The Best Support Groups For Black Moms On Facebook
When it comes to finding support groups for black moms, you don’t see nearly as many as you would other races.
They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but it often feels like our village as black women are nowhere to be found.
If you keep up with the blog, I emphasize how important it is to have support when you become a first-time mom, because having a baby is a game-changer that no one should have to take on alone.
I feel blessed to have my husband, my family, and his family in regards to support and being available when we need them to be, but I know not everyone is this lucky.
Some moms are out there fumbling their way around through motherhood with no guidance or even someone to even ask if what they are experiencing is normal.
And I hate to say this, but a lot of the time, it is us ladies of color, who are the ones fumbling around.
As I said above, it is not all of us.
I personally feel like I have a village that is willing to rally around me and my daughter.
But there are also a lot of single black mothers who don’t have that support or tribe that they can go to.
If you also happen to be a black stay-at-home mom, then you might really see a decrease in support because other people may feel that you don’t need help because your husband is paying the bills and all you have to worry about is keeping the kids alive.
If only they really knew what it is like to be a stay-at-home mom.
As a black mom, I want to make sure I provide resources for other black mothers.
And with the current climate, I know it is much harder to go out and meet up with other moms, so Facebook Groups have been huge for me.
I have managed to join a few mom groups that have been great for me as a black mom and I want to share those groups with you all.
If you are interested in some of the best support groups for black moms on Facebook that I have found, then just keep reading.
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The Need For Support Groups For Black Moms
Before I dive into some of these black mom support groups, let’s talk about why we need these kinds of groups in the first place.
And nothing about this statistic is ok.
As a woman of color in a world where the majority of women don’t look like me, I need someone to be able to look up to and relate to during this entire journey.
Obviously, we have our own moms who some would say are amazing like myself and others who would say differently.
But at the end of the day, we all become moms within different generations and want to be able to relate to the current generation with its current practices.
Even with everything our parents did to ensure our safety, new information is constantly surfacing and I think we can all be in agreement on wanting to be as informed as possible when it comes to our kids.
And most of the time, we will be more likely to trust the information if it comes from people who look like us.
So where can black moms find support groups with people that look like them?
This is where I can help.
Let’s dive into some Facebook support groups for black moms that you can find below.
The Best Support Groups For Black Moms On Facebook
All of these groups, I am currently a part of and would recommend for you all to join based on whatever needs you have as a black mother.
As I come across more groups, I will make sure to update this list.
Black Stay At Home Moms
The first black mom group I want to discuss is this one catered toward black stay-at-home moms because that is what I am.
This Facebook group consists of over 3,500 stay-at-home moms and provides a safe place for moms to discuss all things SAHM-related whether it is a general question about your kids or just needing to vent after having a long day.
When you are a stay-at-home mom, it can often feel lonely and like no one can relate to what you experiencing being home with your kids the majority of the day.
Some stay-at-home moms even experience depression.
This group really does offer the support you need and provides the tools you need to thrive as a stay-at-home mom.
You will often find that you are not alone in what you are going through with some of the kind responses from the other moms.
If you are a black stay-at-home mom, I can’t recommend this group enough.
Black Moms Of Toddlers
This group is actually run by the same administrators from the group mentioned above.
When I saw that they had a group for black moms of toddlers, I knew I had to join since I have a toddler myself.
This group provides a safe space for black moms of younger children such as babies, toddlers, and preschoolers.
You are pretty much free to ask any kind of question whether you are trying to get potty training tips, getting your toddler to sleep in their own bed, what meals to feed a picky eater, or even how to remain calm with a toddler.
They align with a positive parenting model, so they will not tolerate any comments or questions pertaining to hitting or spanking your child.
They want to provide a positive atmosphere for black moms to connect and exchange healthy developmental tips.
Conscious Parenting for Black Moms
The next black mom support group I want to discuss is Conscious Parenting for black moms.
This group is really important because there is this stigma within the black community that we have to whoop or spank our kids into submission and many moms are trying to move away from that narrative.
