• 9 month old baby bath time routine
    Baby,  Parenting

    My 9-Month-Old Baby Bathtime Routine

    My 9-month-old baby girl loves her bathtime routine. From the moment, she got here, she has loved the water. Unlike my older daughter who had to warm up to bathtime a few months after she got here, this child has pretty much enjoyed being in the water since she was born. So when it came to coming up with a bathtime routine, it wasn’t too hard. The main thing we had to figure out was how this was going to work out since we also have a 3-year old that is getting bathed around the same time. When she was…

  • Floor activities for a 8 month old
    Baby,  Parenting

    Floor Activities To Do With An 8-Month-Old Baby

    When it comes to figuring out some activities to do with my crawling 8-month-old, I have to think about things I can do on the floor. Because that is where she is nowadays. My baby girl has been army crawling on her belly since she was 6 months old, but over the last month, she has risen up and taken off. She crawls so fast now which means she is into everything that is within her reach. The moment that she began crawling, we immediately pulled out our baby-proofing essentials such as the baby gates and cabinet locks. No more…

  • Feeding schedule for 7 month old
    Baby,  Parenting

    Feeding Schedule For My 7-Month-Old Baby

    After my baby girl started solids a couple of months ago, I created a feeding schedule for my 7-month-old baby now. Babies starting solids is such a big milestone that many parents look forward to with their little ones. A lot like crawling and walking, these are all signs that our babies are progressing and growing up. But starting solids can be a little scary. When I became a mom for the first time, I was a little nervous about starting solids. What if my daughter wouldn’t take to solids? Or what if she got choked while eating? These were…

  • Caring for my baby during the winter
    Baby,  Parenting

    Caring For My Baby During The Winter

    Winter has definitely hit where I’m at so I’m caring for my baby girl a little differently than I would during the hotter months. I currently reside in Texas where the weather is all over the place. And where winter usually only comes around for about a month and then it is hot for the rest of the year. Usually, temperatures drop right about now in January and it will stay cooler for the rest of this month and will start to heat back up in February. As much as I would like to keep my 6 month old out…

  • Christmas gifts for my 6-month-old
    Baby,  Parenting

    What I Got My 6-Month-Old Baby Girl For Christmas

    With the holiday upon us, I’m starting to figure out what to get my 6-month-old baby girl for Christmas. This will be her very first Christmas and I’m so excited for her to be able to experience this time of year and us get to celebrate as a family of 4. Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I like to treat it as such. I know with my first daughter, I did and might have even gone a little overboard. I don’t know what it is about shopping for my girls, but I can not get enough of it. It…

  • 4 Month Sleep Regression
    Baby,  Parenting

    Surviving The 4-Month Sleep Regression

    I feel like the 4-month sleep regression just came out of nowhere. Like one day, my little newborn baby girl went from being a pretty decent sleeper that would wake every 4 to 5 hours at night to waking up every 2 hours at night. And not only that, she was having a hard time going down for her naps during the day as well. It was like she had decided that she no longer needed sleep. But we all know what happens when a baby doesn’t get a nap. We wind up with a fussy, irritable, and overtired baby…

  • Developmental activities for a 4 month old
    Baby,  Parenting

    Developmental Activities For A 4-Month-Old Baby

    When my daughter hit the 4-month-old mark, I started looking into some developmental activities for her to start doing. Because when a baby turns 4 months, the fun starts. They have left the newborn stage where they couldn’t even hold up their head and have officially entered infanthood. Now, I wouldn’t expect your baby to be crawling or anything like that just yet. But if your baby is anything like my daughter, then they are smiling, babbling, and starting to reach for things that are held out for them to grab. This is the stage of infanthood where babies are…

  • Diaper bag essentials as a second time mom
    Baby,  Parenting

    My Diaper Bag Essentials As A Second-Time Mom

    When it comes to my diaper bag essentials as a second-time mom, I have learned to keep it minimal. If you read what I packed in my hospital bag as a second-time mom, then you already know that I have become more minimal as a second-time mom. Like many first-time moms, my diaper bag was really loaded down with so many things that I did not need, but thought I would need. When I became a mom for the first time, I fell into the trap of thinking that I needed to pretty much bring the whole nursery with me…

  • Ways to bedshare with a newborn
    Baby,  Parenting

    Safe Ways To Bedshare With A Newborn

    I know I didn’t know this at first but there are some safe ways to bedshare with a newborn. I know I may receive some backlash on this post because there is a lot of experts who will say otherwise and that you should not bedshare with your baby. But after doing it with my first daughter and now my second daughter, I feel a little more confident in speaking on this topic. I never thought that I would be the mom who would be bedsharing with their babies, yet here I am. In fact, I was terrified of bedsharing…

  • Newborn Must-Haves For Second Baby
    Baby,  Parenting

    Newborn Must-Haves For My Second Baby

    As my baby girl comes up on turning 3 months later this week, I feel like it’s time to share all of my newborn must-haves for my second baby. With this being my second child, I have definitely learned a lot from my first about what I actually need and found useful during the newborn phase Like many moms, when I became a mom for the first time, I might have gone a little overboard and got any and everything baby-related. And because of that, I ended up with quite a few baby things that I found useful and continued…