Breastfeeding Essentials For Second-Time Moms
For all of my second-time moms out there, what are your breastfeeding essentials?
After all, this isn’t your first rodeo breastfeeding, so you already know what worked with the last kid, so hopefully what worked last time will work this time as well.
For those who are wondering, I did breastfeed my first daughter.
I breastfeed her for 18 months and I would say that we had a successful breastfeeding journey.
When I became a mom for the first time, I obviously did not have any experience breastfeeding so I had to learn through experiencing it myself.
Like many moms, I stumbled into it and figured it as I went.
I believed that my body was made to breastfeed my baby so that was the mindset I took on when it came to breastfeeding.
And this was also what I told myself during the harder days and when I was up nursing my baby through the night.
Now that I breastfeeding for the second time, I am extremely comfortable breastfeeding my newborn daughter and we have been going strong for 2 months now.
Since I feel confident with the way that my breastfeeding journey is going so far with my second baby, I felt like this was a good time to share my essentials for breastfeeding moms.
Here are my breastfeeding essentials for second-time moms.
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Why Is Breastfeeding So Hard?
Before I get into those breastfeeding must-haves for moms, let’s answer this question because there are so many moms that say this.
Including myself.
Let’s be honest, breastfeeding is hard.
Many people have this expectation of what they think breastfeeding their baby will look like, but quickly learn that expectation is not reality.
Many moms also think that breastfeeding is something that should come naturally once they have a baby.
And it doesn’t.
No one knows what it is like to breastfeed or pump until they actually do it.
Not to mention the sore and cracked nipples that come with breastfeeding your newborn.
Breastfeeding is a commitment that you have to make and be willing to stick with because you are nursing your baby on demand.
With formula-fed babies, you are able to see how much you are giving them so you know how much they are getting during each feeding session.
You obviously don’t know how much your baby is getting when you are breastfeeding which can make it tricky.
This is why you have to be prepared to feed on demand which can look like you feeding your baby every 1.5 to 3 hours.
You just follow your baby’s feeding cues.
I’m not saying all this to discourage you from breastfeeding because it is truly a beautiful thing and I love bonding with my baby this way.
I mean if breastfeeding is so bad, do you really think I would make the decision to do it again along with all the other moms out there who do it?
There are so many benefits to breastfeeding.
According to Parents, the benefits of breastfeeding can include:
- Protects against allergies and eczema
- Causes less stomach upset, diarrhea, and constipation than formula
- Reduces the risk of viruses, gastroenteritis, ear infections, and respiratory infections
So there are many benefits to breastfeeding your baby and I would tell anyone to do it if you really want to.
You just have to get through the first couple weeks of getting the baby to latch correctly and sore nipples and it will be smooth sailing from there.
Which is currently where we are at with my 2-month-old daughter.
Now that I have discussed why breastfeed is hard but so worth it, let’s get into those breastfeeding essentials for second-time moms.
Breastfeeding Essentials For Second-Time Moms
Prenatal Vitamins
The very first nursing essential, I want to discuss is prenatal vitamins.
If you were already practicing healthy habits during your pregnancy, then one of those habits was to make sure you were taking your prenatal vitamins.
Because you are the one feeding your baby, they are taking in whatever you take in which is why you want to continue taking your prenatal vitamins.
The kind that I was used during my pregnancy and still continue to take are these prenatal multivitamins from the brand Rainbow Light.
I will warn you that they are big pills, but the good news is that you only have to take one a day.
I tend to run lower on iron, so I like taking these for that reason as well.
Feeding Tracking Log
A breastfeeding essential of mine that I started using with my second baby is a feeding tracking log.
The one that I have is Baby Whiteboard by Mewl that I have attached to the refrigerator to keep up with what side I nurse on as well as how long she is nursing.
It is very important to keep track of how much and how often your baby is nursing early on so that way you know whether they are not getting enough.
As a breastfeeding mom, it is also very important to maintain your milk supply and not go too long without nursing or pumping.
And this is where this tracking log comes in so that I can make sure I’m not going too long without nursing my baby girl.
If you are interested in getting this tracking log, I do have a coupon for 10% off your purchase that you can use through the link here with JUSTMOM10.
Nursing Bras
The next breastfeeding must-have are nursing bras.
Trust me when I say you don’t want to be fumbling with your bra when you got a hungry baby ready to eat.
You need a bra that is nursing-friendly and allows you to pull your breast out with ease to feed your baby.
The bras that I like and use are these nursing bras from Target.
Nipple Cream
As I was saying above, your nipple will be sore from a baby tugging on them all day, so you are going to need some relief.
If you read my post on all of my postpartum essentials, then you saw that I put this item in there as well.
But this is absolutely a breastfeeding essential as well.