This group is here to provide support for black moms who are hoping to break that pattern of thinking.
Just because our parents thought it was ok to whoop or spank us as kids, does not mean that we have to do that with our own kids.
Having a toddler can really test you and I have found myself leaning into this group during those trying times.
The moderators and administrators really try to provide helpful tips that invoke connection and build trust.
There are ways to discipline your child without yelling or hitting and allow for natural consequences.
Melanin Moms
Of all of the support groups for black moms, I am going to mention, this is the largest one with over 49,000 members.
This is also one of the more popular support groups for black moms on Facebook.
This was actually the first group that I joined when I was pregnant because it is open to pregnant moms as well as moms of all ages of children.
Because it is a much larger group, there is consistent posting and you can expect a good amount of feedback when you do post.
You can pretty much ask anything in this group from anything pregnant related to how to deal with your teenager.
A lot of moms love to post pictures of their babies and kids which will often put a smile on your face.
And you might even get a laugh at some of the videos that they post about the silly things their kids do.
It is overall a good community to be a part of.
Black Moms Breastfeeding Uncensored
I actually joined this group after my daughter had stopped breastfeeding and I’m so upset that I didn’t stumble across this group beforehand.
When I became a new mom and made the decision to breastfeed, it definitely took some adjusting.
My immediate family did not breastfeed so they couldn’t really help me because they were unfamiliar with what it entails.
And there is definitely a lot that goes into breastfeeding.
I had no idea what to expect so I just kind of stumbled into it and eventually figured it out.
The other reason I like this group is that even though it is a breastfeeding support group, they don’t shame moms who may decide to supplement with formula or choose to exclusively pump.
At the end of the day, feed is best.
And that is what really counts.
Pregnant Melanin Moms And Babies
Another support group for black moms I want to mention is Pregnant Melanin Moms And Babies.
My husband and I are looking to try again for baby #2 and I wanted to make sure I was a part of a support group that would offer tips and advice to pregnant black moms.
They welcome moms to be, moms of multiples, and women who are trying to conceive.
They are pro-natural birth and advocate for as much less medical intervention as possible.
This is important for black women because there is a much higher chance that we will have a medical staff that will not look like us.
I know I am looking to learn more about natural births and what that would look like.
So, I wanted to include this group for any other moms to be who were also considering this option.
When taking this route, you will really need support, and this group could provide answers.
Melanin Moms Montessori
Montessori has been on the rise and many parents are trying to incorporate it into their children’s lives, especially younger children.
If you are unfamiliar with the Montessori lifestyle, it is essentially learning through play and allowing your children to be autonomous in their learning.
You won’t find many parents utilizing the typical overstimulating toys bought in stores that light up and sing a bunch of songs or having a bunch of toys in general when trying to incorporate Montessori practices.
I found myself actually leaning into this lifestyle more with my daughter when I realized that she preferred to do things that I do around the house such as pretending to cook and clean, dressing herself, and playing with what we had on hand versus all those loud we were buying her early on.
This group provides a safe space for new moms to learn about Montessori practices as well as share what they are doing to help other fellow moms.
Your Turn
Alright now that I discussed these support groups for black moms, I want to hear from you. As I said above, I want to make sure I am providing resources for black moms since I am a black mom and Facebook groups have been great to have during this unprecedented time. If you know of any other black mom support groups, please feel free to drop them in the comments below. And while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!
Just Jass

I didn’t know there were so many support groups like this on FB, but why am I surprised. Thanks for sharing!
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome! Yes, there are quite a few, but these are the ones that I like!
Thank you for sharing! I have a few black mom friends that I’m sure would love knowing about these groups if they don’t already!
Jasmyn Heard
Thank you and feel free to share 🙂
Thank you so much for this post! It is so needed! I pinned it as well and will continue to share because we need support! Thank you again!
Jasmyn Heard
Your very welcome and I’m so glad that you enjoyed and shared this post! I couldn’t agree more that we need support!