Shaking Off A Bad Mom Day
Ok, so you are having a bad mom day and in need of a way to shake off this bad day.
Kids crying about any and everything.
And your significant other is getting on your nerves and they might as well be another kid.
Not to mention the house is a mess and your children just keep adding to it.
It is just all-around a bad day with no end in sight.
Some days don’t always start out bad.
They just turn south the moment something bad happens.
For me, it’s when my daughter has a big meltdown.
Meltdowns can occur at any point during the day, so if they happen in the morning, it can make for a long day for this momma.
Speaking from experience, a bad day can lead to another bad day the next day if I don’t find a way to turn it around and that will land me in a funk.
But shaking off a bad day is a lot easier said than done.
This is especially true if bad events keep happening one after another throughout the day.
So where you do even begin to shake off a bad day especially in mom-life?
We all know that even in the midst of having a bad day, the show must go, so I try to nip it in the bud before my mood worsens.
Here is how I shake off a bad mom day.
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Can Moms Not Have A Bad Day?
Before I get into how I shake off a bad mom day, I want to address this question.
The fact someone would even think that a mom can’t have a bad day is beyond me.
Moms are humans too regardless of this expectation that we have to keep going above and beyond even when our tanks are empty.
So to answer that question above?
Yes, moms can have bad days.
We are allowed to have a bad day every once in a while.
And I can still be a good mom even when I’m having a bad day.
I love my daughter and cannot envision my life without her, so when I’m having a bad day, I remember that and know that I would never hurt my daughter no matter what kind of day I’m having.
And if you needed that reminder, you just got it.
We are just doing the best that we can and even though some days are tougher than others, there are also really good days.
Bad days don’t last forever, there will be a new day.
But what we do right now is what will determine how we can shift our mindset to a more positive one that we can carry over into the next day.
With that said, let’s get into how I shake my bad mom days.
5 Ways To Shake Off A Bad Day As A Mom
Take A Deep Breath
The first thing you have to do when trying to shake off a bad day as a mom is to take a deep breath and just call it what it is.
A bad day.
The realization will hit you at some point during the day that it is not getting any better and usually
When this happens, it is time to take a step back and take a deep breath.
When I am frustrated with my daughter who may have been working nerves for the majority of the morning, I will literally close my eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Deep breaths can really help to provide a sense of balance.
Which is exactly what you need within the imbalance of a bad day.
Take those deep breaths and try to remember that these types of days happen and focus on what you can do to make the rest of the day better.
Take A Walk
While on the subject of taking some deep breaths, why not get some fresh air while you are at it.
During those moments when my daughter just seems to be overly bored in the house and starts to get into everything, I know that it is time for a walk.
The fresh air always does us both some good.
Especially with everything going on and the effort we are all making to stay home.
Staying indoors has everyone going a little stir crazy.
We began taking daily walks as a family and I noticed that my daughter was in a much better mood throughout the day.
If taking a walk does your children good, then it will definitely do you some good too.
Turn On Some Music
The next thing to try is turning on some music and jamming out.
Music has always been able to have an effect on my mood.
Whether it’s a sad or happy song, my mood is sure to reflect what I’m listening to.
With this in mind, I can shift my bad mood to a happier one with some tunes.
If the kiddos are awake, we will turn on some Disney songs or kid-friendly songs to have a mini dance party.
Can you really stay sad when you are dancing? Yeah, me neither.
When my kids are asleep or if I just have some alone time, I listen to my favorite songs on Apple Music or on Spotify.
It is really easy to listen to the sad and slower songs when you are feeling down, but at least try to listen to some upbeat ones too.
Call/Facetime A Relative Or Friend
As a stay-at-home mom, these types of days can feel really lonely without my fiancée around to help me.
When you have someone around to help, it makes these types of days that much easier because they can take over when you are needing a break.
So if someone is not there physically, you have to call in some reinforcements.
If you have an iPhone or any kind of device that has a camera with the ability to Facetime another person, then make that call.
If your parents are like my parents, then they will be pumped to Facetime their grandchildren.
I know that my parents would Facetime their granddaughter every day if they could and she is always happy to see them as well.
These phone calls not only distract your kids for a little bit, but they can also provide some much-needed relief.
Our parents raised us when we were this little and they survived those harder days.
Lean into them for advice and support on these days.
You can also call a friend to vent to as well especially if this friend also has kids, so they would be able to relate to what you are saying.
I can guarantee you that you will get off the phone with the realization that it ain’t just my kid that acts up.
I know I always feel better and less like I’m failing in motherhood when I release those bottled-up emotions that I was feeling.
Do Something For Yourself
Lastly, the last way to shake off a bad mom day is by doing something for yourself by engaging in some self-care.
After a long day, it is time to do something for yourself to be able to bounce back for the next day.
Like I mentioned above, you don’t want one bad day to turn into another one.
As a stay-at-home mom, I learned how vital self-care is for my overall wellbeing.
If you don’t do anything else for yourself, make sure you are getting some rest and take a nap during those quiet periods if you must.
Naps always feel like a reset for me and I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle mom-life again.
Your Turn
Alright, now that I have discussed how I like to shake off a bad day as a mom, I want to hear your thoughts. What do you do to turn around bad mom day? It doesn’t even have to be mom-related, just what do you do in general to turn around a bad day. Let me know in the comments and while you are still here, check out my previous blog post below. Until next time!
- Read More: Take Back Control With Positive Self-Talk
Just Jass

Ugh, Bad “Mom” days are the worst! I like these Ideas… I usually have to just lock myself in a room for 5 minutes to calm myself down… Unfortunately for me the only room in my house with a lock on the door is the bathroom…
Jasmyn Wilkins
The bathroom is always a getaway spot in my house too! And I definitely have to lock the door if I don’t want her tagging along with me! I’m glad that you enjoyed these ideas!
Jaya Avendel
I love this! Not all bad days have to stay bad days, and taking a walk is one of the things that relaxes me most. 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
It is one of my favorite things to do as well. I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
These are great tips. Turning on some music can really help to relax. Thanks for sharing.
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! I’m glad that you enjoyed these tips!
Really needed to read this! I had a bad mom day the other day and definitely needed to take a big breather! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Jasmyn Wilkins
You are very welcome! I’m glad that you enjoyed this post!
I’m not a mom yet but I’m trying to start gathering as much information that I can to prepare. This is definitely one to save for a bad day!
Jasmyn Wilkins
Yes! Share and hold on to this for when that time comes! Glad you enjoyed this post!
Great tips! music is always my number one. Creates moods and its my thing
Jasmyn Wilkins
Music is also my go-to as well! Glad you enjoyed these tips!
Good Tips
Jasmyn Wilkins
Thank you! Glad that you enjoyed these tips!
If you got them to bed and they woke up the next day, you did great haha!
Jasmyn Wilkins
I love this comment! This is true mom-life! Hahaha! Glad you enjoyed this post!