discipline your toddler without yelling or hitting them. I can’t believe it but I will have a 2-year-old in a little over a month. And with this age, everyone likes to warn you of those “terrible twos”. This is the stage where your toddler is very likely to begin to assert some independence, show more interest in communicating, and of course, throw tantrums. Your toddler doesn’t even have to be two yet to start experiencing some of what I just said. I began to notice my daughter had…

  • Cheap Toddler Clothes
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Where To Get Cheap Toddler Clothes

    Kids grow out of clothes so quickly, that it is better to get cheap toddler clothes while they are young and growing than to spend a lot of money on clothes that they may only wear a couple of times. I can admit that when I found out that I was pregnant, I might have gone a little overboard buying baby clothes. And I was having a baby girl too. I just knew I wanted to dress her up really cute. I am talking big bows, even bigger tutus, and long frilly dresses. I realized very quickly that she was…

  • Toddler Daily Schedule
    Parenting,  Toddler

    My 21-Month-Old Toddler Daily Schedule

    We all know that children thrive off of having some sort of daily schedule or routine which is why I knew I needed a daily schedule for my 21-month-old toddler. Not only does it create structure and provide guidance, but it also just makes your day go by a lot smoother. As a stay-at-home mom, having a toddler daily schedule for my daughter is so crucial in order for both of us to thrive during the day. I won’t be the first to say it, but toddlers are crazy and unpredictable. They are full of so much energy and think…

  • Teaching your toddler good habits
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Teaching Your Toddler Good Habits Early On

    I don’t think it is ever too early to start teaching your toddler good habits. As much as we moms don’t want to let go of the baby phase, we must look forward to the next phase in childhood. Toddlerhood. And man oh man is toddlerhood truly a treat. No more immobile, babbling baby you can leave in a bouncer for a few minutes while you make yourself something to eat. Bring on the independent, walking, talking toddler who is just waiting for you to turn your head, so they get into something. Having a toddler is great. Whether you…

  • Childproof Your Home For Your Toddler
    Parenting,  Toddler

    Babyproofing Essentials For Your Toddler

    Well, your baby is officially mobile so you are in need of babyproofing essentials to protect your baby from anything that could hurt them. Which is pretty much everything in your house. The moment my daughter started crawling was when I knew that I needed to start babyproofing our home. And when she started walking was when I had to really make sure our home was secure and safe while she explored her new legs. They call it babyproofing, but essentially you are “toddler-proofing” your home when you are taking these measures to ensure the safety of your little ones.…

  • How To Be A Calmer Mom
    Parenting,  Toddler

    How To Be A Calmer Mom With A Toddler

    Now would I like to start this post off by saying that I am no expert on how to be a calmer mom with a toddler. Toddlers are an absolute handful and I’m sure my toddler moms know exactly what I am talking about. My daughter is currently 18 months and she can be complete chaos in a size 4 toddler shoe. Toddlers are at a very unique stage in life where they are walking, talking, and can do some things on their own. But they still require a lot of attention and they can’t quite verbalize everything they are…