The kind that I use is from this Lanolin Nipple Cream from Lansinoh.
Nursing Pads
Another item from my postpartum must-haves list.
When your milk comes in, you are going to want nursing pads to keep your bras and clothes dry from your milk leaking.
You do not want those problems.
The ones that I use are these nursing pads from Lansinoh.
While we talking about leaking boobs, another great item to have is a Haaka.
If you are unfamiliar with what a Haakaa is, it is a handheld pump that you can use to catch expressed milk by simply squeezing it and allowing it to suction on your breast.
The way that I like to use this pump is while I’m nursing my daughter, I will place the pump on the breast that my daughter isn’t on and allow it to catch any milk that I’m leaking.
You will be surprised how much milk is being wasted in your nursing pad.
I have actually gotten 2 oz before just from doing this.
And when you are breastfeeding, you really don’t want to waste any of that liquid gold.
So do yourself a favor and get a Haakaa.
Breast Pump
So the Haakaa is a handheld pump and even though it is convenient for on the go, you still want a good electric breast pump.
I’m not the biggest fan of pumping and mostly exclusively breastfeed, but I still pump when my breasts feel engorged and rock hard.
If you are trying to create a stash and have milk storage stored up, then you are going to want to pump regularly.
The pump that I currently have is the Spectra S2 Electric Breast Pump and I really like when I use it because it is quiet, easy to use, and comfortable when you using.
Most breast pumps are free through insurance, so make you check before going to buy one.
The way I got my breast pump was through Aeroflow Breastpumps.
I just put in my insurance information and they showed which pumps were available to me based on my insurance and I was able to order it through them as well.
Breastmilk Storage Bags
You are going to need something to put the milk in you are collecting from your breast pump when you are not giving it to your baby right then.
The most popular storage bags that many moms, including myself, use are these breastmilk storage bags from Lasinoh.
Hot/Cold Nursing Packs
There are times when you may deal with your breasts feeling engorged, clogged ducts, and other breastfeeding-related pain.
In order to get some relief from this pain, you can use nursing packs to help.
They can be heated or frozen for fast pain relief.
The ones that I use are these Breast Therapy Packs from Lansinoh.
Breastfeeding Pillow
The next breastfeeding essential you will need is a breastfeeding pillow for support.
These pillows provide great support for baby and mom by having your baby at the breast instead of you leaning forward to feed your baby.
I found my pillow to be really helpful as a first-time breastfeeding mom and use it with this baby as well.
I have the famous Boppy Pillow that everyone loves.
Nursing Cover
I wish I could tell you all that I’m that mom that does not care when it comes to whipping her boob out in public when my baby is hungry.
But I’m not.
I have no problem whatsoever feeding my baby out in public, but I prefer to cover myself when doing so.
For any mommas who plan on breastfeeding on the go and don’t want to expose themselves, then I highly recommend getting a nursing cover.
The nursing cover that I currently use is this nursing cover from Boppy.
I really like it because it is curved at the neckline so I can look down and see my baby when she is nursing.
Breastfeeding Tea
The next must-have I want to mention is this breastfeeding tea that I drink to help with my milk supply.
The only reason I am mentioning this tea is that I have found that it works.
I don’t use lactation cookies or anything like that, but I really love drinking this Mother’s Milk Tea from Traditional Medicinals.
It contains fennel and fenugreek which have been used to promote lactation.
I drink one cup of this tea every day in the morning, but you can definitely drink more cups if you please.
And the last of my breastfeeding essentials for second-time moms is good ole water.
You are burning a lot of calories when you are breastfeeding, so you have to stay hydrated.
Also drinking a lot of water will also help maintain your milk supply and if you are a breastfeeding mama, you know how important it is to keep your milk supply up.
Grab your favorite water bottle to fill up and get to drinking.
Your Turn
Well, those are all of my breastfeeding essentials for second-time moms. If you are interested in the Baby Whiteboard by Mewl, then you can use my link here and my coupon code JUSTJASS10 to save you 10% off your order. Now, I want to hear from you all. What are some of your essentials for nursing moms? Let me know in the comments below and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
- Read More: How Your Husband Can Help With A Newborn
Just Jass

K. Young
I remember breast feeding each of my kids and it was a wonder experience. I sure hate some of these items listed weren’t available back when I was breast feeding. These are great suggestions.
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you so much! I’m so glad that you enjoyed these suggestions!
Thank you for this ❤
Jasmyn Heard
You are very welcome!
Jennie | GinGin and Roo
This is such a great list. From someone who really struggled to breast feed both times, I wish I’d read more posts like this one.
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! I’m glad that you enjoyed this list!
Thank you so much for this
Jasmyn Heard
You are very welcome! I’m glad that you found this to be helpful!
Very informative and relatable!!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you! Glad that you found this to be helpful!